[Image is a photograph of a funeral procession in the street, as it leaves a building, possibly a church. A fabric-covered casket is being carried by eight male pall-bearers in dark suits. A group of around twenty mourners walks behind them. At the entrance of the building, two police officers in dark uniforms and white visor caps are standing at attention, saluting as the mourners walk past. To the left of the photo, a flag-bearer extends his right arm and is holding a flagpole with a flag at full mast. The flag-bearer and the man standing next to him are also uniform. In the background a crowd gathers.]
This was in 1982, so why is it black and white?
Image Transcription:
[Image is a photograph of a funeral procession in the street, as it leaves a building, possibly a church. A fabric-covered casket is being carried by eight male pall-bearers in dark suits. A group of around twenty mourners walks behind them. At the entrance of the building, two police officers in dark uniforms and white visor caps are standing at attention, saluting as the mourners walk past. To the left of the photo, a flag-bearer extends his right arm and is holding a flagpole with a flag at full mast. The flag-bearer and the man standing next to him are also uniform. In the background a crowd gathers.]
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Kristján Eldjárn was the third President of Iceland, for those wondering who he was.