The consequences of refusing tio stop smoking when asked at gas station…
Douche Refuses To Stop Smoking At The Gas Station, Doesn’t Expect What’s About To Come
A few weeks ago we made a funny post about rules and the people who intentionally broke them. There are some rules however, that are there for good reason and if you do break them, by Jove there will be consequences.
And so we come to the gas station. Highly flammable liquids and gasses. Seems pretty logical to refrain from smoking right? Not for this douchebag, he‘ll smoke where he likes, thank you very much. Isn’t somebody going to put him in his place? Where are the gas station attendants? Somebody do something about this arrogant rogue!
Enter the hero of the day, a gas station employee has spotted the danger and is on the case. Watch the video below and see how he deals with the smug smoker, it’ll have you in stitches! And remember kids, smoking is bad, m’kay?
MatheusGodoy: Technically the attendant put out a very small fire with a proper tool.
sannydo: but his hat said “DOPE” tho
Ungodlydemon: I’m glad I got to see this after the short clip from r/gifs. I wanted to see how this ended and I’m happy to see the attendant didn’t take shit from anyone in that car.
mickcube: oi bruv youve only gone and got fizzy foamy all over me trainers
kyfto: Yup this shit drives me nuts at work. I shut their pumps off immediately if I see it. Same thing when they get back in their car or walk away from the pump while its dispensing. I value my life and don’t feel like being blown up today.
croixian1: That was so satisfying to watch.
SuperMarioChess: Im not going to get into the “can a cigarette ignite fuel vapor” debate but i will say this.. there are probably no smoking signs. Smoker should have just done as asked.
Edit: “im not going to get into the debate”….. Every reply is about that. You are all missing my point. 🙂
Even if he is just eating an icecream cone. He was asked to stop by the proprietor and didnt, justice ensued.
[deleted]: The autoignition temperature of gasoline is 260°C. The temperature of a lit cigarette is 900°C during puffs and 400°C between puffs. For all you douches with your dicks out for this guy with the cigarette, that means that it is physically possible to start a massive fire like that.
Nackles: Just…don’t fuck with potential fire. Just don’t. I accidentally got my front covered in gasoline once–I was afraid to even touch the roof of the car to go home, lest there be some static electricity and I get barbecued. People should fear fire.
I put this in the category of “However slim the chance is that it could happen, if it does the damage could be huge.” Not worth the risk, especially for something you will be able to get back to in just a few minutes.
mrnailed: All the guys coming out of the car look like grade A douchebags.
Moyer1666: I don’t know why he thought it was a good idea to be smoking at the gas station anyway. Hell, why it was even a good idea to smoke at all.
StrangerSin: That posture is a telltale sign of a 100% certified wanker
RyanBordello: I’ve got this long drawn out joke that has a terrible punchline involving me watching someone pump gas while smoking and then their arm catches on fire. I wave down a CHP that was driving by and he immediately shoots her in the head. I’m freaked out and ask why he did that.
At this point, you should have a good group of people listening to your story of watching someone get shot in the head and then you drop it….
He told me he shot the smoker because he had a fire arm.
If you drag it on long enough, the groans and blank stares for wasting people’s time with such a lame joke is so worth it
coolfusion151: Mythbusters proved a smoke won’t start a gas fire..has to be a hotter spark
Jacob199651: As a former gas station attendant, I have a few things to say. Firstly, the danger of someone smoking isn’t that they’ll light the gas fumes, you really can’t with just a cigarette. The danger is that you can light other flammable things, or spilled gas around the pumps. A coworker of mine had to put out too many trash fires from idiots than anyone should be expected to, you really can’t underestimate the limits of human stupidity. Second, people smoke at gas pumps ALL the time. I might be projecting, but I imagine this was more an act of frustration than principle. Finally, remember how I said people are idiots? I’m much more afraid of people putting out cigarettes than I am of them smoking them. there’s not really a safe place to put out cigarettes at a gas station, and you need some basic awareness to put it out safely, which you probably don’t have if you are smoking at a gas station. So it’s really a lose-lose situation either way.
Of course, this is just my experience as a gas station attendant, someone who works more directly with fuel is probably a better resource.
BF1shY: The gas attendant just wanted to up-sell him on their vacuum service.
dafones: It really would be a different world if everyone had to earn their own money and couldn’t rely on family wealth.
Human_Ballistics_Gel: If it was an ABC fire extinguisher that car was just totaled.
The powder in that stuff is horrendous to clean up, by design it isn’t affected by liquids. (meaning you can’t use a wet rag to wipe it up nor can you shampoo out of carpet)
I’ve tried to clean it with a shop vac, and it just cakes up in the hose, and instancloggs the filter.
It’s also highly corrosive, so any electronics in the car are now properly fucked.
If the AC was on, that whole system is fucked in addition to the interior and any unsealed electronics.
An ABC fire extinguisher is a lot like a controlled burn in fire fighting. Pretty much destroys to prevent the fire from spreading.
Guy was a douche, yes, agreed… but I’m not sure that justifies destroying his car.
PhilLucifer: Mirror?
jesushatedbacon: He looks more like a vaper type. that would be a good plot twist, if he was vaping.
Crash15: Someone point out the pixels of the cigarette because I can’t see shit
Doschupacabras: ♡
Teknikal69: Was expecting to lots of fire, then thought at least there is going to be a punch thrown leaving a little disappointed.
donutphilosophy: His hat says “dope” so fuck him
GarethPW: Why are these people allowed on the road?
adamflys11000: Work at a gas station/grocery combo, yearly training videos will always have a recent, example of someone either staring a fire or even worse from smoking at the pump. Shit’s scary how fast it catches fire.
Dasgud: I had to literally stop popping gas and leave the station because some douche decided to bring his evape out and puff away like a moronic dragon while he was pumping gas.
imthebest33333333: The other day at the station, the guard kept repeating a warning about riding bicycles on the platform because some douchebag wouldn’t stop riding back and forth near the edge. I felt like pushing him onto the tracks.
Havok-303: The temperature of a lit cigarette is way below the flashpoint of petrol/gasoline, but lighting the cigarette is a whole new ball game.
methshin: A lit cigarette cannot light fumes in that sort of environment…
Source: G2, OBT2, PM3, PMH
EDIT: you downvoters are hilarious. You are literally arguing with someone with a license to work on and with gas, oil, propane, and liquid petroleum.
DoctorFreeman: That’s way overkill, he wasn’t even pumping.. i guess folks didn’t see mythbusters when they couldn’t even light gas with a cig when they wanted to
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