Where’s the evidence for pizzagate I hear people ask? Take 5 minutes of your time to watch the last video Ben Swann made before shutting down all his social media accounts. Now he quietly hosts his local news station causing no more trouble…
Reality Check Is #Pizzagate Fake News or Has It Just Not Been Officially Investigated
Potable_Kool-Aid: [The CIA Origins of “ISIS”: Ben Swann](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORYL8jPtpQU)
The guy used to be a legit investigative journalist. He grew up a child prodigy, earning a master’s degree in history before his 17th birthday. What happened?
orionquest2016: What alarmed everyone most about PG was it’s censoring, lack of investigation, and the MSM discrediting campaigns.
Based on the Lincoln Cover Up, “The Finders”, and reports from Ted Gunderson, there was no reason for any member of the public to not take it seriously.
TheRadChad: Not a huge fan of this video since it doesn’t go into detail, but I showed one person this video 2 days ago to pique their interest and they went down the rabbit hole themselves.
This video is perfect for new comers.
TradeSekrat: my main problem with this video is they deliberately leave out picture/details due to libel/slander issues, then expect the viewer to fill in the blanks. Due to the topic being discuses when someone goes “….we can’t show you due to the limits of broadcast television” the mind leaps to thinking it’s something objectively horrible. Something along the lines of go to jail like horrible. Evidence cover up sort of horrible. When it really just stuff openly posted on twitter of a level someone might just post on twitter.
It’s bad journalism at it’s very core, reporting on just reporting vs really doing any digging. Yet being it’s on tv, it’s given more worth?
Then of course when ever this video pops up there comes the pokes as if this story wrecked this guys career in broadcasting and he was knocked back down to to “quietly hosts his local news station causing no more trouble…”. Oh you mean being a news anchor in the top 10 tv market of Atlanta, GA? Like the peak of one’s news anchor market climb outside of being in the #1 market of NY sort of “quietly host his local”?
If people want to know why others don’t take the pizzagate story serious it’s due to stuff of this nature.
TheUndeadGaucho: Very good quick breakdown of the pizzagate conspiracy, I will be sure to share it and spread awareness. Thanks for sharing.
BigMic25: Thank you for sharing this! It’s so hard to explain to someone how fishy all of this looks/sounds without seeming like a loony toon.
ecksnopes: This dude literally used 4-chan as his sources and failed to call any of the supposedly implicated individuals for comment (something a journalist is supposed to do) and did nothing but make a 5 minute video length infographic. He has done no more investigating than the LARPers he picked it up from. So when consequences were leveled he quit his “investigative” (and online only, btw) segments and managed to maintain an anchor job in a huge market and a little of his credibility. Or he was “disappeared” according to a large segment of this sub.
SaracenRush: Bonus video. Warning, it is disturbing, but important to listen to- https://youtu.be/zP2_XX5IT0w
emperorisnaked7: In my journalism classes I’ve had professors tell me not to believe anything on RT. Sure, they push their propaganda, but so does America. Point is this, these people are teaching the next generation to have an open mind, but meanwhile they are telling them to have a closed mind to everything but what one side is saying. So yeah, trust western news, and don’t deviate, otherwise you’ll be brainwashed. THat’s their sentiment. It was no surprise to me that Trump is/was favored by the Russian Media because I saw their sentiment on RT during 2016. All these people who didn’t see what is now happening and act surprised are idiots who only believe what they are told to believe.
Reminder it has been One Year since r/PizzaGate was banned for waking too many people up about the reality of politicians being pedo-blackmailed.
RITCHP: I’m very serious- what is the most convincing evidence that supports pizzagate. I’ve watched videos, gone through the emails, and looked at what’s-his-face’s instagram. Everything seems pretty circumstantial. What am I missing? What’s the hardest evidence that’s out there?
PS I am not trolling in any way. I have heard and seen things that cause me to be open to any and all possibilities.
aJakalope: r/PizzaGate got banned because of brigading.
But of course not.
thatguy9569: Didn’t a republican today plead guilty to trafficking children? Seems to me yall are looking at the wrong party… but hey who am I.
Rocksolid1111: The admins said they banned it over doxxing.
