PILLUPIERU: Location: Mabuhay Las Piñas, Leyte Island, Philippines. 7 November 1944. Image taken by Stanley Troutman.
JK_1994tax: Is that Matt Damon?
BoinkBoinkEtAliae: This is terrifying when you consider how many throats she had to chop to perfect her skill set
rangerscoop: My dad was stationed in the Philippines in 1946. One day he was waiting in line to eat in the mess hall, when a Japanese soldier came into camp to surrender. One of the Philippino workers saw him, got up, and chopped the guy up with one of those knives. Dad said he decided to skip lunch that day.
Awsdefrth: Can you imagine the scenario. “Hello big boy. I just love a man in a uniform. And with such beautiful hair. Can I touch it?” “Hell Yeah!” “Wow. Soft.” Thwack!
airborneleaf: You can’t kill people with a knife silently, certainly not walking up to them from the front and going at their neck. This is just made up bullshit. Real life isn’t a movie.
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