Proof that googly eyes make everything better. Even Trump.
Not a “Trump supporter” in any sense of the word nor does this have anything to do about Hillary so if you respond with anything about me supporting Trump or a weak strawman deflection about Hillary, Fox News, or anything else you have successfully pointed out to everyone that either you did not read this post or you do not have the critical thinking skills to analyze and respond coherently.
That said there seems to be a clear Cognitive Dissonance about Trump by much of the media. To be clear I am not arguing anything about the validity of these claims just repeating what I have seen popular opinion become from “credible” news sources and what many people actually believe.
One the one hand there is this narrative that “Trump is a orange buffoon and doesn’t have the IQ to be in office”, yet on the other hand you have the narrative that, “Trump is this corrupt mastermind who not only managed to secretly collude with Russia and WikiLeaks to cheat his way to the election just to get him and his friends more rich, but also was able to convince millions of people he was there savior.”
How can you reconcile these seemingly conflicting views. I have heard people say that “Putin is using Trump” but that makes even less sense especially now with the Ukraine and Iran situation going on both against Russia unless you are willing to believe that Trump is “trying not to make it obvious” which again goes against the narrative that he is an orange buffoon and actually ironically enough goes along with t_ds “4d chess”.
The biggest problem with this cognitive dissonance is the fact that many users come on to this sub claiming that we are “crazy Trump supporters following only right wing theories” yet ironically enough what they believe is an arguably even more insane conspiracy theory which they believe not because of evidence to support it but because of both who it comes from and because it validates there “team”.
The irony is outrageous.
Yeah, it’s called an investigation…
SenegaleseBallot: Ctiticize me all you want but I think Trump and MSM are two faces of the same coin.
They’re just playing a part… the media, celebs, etc., are all there pointing fingers against the President and screaming how horrible he is (and he actually is) but they’re both on the same side and guess what? It ain’t ours. TPTB are just giving us the illusion of choice, pitting us against each other while they can reap their fat profits in peace, out of sight.
Whoever gets elected – they win. They always do.
iamseano: >One the one hand there is this narrative that “Trump is a orange buffoon and doesn’t have the IQ to be in office”, yet on the other hand you have the narrative that, “Trump is this corrupt mastermind who not only managed to secretly collude with Russia and WikiLeaks to cheat his way to the election just to get him and his friends more rich, but also was able to convince millions of people he was there savior.”
I don’t think I’ve ever heard Trump critics accuse him of being a mastermind. Many legitimately are speculating on whether or not he has early stage dementia. All that “15D Chess” stuff comes from Trump supporters.
As far as convincing people… that’s because Trump is a symptom, not the disease. He ran with a healthcare plan that was “something great” and a “secret plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days.” He also was just outed for running a fake school to rob people of their savings. If that’s a bandwagon people wanted to get on, that’s on them.
Troubled Times
Ninjakick666: My favorite form of illogical bitching is when they complain about how badly he’s ruining the world and at the same time bitch about him playing so much golf. Like… if ya really think he’s f–king up the whole planet playing president then you should be overjoyed that he is wasting so much time playing golfer… every day on the green is one day he isn’t writing up EOs or f–king up foreign policy.
Perfectly summarized
tanmanlando: Because you can be a loud obnoxious dumbass in some areas and still be smart enough to succeed in others. He can be dumb as a rock regarding science, history,the English language, how to dress, and common decency. Yet hes very media saavy, he knows how to play a room,he was even entertaining on the Apprentice, and was smart enough to tap into an untapped market of voters in disenfranchised white males. Dumb people commit crimes too.
freesp33chisstilldea: You sound like a closeted trumpet.
MarloJenkins: I don’t see anybody calling him a criminal mastermind. If anything, the reason his campaign staff got caught was by being stupid. The reason people think he obstructed justice is because he admitted that he fired Comey because of “this whole Russia thing.” He also tweeted out that they fired Flynn because he lied to the FBI, accidentally admitting that they knew he was in trouble when he fired Comey. They had to blame that one on his lawyer and pretend he sent out that tweet, as if he stole Trumps phone from.him for 5 minutes.
All this happened because he’s a f–kin dumb ass. Not because he’s a criminal mastermind. He also probably didn’t realize it was a big deal to get dirt on Hillary from Russian hackers. Again, not very smart.
The Inner Id of America
MR902100: We’ve gotten to a point where CNN is hiding in the bushes to watch him golf, then spending time complaining about a van blocking their view. We’re beyond cognitive dissonance.
