I know there’s a 14 on the picture but that is a mistake. This was taken on January 6, 1915 [according to the LOC](https://www.loc.gov/item/2014698154/)
Love the three guys in the back casually looking in like, “Wow! That’s not normal!”
All the same basic wardrobe. Same dark long coat, trousers, dress shoes. All men in same 3-4 types of hats. No women in sight.
Super interesting pic to zoom and look around.
I wonder how many ended up in WW1.
One guy knows his picture is being taken, straightens tie..
FDNY posts a lot of old fireground photos on their instagram as well, not sure if I’ve see this far back though.
I know there’s a 14 on the picture but that is a mistake. This was taken on January 6, 1915 [according to the LOC](https://www.loc.gov/item/2014698154/)
Love the three guys in the back casually looking in like, “Wow! That’s not normal!”
All the same basic wardrobe. Same dark long coat, trousers, dress shoes. All men in same 3-4 types of hats. No women in sight.
Super interesting pic to zoom and look around.
I wonder how many ended up in WW1.
One guy knows his picture is being taken, straightens tie..
FDNY posts a lot of old fireground photos on their instagram as well, not sure if I’ve see this far back though.
[Subeway grate is still there](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Broadway+%26+W+55th+St,+New+York,+NY+10019/@40.7650775,-73.9821609,3a,75y,212.94h,87.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sflDP4cgagALiScCMLawClA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c258f81d255375:0x674367c09d5f484c!8m2!3d40.7647595!4d-73.9822513?hl=en)