A US government study has found that THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, prevents HIV from becoming AIDS.
According to the study published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS), the consumption of cannabis halts the progress of HIV and stops a patient from getting acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS):
“Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) play a crucial role in host antiviral immune response through secretion of type I interferon. Interferon alpha (IFNα), a type I IFN, is critical for mounting the initial response to viral pathogens. A consequence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV) infection is a decrease in both pDC number and function, but prolonged pDC activity has been linked with progression from HIV infection to the development of AIDS. Patients with HIV in the United States routinely use cannabinoid-based therapies to combat the side effects of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy. However, cannabinoids, including Δ-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), are well-characterized immunosuppressants. Here, we report that THC suppressed secretion of IFNα by pDC from both healthy and HIV+ donors through a mechanism involving impaired phosphorylation of interferon regulatory factor 7. These results suggest that THC can suppress pDC function during the early host antiviral response by dampening pDC activation.”
Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: Much of that is Greek to those of us not in the medical field, but the results suggest something stunning. HIV patients taking cannabis have likely helped prevent their condition from turning into full-blown AIDS. This will open the door for medical cannabis to be used for the dual purpose of treating side effects and preventing disease progression.
According to HIV.gov, “More than 1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV today, and 1 in 7 of them don’t know it.” Although many thousands become newly infected every year, the rate declined 18 percent from 2008 to 2014.
Since the 1980s, over 1.2 million people have been diagnosed with AIDS, with 18,303 diagnosed with AIDS in 2015. 6,721 deaths were directly attributed to HIV in 2014.
Although HIV and AIDS cases are declining, they remain a significant problem. Now we find that the cannabis plant may have yet another miraculous benefit in the form of suppressing a deadly disease.
The AIDS epidemic began in the 1980s as Ronald Reagan ramped up the drug war. Doubling down on the failure and injustice of prohibition, Reagan and this fellow drug warriors stifled research into medical cannabis and denied the people the healing powers of this ancient medicinal plant.
While much progress has been made since those dark days—and the overwhelming majority of Americans now believe medical cannabis should be legal—a fervent prohibitionist now sits as the nation’s top law enforcement official.
Attorney General Jess Sessions has vowed to ramp up the drug war once again, relying on myths and falsehoods to justify his warped view of reality. Sessions is now trying to reinvigorate the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program put in place by Nancy Reagan in the 80s.
Thankfully, most states in the U.S. now recognize the power of medical cannabis and aren’t paying much attention to the ramblings of Reefer Madness politicians like Jeff Sessions. Medical research into cannabis is continuing to grow exponentially, adding to the body of factual knowledge and leaving prohibitionists nowhere to hide.
Cannabis related dilemma and conspiracy theories: –
World Health Organization comes out and says CBD poses no risk
SS:Jeff sessions who is stuck in the prohibition era should actually read some real research on the chemicals that make up the cannabis plant. People are hoping the good old USA listens to doctors and scientist of WHO and reschedules cbd. It the only smart thing to do.
THC with Ceramide causes apoptosis in cancerous cells
Conspiracy because why cure cancer when big pharma can make huge profit off of chemo therapy. its not about health its about making big profits: –
When THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 receptors in the cancer cell, it causes an increase in ceramide synthesis that controls against cell death. A normal, healthy cell does not produce ceramide, if the THC is present, and is therefore not affected by the cannabinoid.
The cancer cells die – not because of cell poison – but because a small shift in the cells mitochondria. Mitochondrias are cell’s ‘power center’. quoted from (https://www.cbdforme.eu/cbd-thc-kills-cancer/)
Chemo is a dangerous method to to rid cancer with horrid side effects and very costly. i hope more research can be done.
Here is some other sources including studies
hurtpeoplehurtpe0ple: how Rockefeller Foundation and Monsanto [built the cancer industry](https://imgur.com/LbdoIQL). They went on to [spray their cocktails from planes onto low-income housing blocks](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience) in america and britain in secret from the 40’s through 70’s. ..Onto everyone/thing in Vietnam(agent orange), and so on.
pitch2shayna: If any of you want to try this yourselves, here is a documentary about Rick Simpson oil which has mountains of anecdotal evidence of full-plant extract oil curing cancer and other autoimmune ailments: [Run From The Cure])
NEJATI11: Does big pharma have proven ties to chemo companies though? I do not see how a pharma company can have direct ties to hiding a cure for cancer unless they sell cancer drugs.
