They be rapin’ everyone … And the list goes on.
HotBananaa: Even Bieber had a meltdown. Chappelle too. Chappelle has publicly said that Hollywood is a sick sick place and thats why he left, he needed to get right.
Ivan_Johnson: It isn’t only Hollywood, even former US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, CIA/NSA employee Colonel Oliver North, and President Jimmy Carter had the same type of mental breakdown which goes to show you to the gigantic scale and peculiar nature of this underground culture is unfathomable even to men in these high positions.
MahSelectah: The Kanye one is the fishiest. He rails on Hillary and the govt lying and is whisked off to the hospital to get “fixed” that night.
WTF man.
snappyM: Maybe the millions of dollars and the unlimited drugs they can buy.
thecaptainofcrunch: …and were all taken to Ronald Reagan medical center, former home of Louis Jolyon.
PaddyDX: >So go and grab the reporters
So I can smash their recorders
See they’ll confuse us with some bullshit
Like the New World Order
Meanwhile the DEA
Teamed up with the CCA
They tryna lock niggas up
They tryna make new slaves
See that’s that privately owned prison
Get your piece today
I believe Kanye is an MKULTRA victim and the ‘Yeezus’ album is a veiled attack and a display of disobedience against his masters. He comes closest to directly calling them out on the song New Slaves (lyrics). If you ever have a chance to listen to the album, please do. It is nothing like anything has released before. It has a very abrasive minimal noisey sound with Kanye’s vocals being the most aggressive and the most lyrically explicit in his career. It doesn’t make much attempt to be mainstream or ‘sell-able’ save for maybe one song. It had [no cover or disc art]( either. This is around the time things got the most chaotic for him too. Even if you’re not a fan of Kanye or hip hop, it’s an interesting listen at least once and he’ll probably not release anything like it ever again.
Notable tracks – On Sight,
New Slaves,
Black Skinhead,
I Am a God,
Blood on the Leaves
JeanLucPicardAND: It’s called Monarch.
potatosurplus: It also makes me wonder if these kids were groomed from the get-go. And I mean not kids, but babies. Trauma based mind control. Split the personalities young. I’ve also wondered if this is why certain actors are better than others – they were victims and have the ability to shift personalities with ease.
momosalemur: Except you’re making the presumption that mentally sound people spend the hours, months, years pursuing these careers. There could literally be nothing going on in Hollywood and you’d still find these results. Did we ever think Christian bale was Mk ultrad or Johnny Depp with their aggression? No, they’re angry cunts. So why can’t actors and actresses just be breaking down from the psychological damage it requires to constantly ve on, be pleasing, be entertaining, constantly maintain a persona and lifestyle. These people have no freedom. Whether they are targets or not, there would still be people suffering the same effects.
Chasemporter: Sinead O Connor too
darkstar7646: About the same point we admit that, as far as the situation is concerned, they’re nothing more than pieces of meat.
No humanity is supposed to be assigned to them.
Britney’s probably been passed around to so many men, one can only imagine the horrors she’s experienced.
epitive: The public just believes anything the msm tells them.
wildfireonvenus: MkUltra
rantingsofastarseed: Why demand answers when we already know: MK ULTRA.
frankthecrank1: makes me wonder exactly what method(s) they’ve perfected to allow them to control people. My guess is some form of scopolamine alongside some clockwork orange level shit.
IfMyAuntieHadBalls: Charlie Sheen, Marilyn Monroe , Ruby Wax
Marilyn Monroe
Straightfromthe: Mind control, man. The public needs disclosure before they believe anything. It’s coming, give it time.
Kanye will be the story that exposes MK Ultra. Watch. He’s on Trump’s team and when the time is right, he will talk.
BodyShottyy: Chanel west coast. The list goes on
perfect_pickles: its an abusive system, used and abused and cast off.
google up dead actress, the sheer number of aging suicide or murdered actresses is unbelievable.