IIRC, one of their mods said they already banned the account that was doxxing but somehow that account got unbanned, not by them..
Also, when spez got caught shadow editing comments it was in a big pizzagate thread..
handbanana12: Reminder that PizzaGate was Russian messaging strategy that the Trump cultists believed. It is one the best examples of their disinformation and agitation campaign against Western conservatives that started in 2014.
JustChrisMC: Reminder. Alex Jone’s had to ‘apologize’ for creating this false narrative and people are still buying into this. That is all.
Helpfulcloning: They were banned for doxxing. Can we stop the bs? What does it help in rewriting what actually happened?
Pizzagate is pretty circumstantial and relies on people to never talk to each other outside of emails and to never have inside jokes.
It also relies on the FBI pedo imagery thing and, well, a lot of shit has spirals and butterflies in. And some people just like cheese pizza and mention it, and they are not pedofiles.
LazeyJ: BTW nice sex organ fetish.. WTF wish I wouldn’t have looked at your posts..
YokedHipsterDouche: Just goes to show that there are still a lot of people in denial and Reddit as a private company does not serve the best interest of truth.
HearYouNow: Title is a bit disingenuous, no? I was there from the beginning, it was not about “the reality of politicians being pedo-blackmailed,” it was about a massive pedo ring involving Podesta and Alefantis and operating out of Comet Pizza’s basement.
bobadome: Macaulay Culkin’s band was named “PIZZA UNDERGROUND”
just saying
YoungUrbanFailure: One year. One year that you have all sat on your mountains of evidence proving that high ranking democrats rape and sacrifice children in the basement of a pizza parlor in order to gain special powers from Satan. One year. One year and none of you have taken this evidence to the police. One year that you have aided evil. I’m sorry, but if you have evidence of rape, torture, and murder it is absolutely your duty/responsibility to take that evidence to the proper authorities. You should all feel ashamed.
uNhoLeee: isthere a wayto manually label people. great thread to start banning paid trolls.
forum sliding.
irrelevant arguements.
politicial accusations.
tpb really dont want u to know they profit from and enjoy raping maiming and killing defenseless children.
LazeyJ: They are “transporting” kids? And why are the ages relevant??
Go look at some more peepee vids why don’t ya..
kyknoc: Hard to believe that such an ancient pedophilic babylonic cult exists? Not for me, history is filled with oddities and humans have a dark and twisted past. Evidence is abundant, Tell me again what was Jeffrey Epstein’s punishment for his pedo-palace? How many times did bill fly there? Flying high on epstein express with frank underwood and… very young children… but this is only the tip of the iceberg.
From what I have found, the pedo-political blackmailing intel programs being conducted by mossad, KGB and CIA were very effective in the latter 20th. But the clintons and bushes are much more than just sex offenders, the amount of ties they have to drug smuggling and the war on drugs alone is more than enough evidence that all parties shall be hung for treason.
It takes only a few hours of researching the Libel Scandal to start seeing the why sessions so viciously went after them in the 90’s. The clinton body count started in the 90s when all of the dead bodies started piling up during the investigation. Witnesses, aides and investigators all killed in accidents or committing suicide “like seth rich”.
The the impeachment came, and suddenly a sacrificial lamb was given. Enron, that was the closest the house came to collapsing. But fret not, the house of cards would not fall.
You see, the money trails (hard copies of financial data) were all burned on september 11th, 2001 when the trade towers fell.
The oligarchy must fall, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama(Bush), Clinton? This is not the government our fathers died to preserve, these names mentioned above are traitors and need to be tried by our military in the UCMJ. They must be proved as traitors to the united states during a time of war and they shall be executed without delay (Preferably fire squad).
Remember the US was created in the opposition of tyranny, the political dynasty mentioned above is the exact tyranny which we declared our independence from. Therefore they are our absolute enemy and they have done nothing but weaken and strangle our wealth, abuse and distract my boys(USMC) rape and molest our children and much worse.
Not one argument can be made that this regime acted in respect to our constitution or in the best interest of american prosperity.
