Casino robber is shot in the head by an armed guy he was rousting
It was a case of kill or be killed.
This was Constable Rory Manmohan’s take on him firing at an armed bandit who had held him and a woman hostage during a hold-up at an Arima casino on Thursday evening.
Manmohan who works in the Court and Process Branch and is assigned to the Tunapuna Police Station was yesterday hailed a hero by colleagues for single-handedly thwarting the robbery and preventing bloodshed on innocent people. Manmohan, a police for the past 29 years, said he was off-duty at the time and gambling at the electronic roulette machine inside the Happy Lime Casino at Gordon and Broadway in Arima.
As the female casino room attendant Feng Qi was walking towards him to give him $200 as part of his winnings, bandit Leshon Villafana, 21, of Foster Road, Sangre Grande entered the casino, announced a hold-up and grabbed both him and Qi. Manmohan said as the bandit was taking them toward the cashier’s cage, he pulled out his licensed firearm and shot Villafana in the head.
According to the officer everything happened so quickly that he only reacted to the imminent threat of death facing him and Qi. “I had to do something and do it quickly. Uppermost in my mind was saving the life of the Casino attendant and others,” Manmohan said. Asked if the shooting had left him traumatised, Manmohan said this was not the first time he confronted death.
Constable Rory Manmohan
He recalled that back in 2005, following a high speed chase of a car bandit, he shot dead Marvin Gordon of Sangre Grande. “Being a police officer in these challenging times, every aspect of training has to be put into action and on Thursday, I had to protect myself and others around me. I did what I thought I needed to do.”
During the interview, Manmohan said he had a bad headache and was at home resting yesterday, but will be back out to work on Monday. After the shooting, a report was made to the Arima Police and officers led by Senior Superintendent Michael Daniel along with Superintendent Sheldon David, ASP Mervyn Edwards and Inspector Nigel Birch visited the scene along with a District Medical Officer and Homicide officers. Social media was ablaze with comments – most praising the policeman – after CCTV video footage showing the incident, was uploaded. “It damn good, he look for dat… who tell him to pick up gun and rob people,” one social media user opined. “If was your mother or wife he put a gun too would you still be defending him,” another user asked in response to one person who felt sorrow that Villafana was killed. Another Facebook user went so far as to call for Manmohan to be given a National Award for gallantry.
Police were able to identify Villafana by way of his TT Identification Car which was in his pants pocket. The owner of the Casino, PC Manmohan as well as others, were interviewed by investigators. An autopsy done yesterday at the Forensic Science Centre in St James confirmed that Villafana died after being shot once in the head at point blank range.
boppitybloop: That has not gotta be good for that lady’s ears.
phillyhandroll: Staying calm, not arousing suspicion to having his own gun, this guy is either a natural or had proper concealed carry training.
MSica: That’s going to leave a mark.
Kev42o4o8: Let me guessssss
Off duty cop in Brazil?
datakeep: No one suspects a gun in a man purse
reddaddiction: Damn, that was smooth.
ScubaSteveForever: wow first actual justice served I’ve seen on this sub in a while.
CloroxSoftDrink: Guess he wont try that again
PlatypusMadness: “Pow! Right in the kissa!”
ZeroMasters: Give that man a cookie and some free spins!
Give that woman some free visits to an ENT lol.
In all seriousness though in these countries robbers don’t piss around like they often do in the U.S. They are quick to just kill if things even go south a tiny bit. The guy ensured the best outcome.
pazzmat: Off-duty cop; “Normally, I get paid to do this, but for you I’ll do it for free.”
Madauras: If you see a grown ass man with a fanny pack or small purse he is most likely carrying, and is enough of a badass to be secure wearing a fanny pack. Don’t f**k with them.
ComradeOfSwadia: Usually, the casino is the one robbing you
madonnac: Villafana died after being shot once in the head at point blank range. (Now that’s what I cal justice Vol 1)
keyonte0: Not that I have sympathy for the robber, but I don’t think you people understand what the word “justice” means.
jokoon: Itt Americans celebrating superhero style capital punishment in the name of self defense because guns hell yeah!
audible_dog_fart: good thing casinos in the US are gun free zones
willholli: I love the people that are *totally not right wingers from T_D* commenting like this is ‘the type of training all conceal carry permit holders get’. And I’m amazed that they can type with such a huge throbbing erection watching “a good guy with a gun, yada, yada…”
Srsterlover: He Dindu Nuffin
dnap123: wow that guy is a f**king rockstar. i would NOT be able to do this… He just nailed it on the first try. super impressive
Miceli123: He just happened to take a hostage who was carrying a concealed weapon? Not that he didn’t bring it on himself, but what are the odds?
Gothiks: Live by the sword…
chefjoshie: But did she die!?!?!?!?
Sect-Camp: Was that guy carrying his gun in a man purse?
alexeihb89: Did he just pulled a gun out of his fanny pack?
shakingthings: I-is he dead?
Sombrero_kid69: What a gangster
warpfield: looks like he put it all on deep six
Bigpiganddig: Another win for Trump
I_m_High: Someone just got a free buffet.
scaffelpike: Soooo what happens in this situation? Is that guy in trouble for killing someone or is it self defense?
Here is another incident …
Armed Thug Shot by Customer During Robbery – His Family’s Response is Unbelievable
This story illustrates the “thug culture” in nutshell: Blacks excusing criminal behavior perpetuates the cycle of violence.
It is why 93% of murdered Blacks are killed by other Blacks. And why a Ferguson thug who robbed a store and assaulted a cop was ridiculously held up as some kind of civil rights hero.
Exhibit A this week is Adric White, who was shot by a concealed carry customer while robbing a Dollar General in Mobile, Alabama — his second armed robbery in just two months.
But his family wasn’t mad at him for his criminal behavior. Instead, they were furious at the Good Samaritan who shot him!
According to Fox 10:
The Good Samaritan, who we are not identifying, told FOX10 News he was shopping at the Family Dollar on Stanton road when he noticed a masked gunman leading one of the employees to the front of the store. “He had the gun to his head. He had him on his knees,” said the man. “I drew my gun on him and I said ‘Hey don’t move.’ At that point he swung around and before he had a chance to aim the gun at me, I fired. I didn’t want to shoot him.”
The hero rushed into action, reluctantly, but clearly saved lives in the process. White was rushed to a nearby hospital and treated for his wounds.
But White’s family is supporting this dangerous thug, saying he was shot “unnecessarily.”
White’s sister told Fox 10:
“If his (the customer) life was not in danger, if no one had a gun up to him, if no one pointed a gun at him – what gives him the right to think that it’s okay to just shoot someone? You should have just left the store and went wherever you had to go in your car or whatever.”
Absolutely vile, but typical of the “thug culture.” Michael Brown’s Mom — herself a thug who is facing robbery and felony assault charges — has declared that her son was a “Gentle Giant” who did nothing wrong, no matter how many witnesses or surveillance videos say otherwise.
Typical of a Black community which tells Black victims of crime not to tell the police: “Snitches Get Stitches,” they warn. And so murderers and rapists stay free to commit more crimes.
And instead of a president who might step into the breach and denounce this, we have one who actually encourages it.
Whaddaya Say?