Hollywood has an insatiable appetite for 18 to 25 year old sexy starlets, but once they start to look a bit past it, then the work ceases. they are not wanted anymore.
as Leftfield said ‘Burn Hollywood burn’
Hypocrosee: Nobody would believe the truth.
stretchdaddy: How would you feel if you were to live under a microscope 24/7? Everything these people did was weighed, watched and measured just so issues would be sold and ads would be bought because of the eyeballs that enjoy and can’t get enough of this nonsense. How do we know so much about this, yet we know next to nothing about how our finance sector really works? This is the fantasy we are sold, it’s all about style and sex, yet none of us have any clue what real government policies are being enacted is the mean time while we eat up this complete horse crap. These people are human, just like you and me. What we really need in this world is a little compassion for our friends, neighbors and people we do even know. Listen to people, ask questions, follow your own moral compass and don’t assume that you’ve got it all figured out.
WarlordBeagle: How about insane job pressure, lots of money, lots of drama, sexual tension, booze, and drugs? Does that work for you?
jroseamoroso: I can only speak about Britney Spears, but after she had her public breakdown she was legitimately surgically lobotomized. I will not say how I know this, but it is 100% a fact, and it was done with the legal consent of her conservator, who was under the direction/duress of her record label which she was still under contract with at the time. It was done as a mechanism of control, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more cases of it. Nobody takes Reddit seriously anymore so I feel comfortable letting this little nugget out into the multiverse since nobody will believe me anyway. Hollywood is so much darker than anyone wants to believe.
Britney Spears
httr_barbarian: you don’t have to be a rock superstar to have breakdowns!
Str1pes: I hope this destroys the idea of “Hollywood”. There is no purpose having a centralised entertainment industry. Divide it up, support companies outside of California.
BoomerX19: I don’t think theres any actual conspiracy here. Years of praise, attention, stupid money, and recreational drug use just seems to lead to this path more often than not. These people don’t control the world or have some special influence over us. Sure people like there songs but having a mental breakdown just fits the bill with the lifestyle and culture these types of people are exposed to.
sparkle108: Psychotropic drugs prescribed to fix minor issues such as mild anxiety depression, also they are prescribed for chronic pain…often have HUGE side effects, and the person is ALWAYS blamed, never the drug…big pharma IS SO EVIL
yessuhnosir: Couldn’t be the public’s massive involvement in their lives, loss of privacy, stress, being put on a impossibly high pedestal, paparazzi following them wherever they go, being analysed for every word that comes out of their mouth /s
moochee22: It’s called fame. Only a few humans are able to handle it.
That_Sweet_Science: DMX. Look closer.
abumubarak: What’s holding you back?
logicblocks: What made you write this today? Did any of the living ones just have a mental breakdown recently?
politicalconspiracie: It’s pretty clear that there are evil people in hollywood who like to take advantage of others.
Should be an open investigation into it all
blueweed908: So what of the overlords like JZ, Madonna, Beyonce etc… They like team leaders or sold their soul?
stevomc33: Just know yeezy season is approaching and i can’t wait for his next masterpiece
Zafocaine: I mean… Some people think more than others. The more thoughtful you are, the more you have going for you (unless you’ve been taken by the hand and shown the world). There’s a comfortable noise level in your head that can intensify with stress, and “the industry” schmucks and tax collectors you have to deal with likely outweigh the benefits of having money. At the end of the day, they still have to create, and keep it relatable. Most people can’t relate to being a genius who’s being drowned by a bunch of hacks with their hands out. Not saying any of those named are genius-level, but I can certainly understand having meltdowns. The conspiracy is that Joe Normal having a breakdown is overlooked in favor of celebrity meltdowns.
bluusunshine: Where was Beyoncé’s meltdown
Renegade2592: Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell..
SouthForkFarming: #spillthebeans
foodcanner: My thoughts on it are nobody is forced to be there. They choose to be in a industry where sexual abuse,and greed has been rampant since the early days. If thats how they want to spend their lives thats their decision.
gaslightlinux: Biggest name Corey Feldman exposed was someone who helped out Bieber early on. Usher also helped Bieber, and is well known for going after teenage boys.
rnrHSdropout: It’s called being a celebrity. Since the dawn of recorded human history people who were regarded as famous figures always lose it at some point. As someone said above they lose touch with their own humanity and humility. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy by any means.
Aye_or_Nay: Dave’s expose’
Compl3t3lyInnocent: There’s really nothing *necessarily* nefarious going on.
These people are in high pressure jobs. While they’re under contract they go from event to event to event to event to sell their brand, music, personality, etc, etc, etc for years at a time almost non-stop.
Lack of sleep, drugs, alcohol, pressure will eventually break down anyone’s psyche until they just flip out.
