LEAKED footage of trump-putin meeting
- Incoherent, authoritarian, uninformed: Trump’s New York Times interview is a scary read (vox.com)
- Trump brings up “collusion” 16 times in 30 minutes in ‘New York Times’ interview (newsweek.com)
- Trump’s ‘No collusion!’ cry is getting increasingly desperate (washingtonpost.com)
- Sen. Rubio backs Mueller, wants probe to continue (thehill.com)
- Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, ‘it’s not a crime’ (thehill.com)
Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, ‘it’s not a crime’
The farce.
Why do so many Republicans hate college? “Because authoritarianism requires mass obedience, and knowledge is the greatest weapon of the oppressed.”
Even Hitler was less biased than Donald Trump
What atheists say: –
“Religion was invented to control the population.” “And also to keep the poor from killing the rich.”
“I’m beginnig to think the bible was written by a group of men with intent on controlling population, and supressing class dissent.”
- Rubio: GOP tax bill ‘probably went too far’ to help corporations (thehill.com)
- Donald Trump still ‘definitely involved’ in business empire despite US President’ s assurances, says senior employee (independent.co.uk)
“Now that the US is run by corrupt oligarchs as well, shouldn’t the rest of the world be sanctioning us?”
The Bizarro President
- China says “this is not how a U.S. president should behave” after Trump tweet (newsweek.com)
- Trump fires all members of HIV/AIDS council without explanation (washingtonblade.com)
- Planned Parenthood unveils ‘My Body, My Choice’ license plate (omaha.com)
This … we gotta ask Trump if it makes sense?
[On breaking into a free condom machine]”If the condoms he took saves him from contracting practically any STI, then the overall indirect long term benefit to the economy will more than pay for the cost of putting a new door on that vending machine.”
Savage takedown of Trump’s latest tweet on Climate Change.
But, but, but …
NINE YEARS AGO… Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Completely Ice Free by Today
Treanwreck: Now we just need to find out if manbearpig is real
42O2: Considering there are now Cruise Ships navigating the Northwest Passage, I’d say he’s not too far off.
delusionallogic66: Over hundreds of years the Arctic and Antarctica ice sheets switch. Arctic ice recedes while Antarctica’s ice sheet expands. Intertwines with pole shift and earth wobble. Antarctica’s ice sheet has been increasing. The facts climate change believers leave out.
Earthboun41: If only this would happen, at this point i would welcome the Apocalypse
42O2: Some news on the Northwest Passage that you all can call fake:
Northwest Passage clear of ice again in 2016
Author: Tom Di Liberto
September 16, 2016
For the last several decades, Earth has had a fever, and it has been spiking in recent years. Nowhere has this been clearer than across the Arctic, where annual average temperature has been warming at twice the rate of lower latitudes. As a result, sea ice has become a dwindling commodity in the far north frequently exposing the southern path through the Northwest Passage—the oft-talked about ship route from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the Canadian Arctic.
Earliest Crossing of the Northwest Passage Ever
The Finnish icebreaker MSV Nordica just set a new record, sailing through the Northwest Passage above North America earlier than ever before. It took 24 days at sea to travel the 6,215 miles (10,000 kilometers) from Alaska to Greenland, arriving on July 29. Arctic sea ice has been melting sooner every year, opening the route earlier and for a longer time each summer.
mainliningfbs: So he is slightly off. He should have said +/- a few years.
CloudsHideNibiru: Poleshift is still on, folks. Anyone who watches the rising and setting of the sun can see that our geographic poles are indeed shifting. Our sun has been out of place for years.
Russian media is telling its citizens that climate change is being caused by a shift in earth’s axis. Which is true.
Whaddaya Say?