When people try to evoke Christian ideology in this sub or anywhere else, remember this quote. “Satanic” rituals aren’t killing us and keeping us oppressed. “Financial” rituals are.
ixexexekal: Spotted the satanist. /s
Justsaguy12345: Yeah or it keeps them from being targets of the real world. Like what happened to Jesus. Do you think Christianity would have spread andbbecqme powerful if all Jesus’ followers mirrored his actions?
haveyouseenmymarble: Religion is the opiate of the masses, but it’s also 50 other things, as Jordan Peterson might say.
There’s a massive rift between the words of Christ (fictional or not) and the dogma of the Catholic Church. The former are teachings of liberation, the latter of oppression.
The church, in my view, is a limited hangout for true spirituality ( which is not exclusive to Christ’s teachings).
notsarasolo: It’s also excellent for keeping the birth rates high and preventing your society from becoming conquered by invaders. Name one other point in western history where we would’ve invited tens of millions of muslims and africans in our society to conquer us. Also, china is not religious at all and has even bigger wealth disparity issues than western europe so don’t place too much emotion into random quotes.
vdibwedqwkn12313: The idea you can have a growing society without religion is beyond idiotic.
The Christian myth selects for the best elements used to create a civilization. Early evolutionary theorists in 1880-1920s wrote extensively on this. The origins of your “financial” rituals are from the one religion devoted to the self and primal pleasures.
Whaddaya Say?