repete66219: Captain: That’s it men. We’ve done all we can to break her free. All we can do now is wait for death.
Crew: *groan*
First mate: *looks around, then optimistically* Football anyone?
Crew: *erupts in cheers, hoisting first mate in the air*
Matt872000: If you were curious like me, [it seems they all survived in the end.](
n-some: I’d be that guy in just his shirt because despite the well below freezing temperatures I’m *still* too hot after exercising.
Raa03842: Ernest Shackleton’s expedition in 1914 could be characterized as the Apollo 13 of the early 20th century. Not a single man was lost and Shackleton’s extraordinary leadership and seamanship skills are in itself an amazing story. Though the expedition was a complete failure the story of survival and perseverance should be made into a movie with Tom Hanks as Shackleton
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