The REAL reason weed is illegal: hemp, the plant marijuana is made from can be refined into everything oil can.
Industrial hemp is a non-psychoactive plant which has been made illegal in many countries including the United States because of its relation to cannabis, or marijuana. According to advocates, this is a somewhat hysterical reaction that is cutting off America and other countries from the potential uses of hemp which genuinely have the possibility to make a positive difference.
Many people are aware of the potential uses of hemp. Hemp has been used as fabric for making clothing in China since around the 8th century BC, and it is also used to create hardwearing paper.
There has also been something of a renaissance in hemp-based food and drink in recent years. Approximately a third of the hemp seed’s weight comes from its hemp oil, which is edible and highly nutritious as is contains essential fatty acids. The seed is also comprised of around 25% protein and is a good source of calcium and iron. Hemp seeds are also said to contain more Omega-3 than walnuts which are considered something of a wonder food.
But hemp has more to offer the world than fabric, paper, and dietary supplements. It could also be utilized as one of the key materials to improve environmental conditions. In recent years companies in Ireland and the Netherlands have woken up to the versatility of hemp which can be used to create insulation for buildings, fibreboard, pressboard and even hempcrete which is a stronger, lighter and far more environmentally friendly alternative to concrete.
Hemp can also be considered a serious and viable alternative to plastic production. The capability of hemp to replace plastic was proven in the 1940s when Ford produced a car made from hemp and soy plastic. This car never went into production, but Henry Ford famously took an ax to the car to prove its incredible durability and resistance to wear and tear. Recently, it has been used to make curtain liners, cases for CDs and DVDs and other traditionally plastic products. Given the fact that the disposal of plastic is considered to be one of the most difficult and potentially environmentally hazardous issues facing conservation of the Earth, hemp alternatives are definitely worth considering.
In addition to replacing plastic, hemp can also be used to create biodiesel, in a similar way to many other forms of vegetable oil. Biodiesel is considered to be far friendlier towards the environment than traditional petroleum, and it is also sustainable whereas fossil fuels are a finite resource.
One of a unique ways that hemp can contribute to the environment of the world is its extraordinary capacity to heal soil contamination. In the late 1990s, industrial hemp was sown at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine where the soil had been apparently irrevocably contamination. Owing to its incredibly fast rate of growth, hemp proved particularly effective at cleaning up the land contaminated by nuclear fallout. Experts have suggested that the plant could be used to deal with land contaminated in a vast number of ways including fly ash, sewage, and heavy metals.
While the United States may lag behind in these innovations involving hemp owing to their incredibly strict drug policy, companies in other countries are taking the initiative and always coming up with new ways to utilise this extraordinary wonder plant to improve the planet.
SmokeyBare: Too bad Monsanto is already buying up pot farms and preparing to rule the industry.
fnordstringthing: Is cannabis the only plant that can be refined into everything oil can?
Doesn’t corn also fit the bill?
phauraun: oh god man. I mean the top 5 anti cannabis lobbies are 1. beer 2.tobacco 3. private prisons 4. police unions and 5. prison guard unions but sure, the one REAL reason weed is illegal is because petroleum companies are angry -_-
lets not oversimplify a complex issue as many are want to do.
schlamboozle: At this point it probably has more to do with big Pharma, the Prison Industry, and Alcohol companies.
Ayzmo: Hemp could never replace oil. Just because it can be used for the same purposes, doesn’t mean it is remotely competitive.
Just powering the US, we use 800,100,000 gallons of oil a DAY. That doesn’t include the oil used in manufacturing plastics, etc.
The USA has a total of 2,263,994,361 acres of land. That’s every last inch of the US. Data on the amount of hemp that can be harvested from an acre varies, but the average across studies is 5 tons per acre under good growing conditions. We’ll assume the entire US has good growing conditions. That gives us 11,319,971,805 tons of hemp harvest per year. Of that 11,319,971,805 tons, approximately 28% is seeds. Seeds are the part of hemp from which hemp oil is extracted and produce approximately 15 gallons per ton of seeds. (I have seen claims of 300 gallons of hemp oil per acre at 8,000 pounds of seeds per acre, but that doesn’t match the data). This math gives us 3,169,592,105 tons of seeds. And that results in 211,306,140 gallons of oil per year. I have seen claims that it is possible to get up to three yields in a year in the southern US. Assuming three full yields across the entire US that would give us 633,918,421 gallons a year.
