simanyay A nit: it’s kol·khoz (notice no _l_ before _z_). It’s an acronym from коллективное хозяйство (kollektivnoye khozaystvo) or collective ownership.
ID_t8r Thank you for posting this. I had seen the artist rendition of this and was wondering if it still stood. Edit: A closer looks tells me this pic was taken in the ‘30’s (1937 presumably) Does this still stand or was it torn down?
What??? A farm woman isn’t a worker? WTF!?
The statues look as big as the building!
A nit: it’s kol·khoz (notice no _l_ before _z_). It’s an acronym from коллективное хозяйство (kollektivnoye khozaystvo) or collective ownership.
Right in front of the Nazi Germany exhibit IIRC.
The soviet realism statue is a bit much, but I do love the building itself.
Thank you for posting this. I had seen the artist rendition of this and was wondering if it still stood.
Edit: A closer looks tells me this pic was taken in the ‘30’s (1937 presumably) Does this still stand or was it torn down?