Vermilion Parish teacher gets arrested at Vermilion Parish school board meeting
Teacher Deyshia Hargrave was questioning the school board how they can vote to give the superintendent a raise when school employees have not gotten a raise in years. Security officer from the parish Marshal’s Office told her to leave the room and he would soon arrest her in the hall and call the city police and put her in a patrol unit. The school board members in the video are (left to right) Laura Lebeouf, Chris Hebert, School Board President Anthony Fontana (doing most of the talking), Superintendent Jerome Puyau and school board member Chris Gautreaux.
Submission Statement:
This video displays the use of Police force when political bureaucrats are cornered on their corruption. The education industry is especially suspect in this, as administrators have been taking more and more power, while teachers are getting shafted with larger class sizes and less pay.
pilgrimboy: That is insane. I actually expected something unruly to actually be the impetus to her getting arrested. So I went into the video expecting to debunk the headline. But seriously, she was arrested for asking why the superintendent should get a raise.
The_SaltLife: I watched the video to see if she was resisting arrest or putting up a fight… but no. She didn’t even put a fight up or anything. She walked out as directed and got arrested, but further reading online seems to indicate it ended up only being an act of detaining her. Unfathomable.
This is apparently making headlines though as you can [see here via Google](….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.2.292…0i22i30k1.0.rpgUd1ZU53I).
The teacher was upset because,
>Board member Kibbie Pillette says the board voted 5 to 3 to give the superintendent a 3-year extension with a $38 thousand dollar raise.
That’s a long extension with a pretty large pay increase. The extra 3 years could push him into guaranteed retirement or secure him some sort of pension which he might have not received otherwise. Additionally, $38,000 is a hefty payraise. A large portion of our active duty military personnel done even make that salary. Screw this guy.
It’s important to note,
>Superintendent Jerome Puyau adds they don’t plan to press charges against Hargrave.
Regardless of them not pressing charges against her, what they did is f–ked up. She should sue them public embarrassment. This could affect her work life and personal life, especially now that this hit the news and everyone is reading about it. I’m sure she will experience a uncomfortable workplace environment now and the superintendent might have a grudge against her. Who knows but either way, I would do something about this.
edit: words
daddyneedsaciggy: You know this country is f–ked when no one stood up to the authority and protected her in exercising her democratic rights. Everyone in that room just sat there like complacent cows. They could have easily blocked that cop from pulling her out of there.
western_red: This is widespread in the country right now. The people who actually DO the work have lower and lower salaries and less benefits because of ‘austerity’, while the entitled “upper administration” are leaches sucking in all the money with raises, bonuses and perks. We aren’t even close to the point of breaking yet, I expect it to be this way for the rest of my life.
Ne007: Wow. This should be a huge lawsuit.
swat11261988: Isn’t that the point of these meetings?! For people to meet and discuss decisions being made in their school district? This is truly disgusting on both the super intendant’s part and the officers. She wasn’t harming or intimidating anyone, or being disrespectful at all. I know many teachers when starting out don’t even make $38,000 a year. I would have some questions as well.
frasoftw: [This is my favorite part.]( What a sh– head.
“Somebody else about to get arrested.”
“For what?”
“Public intimidation. I don’t work for [?].”
isitanme: Did anyone notice the smug grins on some of the committee board’s faces? They don’t give a shit about the teachers or the students. This is utterly disgraceful. Everyone on that board and that police officer should be deeply ashamed for what they have done and allowed to have happen.
Brian24jersey: That’s over the top. She should sue. I’ve been to extremely heated municipal meeting about water taxes building permits for apartment complexes. I’ve never seen angry people arrested. This town is now getting all this worldwide publicity I’m glad.
BaSkA_: The State at its best.
astroturfhunter01: This is why we have teacher shortages all over the place: They’re paid peanuts for an incredibly important job, and the people up at the top don’t care enough to give them the raises they **truly** deserve. The viral video of this teacher getting arrested for challenging the superintendent’s large raise is not going to help with the teacher shortage either. The superintendent needs to be let go, and the officer needs a pink slip in his file and training, because arresting someone for asking a question is unconscionable.
I’m reminded of the immortal words of George Carlin (RIP): “They ought to have two new requirements for being on the police force: intelligence and decency. You never can tell, it just might work; it certainly hasn’t been tried **yet**!”
EDIT (had to, it’s relevant):
sackajahweeda: Does anyone know if there is a go fund me or something to help with her obvious need for legal expense help? As someone else posted I expected an unruly obnoxious loudmouth to be dragged out but this is CRIMINAL AND NOT BY THE TEACHER..SHAME ON YOU LOUISIANA!!
Feel free to leave a comment for them. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
oversettDenee: (I think I linked the time right, on mobile. 12 min 30 sec) What is that? The big boys table? Gave me the creeps when he shut that older woman up by saying it’s not “question and answer time”. Who’s really running the show here?
MCicero: But muh police would surely side with the american public! They’d never turn against us just because that’s what they were told or ordered to do!!!!1!1!!!one!
Makes my blood f–king boil. How on earth is this allowed to happen. This cop should never serve a day on the force again just for starters.
drcharmeleon: Someone pointed this out in another thread, but you should see what else goes on in that town.
therobbyrob: Holy sh– this is awful. “Stop resisting” Seriously? Is that a catch all phrase now? No wonder the education system is so f–ked. Went from 21 kids to 29 kids per class- and at least one of those kids has a disability or language barrier. This country is in f–king trouble.