Time to find out
chastenruin: Here, let’s unify the narrative: Trump is an orange buffoon that allowed himself to be compromised by Russian interests long, long ago because it made him wealthy to do so. His election was the result a well orchestrated campaign that divided and conquered the electorate through divisive issues and bombastic rhetoric that constantly dominated the news.
We have clear evidence Trump’s campaign was meeting with Russia prior to the election. We have evidence Trump wanted to develop property in Russia prior to running. We have evidence Trump has had multiple Russian investors in projects for over 20 years. We have direct evidence from Trump’s son that they met with Russians to collude on the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton in an effort to win the election and the evidence he posted on Twitter.
The cognitive dissonance is knowing all these facts, on top of knowing his litigious behavior, his narcissism, his pride, his own admission on tape of sexually harassing women, his 19,000+ lawsuits, his settlements for millions out of court to settle lawsuits of fraud, his stiffing of vendors, his verbal abuse of his subordinates and his authoritarian tendencies and still elected him President and think he cares about anyone other than himself.
This guy makes more off the US government vacationing at his own properties than he gets in salary. He’s managed to monetize campaigning and being President. He’s as corrupt as the day is long.
Old but relevant right now…
Drooperdoo: The Putin-was-rooting-for-Trump narrative never made any sense for one profound reason: The Soviet Union was brought down by collapsing the price of oil. Reagan negotiated a deal with OPEC to artificially depress the spot-price of crude oil, and the USSR–being overly reliant on this commodity–was destabilized and collapsed.
I was watching a Russian analyst talk about it. He said that the “arms race” tactic of collapsing the USSR was a myth. It wasn’t weapons that made them implode; it was the collapse of oil prices.
Right now, Putin (who lived through the Soviet collapse) is fighting to stop fracking because it’s destroying the price of oil.
There was an article about how all the anti-fracking propaganda in the US was coming from Putin-funded front companies. See a Newsweek article on it:
So Putin would never, ever, *ever* be for the pro-fracking candidate [Donald Trump].
He would tactically *have* to be for there anti-fracking candidate [Hillary Clinton]. See a Hillary Clinton anti-fracking ad:
So let’s analyze this objectively: You had one candidate who had a history of trying to buddy up to Russia. (That’s what the whole “Russian Re-Set” thing was.) While the Republicans were saying that Russia was still dangerous, Barack Obama and the DNC were saying, “The 80s called; they want their foreign policy back”. So the Democrats were far closer to Russia than the Republicans were. Obama and Hillary Clinton signed off on giving Putin 20% of America’s uranium stockpile (after which Hillary received $145 million in kickbacks to her Foundation). Hillary then brags about being allowed into Putin’s inner sanctum: And her chief of staff [John Podesta’s company] was a literal lobbyist for the Kremlin throughout the election.
At no point is Putin closer to Trump than to Hillary.
He *owns* Hillary.
He’s bribed her, has blackmail material on her, has her emails (taking other bribes) and has her willing compliance to turn over America’s uranium to Russia.
Why would he want Trump when he already had a well-developed asset *inside* the US government?
Trump (never having been in politics) was harder to control. Putin didn’t have a well-developed control-file on him (like he did for Hillary).
Why start from scratch and have to go back to zero . . . especially with a pro-fracking guy whose entire policy would hurt Russia?
He already *had* a willing anti-fracking puppet.
* Footnote: And this gets into another instance of media cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, Trump is Hitler because he’s a nationalist who refuses to put any country before America. But then, in the next breath, he’s NOT putting America first; he’s putting Russia first. And he’s Putin’s puppet. So which is it? Is he Hitler because he’s a nationalist, or is he anti-Hitler because he’s NOT a nationalist? Why are we supposed to hate him again? (Give us a logical coherent reason. Not one that’s self-contradictory.) “He’s the evil nationalist who . . . puts other countries first?” Media, you can’t have it both ways. Pick one coherent narrative and stick with it.
Red-Vagabond: I think the idea is to cultivate a sense of weakness and confusion in order to fracture the USA. Many interests want to turn that country in on itself, which would lead to the final consolidation of power.