I am totally amazed at the number of people who tell me how their use of cannabis significantly reduces their drinking or helps them abstain from drinking alcohol totally
dreamgirl3000: I can personally attest to this. Ever since I’ve started smoking I’m no longer drink liquor., And I used to be an avid drinker.
dwhite195: Not gonna lie, probably an alcoholic here, would probably drink much less if marijuana was easily accessible.
1hobo: Approximately 80,000 deaths are attributable to alcohol use each year in the United States.
Alcohol use is the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death for the nation.
More than 1.6 million hospitalizations and more than 4 million emergency room visits due to alcohol use occur every year.
Smanked: I smoke weed every day. I probably drink 4 times a year and even then its just a beer or two. Weed and Alchohol can both be fine with moderation. Alchohol causes way more problems, more accidents, and more deaths.
Sessions Wages War on Natural Cannabis, As He Grants Maker of Fentanyl a Monopoly on Synthetic THC – Sessions hypocritically granted a monopoly on the sale of THC to a company whose drug fentanyl kills tens of thousands a year, while promising to arrest people for a plant
1hobo: The idea that the DEA would provide a company—who was caught bribing doctors to prescribe opioid drugs that have led to one of the largest addiction problems in the history of the world—with a pass to sell their synthetic version of a plant they continue to kidnap, cage, and kill people over, is infuriating, to say the least.
OregonTripleBeam: Jeff Sessions once supported the death penalty for people caught selling cannabis.
The legal cannabis market was predicted to triple in size by 2021 and see more revenue than the NFL. High-ranking Google and Apple employees were literally leaving their jobs to launch cannabis-focused startups. Jeff Sessions will kill an entire industry, just to fill his pockets with big pharma $.
**Submission Statement**
If this is not a conspiracy, I don’t know what is. So much for draining the swamp lol. Sessions will kill an industry that had a job growth of 20% in 2017. The legal cannabis market was predicted to triple in size by 2021 and then outperform America’s most profitable sports organization, the NFL, which aims to reach 25 billion dollars by 2027. Fuck this shit.
TrevTerror: People are seeing the harm in big pharma, at least where I live. I know a few parent’s who have taken their children off of pharmies and got them on CBD oils. I know these children and the difference is amazing. All it’s going to take is for the parent’s to see beyond the smoke screen.
Khazarian_Jew: It’s not just big pharma. Alcohol also lobbies against marijuana.
National Marijuana Legalization Could Raise $130 Billion While Adding 1.1 Million Jobs
Here is how Colorado is spending it’s Cannabis Tax revenue: $40 million in school renovations, $6.7 million went to treatment programs, $8 million to combat HS drop outs and bullying. This is what they are waging war against. Never let ANYONE forget.
freakpowerparty: Small town Colorado resident here…Post is true, has been amazing for the little town of Glenwood Springs, our schools now have the same equipment and size as Aspen schools…
This is exactly what Sessions and Trump are fighting against: education, and money to better our society in everyway. I guess if it doesn’t line their nasty pockets, it’s irrelevant.
Will Of The People Be Damed: Jeff Sessions To Ignore States’ Rights And Allow Prosecutors To Enforce Federal Marijuana Laws
Patients must choose: Medical marijuana or gun ownership. More backdoor infringement of the 2nd Amendment.
The town drunk can buy firearms. So can someone who has been involuntarily placed in a mental hospital for a short stay. But anyone who wants to treat Crohn’s disease with medical marijuana is forbidden from owning a gun.
Pennsylvania is preparing to roll out a statewide program in early 2018 that will provide medicinal cannabis products to patients suffering from 17 serious health conditions.
But some sick people will have to make a difficult decision: Is taking the medicine worth surrendering what gun-owning advocates see as an enshrined constitutional right?
“It’s hypocritical,” said lawyer Andrew Sacks, the co-chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Medical Marijuana and Hemp Law Committee.
“You can be an opioid addict, or buy a bottle of rum, drink it and go to a store and buy one,” Sacks said. “But a person who is registered as a medical marijuana patient in Pennsylvania, and has a very small dosage of THC, can’t own a gun to protect themselves or hunt.”
A state police spokesman strongly suggested that patients also consider the consequences of holding on to any guns bought before enrolling in the medical marijuana program .
Submission Statement: This article shows how the oligarchy is using medical marijuana to infringe on our Constitutional rights.
Let Marijuana Travel Between States If Guns Can, Dem Congressman Says
mean_ass_raccoon: Alcohol can’t cross state borders?
Ron Paul: Just Say No to Jeff Sessions
SS : President Trump should fire Jeff Sessions and replace him with someone who respects the Constitution and individual liberty.
Whaddaya Say?