134566y: And they wonder why teachers bring flasks to work
potatocucumber: Congratulations America, you’re one step closer to throwing us into a new dark age every day. Thanks
ILikeCandy: Holy cow! I cannot believe this shit.
pilgrimboy: This is a perfect example of the powerful using the force of the police to instill the order they want. Here’s what bothers me most. Is there not one good school board member who would stand up and say, “Stop this madness and let the lady speak at least five minutes before we violate her rights.” No! They were fine just trampling all over a woman’s rights, humiliating her, and getting the thing passed that they wanted. Her only crime was bringing up something that they didn’t want to hear.
Maybe this will be the impetus to convince us to change something about aggressive law enforcement that in certain instances have led to abuse and deaths, but I doubt it. I’m not hopeful.
bddiddy: How do you win against this kind of authority?
CarlsPie: P O L I C E S T A T E
Avant_guardian1: This the most American video ever.
Law and order moderates in power.
Sexy_Offender: Can you call something a conspiracy if it’s done in front of everyone, during a public meeting no less.
na_smith44: There would be no two week notice from me.
NaziModBeginsB: Paid thugs that’s all they are. By doing this, they’ll try and silence you into submission
jkeegan123: If everyone RESISTED at once and stopped that ONE MAN from cuffing and taking this woman, what could they do? They can’t arrest EVERYONE. I don’t understand this. Everyone is so afraid of RULES … if everyone broke the RULES at the same time, it becomes a new RULE.
Am I wrong?
buster2209: Haha, that’s awesome!
Welcome to the wonderful world of being a public employee!
kingofthemonsters: That room is filled with beat down emotionally spent teachers. No wonder the board feels like they can do anything to them, there was no fight in that room.
Fluxcapaciti: The hour is fast approaching we’re these pigs will have to decide whose team they’re on. There is already SO little faith in law enforcement in this country, and many are starting to literally see them as the enemy. It is only a matter of time before we start treating them accordingly.
evanthomasking: Spend the next 3 years making that superintendent earn every penny of that raise – for that kinda money he should be working nonstop 😉
Raidicus: Does anyone know in a situation like this…is there *any* recourse for the teachers, or hell even unhappy residents of this parish?
Big_J95: His pay bump is probably more than her entire salary. I don’t care how much work a superintendent has a 38k raise is just ridiculous. Also there’s no reason the board couldn’t have answered her question and moved on. Since when does asking questions and objecting to a gross misuse of funds a crime?
YokedHipsterDouche: She should sue for $38,000.
threeLetterMeyhem: Oh hey, stuff like this is why I will always, 100% without fail, vote against funding and tax increases for both schools and law enforcement. As far as I’m concerned we need to starve them until they start behaving like reasonable human beings, not corrupt and/or braindead idiots.
BigRedKahuna: As an adult white guy, I know the proper thing to do is follow, record, and then call a lawyer. But damn if there’s not also a big chance I would do none of that and get in a fight to make things worse. Especially of that was a loved one getting arrested for no reason.
AmiriteClyde: This woman used due process to engage her 1st amendment and was arrested for it. When is enough going to be enough and what is the method of implementation?
gregshortall: That is f–king horrible. As a Canadian I get sick looking at your once great country get f–king destroyed by greed, corruption and lust for violence.
CCking: gregshortall, you think Canada is any better? Show you have no clue how primitive is Canadian corruption. Do you know in Canada the court system doesn’t function, that other than cases with guaranteed payment such as injury, no lawyer will take your case unless you have at least several thousands cash to pay them first? In another word, class action is almost impossible. Do you know senior municipal staffs can commit any crime and no one can touch them in Canada – because the top guys are all corrupt and the cops salary are paid by them? Check it out, Canadians.
Hwga_lurker_tw: The corruption was exposed so they locked down the thread on rvideos. Can’t have too many people expressing their opinions…
jje5002: this is DISGUSTING
TheGoldenGlow: F–king cop this shit just boils my blood.
YolandiVissy: In the future everything will be privatized. Corporations will be too large for any government to control. All unproductive people will be cut and the rest will live in Corporate controlled cities. Capitalism will return to feudalism and we will all be beholden to the shareholders.
mcmacsonstein: Superintendent says basically to stop talking. Then a police officer comes up and says to leave. Then she leaves. While leaving she’s handcuffed in the hallway.
Am I missing anything here?
Arithik: And another waste of money by arresting her.
Btjimmymatt: That cop so doesn’t want to be there.
3crownking: MERICA!!
tsaltsrif: Just going to leave this right here. I believe this is appropriate. Enjoy.
Maxwyfe: I was expecting some sort of ruckus but honestly, that lady was polite as hell. She moved immediately to leave and was calm and cool until the hallway.
What happened in the hallway? Why does she go from being compliant and respectful to on her knees and pressed up against the wall being handcuffed? Is there another video that shows them exiting the meeting room?
Gkender: Disgusting stuff.
BigRedKahuna: Someone is going to get fired.
stmfreak: Something I learned attending my local school district “community meetings.” They exist to tell you what they want you to know, think, do–like donate more money and approve more taxes. Any attempt to ask them questions on which the parents, or teachers might be interested in knowing the real answers is not on the agenda. You are out of order. You will be removed.
Whaddaya Say?