The State of the Union address is only a few weeks away ?
jessebee2: There are plenty of other narratives in between the two main ones you point out or more nuanced ones similar to them. I’m not sure, assuming there was collusion with the Russians, that Trump necessarily was an active “mastermind” in it. He could have encouraged others or known about it and done little or nothing to prevent it. I do think he’s a buffoon, but at the same time, more as a personality thing than an indication of some kind of lower intelligence. He’s masterful at running distraction and the MSM takes the bait almost every time.
Accurate af
tunamctuna: Hm I think you’re misunderstanding what they’re saying. Trump isn’t a very smart individual. I think that’s pretty much mutually agreed upon by everyone besides his 30%.
Trump and the people he surrounded himself with tried to use Russia to aid his election chances very sloppily . He wasn’t the one who ordered Russia to hack the dnc nor did Russia care if he won or not. They were trying to cause chaos in America and weaken our democracy and ended up getting the perfect president for that which was just icing on the cake for them.
The reason the investigation into trump is even happening is he’s not a smart guy and doesn’t understand what is against the rules. At this point we know he knew about the Russian hack before Wikileaks’s leaked anything. All he had to do was stay away from the situation but he couldn’t because he thinks he’s above the law and smarter then everyone else and now he’s under investigation for conspiracy with a foreign nation to undermine an election.
I honestly don’t even think he wanted to win. It’s way more work to be President then he wants to do. I’d guess he wanted to use the election to boost his brand and then use that to open Trump media/tv and make a killing off of his 30%. Now his brands are losing money and credibility. His name is being dragged through the mud everyday and he might be impeached on basically charges of treason because he surrounded himself with idiots that wouldn’t stand up to him.
I do think the media coverage of his every move is getting silly. Just like I thought Fox News was with Obama. Obama can wear a tan suit and Donald can eat all the McDonald’s he wants. Not sure how any of that’s news. But I guess it gets viewers and that’s all that matters to some.
“A leader is someone who leads, so we’ll have to take what we can get.” ![](
Cracksabbath69: Stop listening to the media
colordrops: On a similar note, was drives me up the wall is that there is so much truthful things you could say about Trump that make him look really bad, and yet the mainstream media still insists on spreading lies about him. I’m convinced it’s an intentional technique to confuse and divide people.
Probably has multiple accounts as well
jerkedit: What you’re describing is postmodern neo-marxism. It’s about the destruction of any and all standards, and anything that doesn’t represent the whole and the individual at the same time, which is why it ends up always being a self-destructive illogical but highly emotional mess. And it goes beyond Trump, into all the other SJW areas.
melokobeai: To be fair it’s been the same way for the last two Presidents. The Tea Party argued that Obama was a buffoon who embarrassed America daily and was elected because of his race rather than merit, while simultaneously claiming that he made calculated decisions to push a NWO, anti-American agenda. Bush was apparently the dumbest man to ever be elected to any government position, yet helped engineer the greatest terrorist attack/government coverup in history.
mentionbeinglawyer: Literally the only people who think that Trump is a mastermind are Trump supporters.
When a Utah school fires a teacher for showing 6th graders nude renaissance art from the school library
Quotes From Internet
“Trump has been ignoring the movement UNTIL women removing their hijabs became a symbol of protest.”
On Mike Cernovich “The gorilla lifestyle he promotes supports men being able to rape women whenever they want basically. The fact that you publicly defend him is damning evidence that you’re actually a f–kin creep”
“Operation Condor gave us more human right violations that anything communists may have ever done”
“Fascism stresses the value of the state over the value of the individual, while communism favors the individual over the state.”
“Jesus preached in helping your fellow man, and taking from the rich to help the poor. If these people actually believed in Jesus, instead of their own ignorant and self centered prejudices masking as faith, we’d all be much better off for it.”
“For every Stalin there was a Pinochet with his Chicago Boys,it just happened that Chile was smaller than the USSR, and therefore less people were killed.”
“…These people are being actively brainwashed through targeted political advertising. Counter it with factual conversations. For the sake of our country, … counter the rhetoric they are being fed with verifiable facts and morally poignant narratives. We must fight the lie machine.”
“Okay symbol” found in White House photograph. “It’s almost like we’re living in a comic book-style dystopia. We actually have the Nazis RUNNING the United States, and there’s no Superman to help us!“
“The cool thing about the future is we have evidence about which people are a cancer actively attacking the American people, so we know to put McTurtle and Co. in the guillotine but maybe not your misled fox News grandma.”
“Well we voted for Hope and Change TWICE but turned out that guy was basically a Republican…”
Whaddaya Say?