Video shows deputies dealing with allegedly drunk Washtenaw County lieutenant
Washtenaw County Lt. Brian Filipiakon administrative leave
ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Video captured two Montmorency County sheriff’s deputies dealing with a Washtenaw County lieutenant who is accused of drunken driving.
Washtenaw County Lt. Brian Filipiak is on an administrative leave as the investigation continues.
Video shows Filipiak repeatedly asking to just be let go, but the Montmorency deputies weren’t having it, and at one point, told him they would use a stun gun on him if he didn’t knock it off.
“Brian, I’m going to have you step out of the car and do some field sobriety tests,” an officer said.
Filipiak was pulled over after deputies said they saw his car weave all over the road.
“Just let me stay here,” Filipiak said.
He pleaded with the deputies to let him sleep it off on the side of the road, repeatedly refusing to budge from his truck.
The deputy told him he had to get out of the truck now, but Filipiak continued to refuse the orders and forced the deputies to pull him from his pickup truck.
thewholedamnplanet: > Which qualifies as super-drunk.
Said the reporter, I like to think the breathalyzer has a scale that goes from “Sober to drunk to super-drunk to ludicrous drunk”
SpectreFire: Not really justice. If you watched the whole video, they gave him far more chances and leeway than they would’ve given anyone without a badge.
The cop was still given every possible courtesy and hand holding treatment outside of being allowed to break the law.
If you or I were driving drunk, a cop wouldn’t spend 10+ minutes politely pleading with us to exit the vehicle. We would’ve been yanked out the first second we say no.
Whaddaya Say?