WeaponizedGravy: Right now, Nancy, a high school educated soccer Mom, watching daytime soap operas, is “learning” about the evils of vaccines. In 15 minutes she will begin a fresh round of a Facebook anti-vaccine propaganda campaign. She will tag all her “friends” and shake her head at the ones bold enough to refute her.
Commander_rEAper: The patient in this picture was not affacted by the newly developed vaccine, since it’s prophylactic. The patient in the picture already had developed late forms of paralytic polio, affecting his ability to breathe.
It really shows how far modern medicine has come, since it is estimated that the polio virus will be the second disease completely eradicated (after smallpox) by next year.
[Here is another picture of sick children in a hospital in a room full of iron lungs taken in 1944 during the American pandemic.](https://usercontent2.hubstatic.com/5345449_f1024.jpg)
UWCG: I love the triumphant look on the nurse’s face: she really looks like someone who cares about taking care of others and is passionate about her job, ecstatic about all the people this vaccine will help.
Whaddaya Say?