The first-ever commercial air flight, Tony Jannus (r) flew passenger Abram Pheil from St. Petersburg to Tampa, Florida in 23 minutes on Jan. 1, 1914 [599×675]
More info for fun: the route was 21 miles in distance. At the time, the steamship between the two locations took 2 hours, rail took 4 to 12. The model 14 Benoist airboat did it in 23 minutes, including one brief stop to adjust the engine, which had misfired.
More info for fun: the route was 21 miles in distance. At the time, the steamship between the two locations took 2 hours, rail took 4 to 12. The model 14 Benoist airboat did it in 23 minutes, including one brief stop to adjust the engine, which had misfired.
Definitely thought Russia when I read the title, was very impressed.