Rabbis march on the American Capitol calling for Allied intervention to prevent the destruction of European Jewry, in Washington, United States; 1943 [473×473]
^(I’m a bot that colorizes black and white photos.)
Wow, I never knew that this event took place. This is a really powerful image. I was just on the phone with my 92 year old grandmother talking WWll history and learned that we (USA) actually turned away an entire ship of Jews seeking asylum during that awful mark on human history. She can remember it vividly and she also told me that the notion Americans didn’t know of the death camps and the horrors taking place was utter bullshit. American citizens obviously didn’t know everything, but knew enough to impart a demand for action. It just continues to amaze me how part and parcel we’ve been to genocide over the course of our history when the resources to help were readily available. I know it’s easy to sit here and be an armchair governing body and that human history is a cold dark place, but it’s just terribly sad to think of the lives needlessly lost due to contempt, greed and ulterior motive. I am continually haunted by the image of that Jewish woman running for her life in the Ukraine during the programs on this sub. It kills me to think about it… truly sickening. I suppose these images are necessary to keep on the forefront of our minds the fact that evil can and will return again. I hope we have the meddle to send it back from where it came if our time on this earth requires us to stand up and facilitate appropriate action.
This image appears to be black and white. Here’s a colored version I came up with https://i.imgur.com/hNuJ5eh.jpg
^(I’m a bot that colorizes black and white photos.)
Wow, I never knew that this event took place. This is a really powerful image. I was just on the phone with my 92 year old grandmother talking WWll history and learned that we (USA) actually turned away an entire ship of Jews seeking asylum during that awful mark on human history. She can remember it vividly and she also told me that the notion Americans didn’t know of the death camps and the horrors taking place was utter bullshit. American citizens obviously didn’t know everything, but knew enough to impart a demand for action. It just continues to amaze me how part and parcel we’ve been to genocide over the course of our history when the resources to help were readily available. I know it’s easy to sit here and be an armchair governing body and that human history is a cold dark place, but it’s just terribly sad to think of the lives needlessly lost due to contempt, greed and ulterior motive. I am continually haunted by the image of that Jewish woman running for her life in the Ukraine during the programs on this sub. It kills me to think about it… truly sickening. I suppose these images are necessary to keep on the forefront of our minds the fact that evil can and will return again. I hope we have the meddle to send it back from where it came if our time on this earth requires us to stand up and facilitate appropriate action.