When most people have a break down they do it in the privacy of their own world surrounded by a few close friends and family that help them through tough times. When performers have a breakdown they do it in full view of the public eye.
coozu: lol why do you pay attention
DoubleDoubleStandard: Lindsey Lohan is a heroin junkie
Lindsey Lohan
hgtufhtfu: Cocain is a hell of a drug
Answered for you
hudson1212: People have breakdowns. Especially when you have a lot of stress riding on you and are constantly in the spotlight. Nothing is going on, people are just acting like people, they aren’t robots
mrshiddleston: drugs
stevomc33: Kanye is my favorite artist and he gets sucha bad rap. This fucking guy is a genius and has inner battles within himself because he knows wtf is going on. All of his albums are his current state of mind and can be all over the place. His latest is gospel-ish at times and he is preaching and their are many times in his music where u can tell he is battling with inner demons. Idk ab all the illuminati claims, the guy has a good heart.
corbs_com: Fentynol is a hell of a drug
caucazoid: Meh, they’re all rich and famous. F*** them.
Remember when molester Matt grilled Corey Feldman about his abuse claims? We do.
cafeRacr: It’s really disgusting the way Feldman has been treated on all of these shows. If he were a woman all of these “reporters” would be slammed for victim blaming. “Why didn’t you report this? Why don’t you name names? Why are you doing this so many years later?” The hypocrisy is staggering.
Torx: Good riddance lauer, may the rest of you clowns disappear in a hole somewhere buried alive.
agarret83: > molester Matt
Is there any evidence he molested anyone? It says he was fired for “inappropriate sexual conduct”. That could mean a lot of things
chilols: Can’t believe there are zero Land of the Lost references in this thread right now.
want_to_join: You all are falling for the real conspiracy here… There is an effort right now to make an argument for the equivalence of pedophilia, rape, and sexual harassment, when they are not equivalent. This post EXEMPLIFIES that false equivalence. Sexual assault is not pedophilia, is not rape. These are different things, and yes some ARE worse than others. obligatory: Wake up, sheeple!
SchizoidDevoid: You know it’s really fucking telling how a guy who’s clearly been raped out of his right mind just shooed away the idea of Michael raping or touching a young boy. The government is fucked up, this whole country is fucked up.
maluminse: Wow. Even if Lauer had done nothing, fuck you Matt Lauer for giving him such a hard time. Imagine if that was a woman. Unbelievable. Poor Corey that sucks. Fuck pedos. And poor Michael Jackson, caught so much shit when he wasn’t even one of the many around him.
_callingUout_: Remeber when child molester Moore bragged about dating teenage girls on live TV, and no one here gave a shit?
wedgethx: I ‘member
ordinary-_-people: Yes, this is why I love the internet. If used correctly it will set us free.
IfMyAuntieHadBalls: He’s always been brave I’m
Glad he spoke out , totally respect
Beatle_Matt: Is Matt Lauer a molester?
awaketolove: Thia is the very FIRST thing I thought of when I heard Matt had been fired. In fact when it happened I “knew” Lauer had to be an abuser. Sometimes it is both gratifying and sad to be a fly on the wall. What is it about the power that twists the souls of these people? Rhetorical.
CamelCash007: I hope Matt gets prison time and just gets butt raped non-stop.
AmericanRiots: Matt “Human Waste” Lauer
-stolen valor
-sexual harasser
-MIC talking head
-wife abuser
Adriansun: Is the collection still on?
lpropper: Does anyone know if more details of Feldman’s campaign/claims r going to be revealed if his indiegogo thing doesn’t accumulate the money?
180secondideas: That dude is such a **little tin weasel peckerwood looney’s son**.
mr__bad: Can the statute of limitations laws be changed in California. Seems to be a pretty convenient situation for pedophiles. With Harvey Weinstein, we’ve seen how powerful people can have people silenced/ignored for decades. So, it’s no wonder why these pedophiles in these powerful positions would want the statute of limitations to be as short as possible. This is a fucked up situation!!
NectarCollecting: Megyn is going to take over Lauers spot.
dirtymasters: The problem is centralization of power in individuals.
SeanMcGinger: Didn’t Matt get canned for Sexual Harassment, not molesting?
Brasm0nky: Matt is a molester now?
Whaddaya Say?