Our entire society has been decimated by sex, drugs,gambling, drinking, social media and all means of degenerative behavior, morality is lacking and all of our families suffer greatly from this chaos in our society.
Trump wants to bring down the sword of justice, but he is limited in power, and the timing has to be perfect, but when he acts he will need the support of the patriots, only then will the house of cards fall. Will he risk his life to preserve our constitution and restore our heritage? Will You?
Disobedience to tyrants is obedience to god. –
Ben Franklin – The First American
grooljuice: HAHAHAHA hilarious thread
Here’s why Pizzagate was and always will be a farce:
It spread through 4chan(LOL) and Reddit more specifically r/t_d. Eventually people wanted to move Pizzagate talk to Vocative which ironically enough hosted pics and videos of underage girls.
Most of the posts were coming from new accounts who also posted a lot to r/t_d.
This was the evidence in beginning when everyone was pushing it:
look at the menu, there are pedo symbols on it. (DURRRR)
they host all-ages concerts with bands with suggestive names
The list goes on.
Plague-Lord: Normies: “Hollywood directors/producers/actors with no real power in the world are mass-raping actresses?! Makes sense, they’re above the law after all! and we shall take every accusation as proven fact.”
Also Normies: “Politicians & gov’t employees are doing even worse things by exploiting the power and connections they have? IMPOSSIBLE! How dare you.. you tin-foil hat wearing crazy conspiracy theorist..”
Sad. Also a reminder: They’re outing these people in Hollywood to desensitize normoids to the idea of seeing “____ is accused of sexual assault” in the news all the time, so it loses impact, then when actual big players get busted it won’t be as big a deal.
waltdanger: Pizzagate defense squad out in full force. Posts about Astral Reptilians don’t get this much downvoting.
dont_mess_with_tx: Lmao PizzaGate turned into a stupid conspiracy theory once they started involving Comet Ping Pong.
Qwaszx93: The level and intensity of the MSM rebuttal to PG was massive. They were afraid.
memory_of_a_high: Remember how r/pizzagate linked to twitter accounts hosting child porn. I remember reporting it as, self-promotion.
SirTroah: Oh, I see another definition of pizzagate has emerged.
coolnameguy: Russia has gotta be the dumbest god damned country in the world for thinking any sane person would eat this sh*t up…
qualityproduct: Anyone want to split a slice of pizza with me for about 30 minutes?
STOP_FEMINISM: Looks like the shills are out in full force downvoting anything that is not part of their narrative about the truth that is pizzagate. Weinstein, Kevin spacey, Al Franken and more libs being outed for sexual assault interesting. Guess they couldn’t afford to cover up their deviance. Hillary on the other hand with millions covering up this scandal gets away with rape and murder
fuckingconspiritard: Pizzagate is a Discordian LARP pinned on the alt-right. It’s very simple; you discredit one side by making it look like a ridiculous attempt by that side to discredit the other side. Anyone who thinks the people responsible for Pizzagate have ever taken it seriously are victims of the elabotate ruse.
falseflagthesenuts: Brownstone Ops have been in effect for quite some time. The fact that it was banned and shamed all the believers or truth seekers as ‘witch hunters’ or ‘kookie conspiracy theorist’ gives me great pause. But hey there’s no such thing as pedophiles in high places or politicians doing untoward things to children then covering them up with help by the very institutions meant to protect them. ** cough ** Hastert ** cough ** Saville ** cough ** Boys Town ** cough ** You’re right it’s just not plausible. We should stick to our iPhones, the next Netflix show and fast food and not worry about such silly things and the implications therein of these Brownstone Ops being perpetrated against the populace for personal and political gain. Silly normies.
RomanWillNeverReign: Wow the shilling in here is insane. As if people are defending these people. If they’re not pedos then they are at least very deranged appropriate for possess hugely inappropriate and disgusting artwork and host strange events open to children.
bravetarget: Reddit was hijacked by the CIA many moons ago.
They will find any reason to protect them…it’s pretty f**kin disgusting.
Soon the corrupt elite will be exposed/jailed (see hollywood imploding, clinton under fire, seth rich, etc.), and what side of history do you want to be on? The side that deleted the subreddit trying to save the children?
Whaddaya Say?