This is an awesome photo, but it was taken during the age of blatant animal cruelty and equally blatant disregard for human safety. So which do we prefer, whupping Leo on his nads until he roared on command, or replacing the occasional sound tech because Leo got teste?
I heard that they didn’t actually use a lion roar but a tiger instead cause it was stronger and deeper. Not sure if that is true.
This is an awesome photo, but it was taken during the age of blatant animal cruelty and equally blatant disregard for human safety. So which do we prefer, whupping Leo on his nads until he roared on command, or replacing the occasional sound tech because Leo got teste?
I heard that they didn’t actually use a lion roar but a tiger instead cause it was stronger and deeper. Not sure if that is true.
[Jackie, 1928]( Also, [survived a plane crash](
1957, really? The clothes and equipment look two decades earlier.