Hemp could never replace oil.
JointBandit: Hemp is cannabis sativa L and has very little thc but has over 25,000 uses including biofuel and biodiesel.
Bilb0: It was actually banned for two other reasons, cotton couldn’t compete with the Russian hemp, and to eliminate the political opposition it’s users posed.
cm18: Come on. You can make algae oil to, but neither can compete at $50 per barrel. Also, algae grows quicker than weed and is being researched as a potential. Finally, hemp IS legal in several countries yet you don’t hear about it being used as an alternative to oil.
KiaSliverbrook: Why is there so much support for smoking weed. Didn’t anyone else watch reefer madness? It causes madness
theclansman22: The problem with biofuel/biodiesel from crops like hemp is the amount of land you would need to farm to actually get enough to meet the demand for oil.
TheSharppie: this is faulty logic. Cannabis does have these incredible benefits, and who better to profit off of it than the well established players in the cotton, oil, and smoke markets? The real reason is that the gov’t makes money for black book operations through illicit sales of narcotics through cartels. Marijuana is the bread and butter of their illegal ops budget.
live22morrow: This is false. Cannabis just isn’t economical enough to compete with petrol. The real reason weed is illegal because hemp paper was competing with the wood pulp industry of William Randolph Hearst and others. It was his yellow journalism that was a major factor in it getting banned.
arich90: cannabis cultivation is now legal in Wisconsin
astuary_king8o: This simply isn’t true. There are a lot of people out there who are concerned about people getting high, who vote for politicians that keep cannabis illegal.
They’re severely misinformed, brainwashed, etc. but their opinions are very real and they translate into policy through lawmakers. Hemp is a factor, but calling it the REAL or ONLY reason is like saying the only reason 9/11 was a false flag was because of oil.
-damnittohell: They are about to ban kratom. Same reason.
GodKingofEarth: Except, the illegality of hemp in the US has to do with paper and not oil.
saintcmb: headline gore. Marijuana is not made from hemp.
Svorky: Hemp is legal in many places, including the EU and Canada. Shockingly hasn’t replaced oil yet.
It’s a fairly useless plant outside of niche uses. This is just stoners pushing weird “miracle plant” nonsense.
deziking911: Real reason is hemp is stronger than cotton. Its in the Hemp bible. Twice stronger and last longer. Stating no one would buy more clothes compared to cotton.
marikickass: Have you seen what it does for people with cerebral palsy , it is a magic drug. The drug companies would be outlawed if too many people found out they with hold medicinal breakthroughs from the public .
Loose-ends: … and anything you can make from cotton you can not only make from hemp, but it’s better, softer, stronger, many times more durable, and the plant itself is insect and disease resistant, can be grown almost anywhere and is far easier to harvest and process than cotton. It’s both a better and a far cheaper alternative to it.
We are also becoming aware of it’s many beneficial medicinal qualities and relative harmlessness with no toxic or adverse side effects when compared to many prescription drugs it is a better replacement for.
Plastics made from hemp oil have been shown to be even stronger and more durable than steel.
So when you get the Oil industry, the Steel industry, the Cotton industry and the Pharmaceutical industries all standing to lose and lose substantially if Cannabis is fully de-criminalized and simply put back on the list of plants anyone can grow with all of those potential uses you can bet that they’ll do everything in their power to try and stall and prevent that any way they possibly can.
Who do you really think was responsible for getting outlawed in the first place? It sure wasn’t a few black jazz musicians sparking-up in back alleyways between sets, that’s for sure.
premiumsneakers: Soon it will be very legal in Canada starting in July 2018
Foxmanded42: I bet this is also the reason why Graphene can’t escape the lab. After all, Graphene can give us near-infinite energy, spiderwebs that can support the weight of a human being, and god knows what else
salgat: This horseshit annoys me because hemp is legal in Europe and there is a reason no businesses use it over there either. It’s not some magical material like people like to claim.
1872revealed: can I smoke oil? nope. Have your fuel and smoke it too.. Great!!!
ikilledyourcat: HEMP and MARIJUANA are legal terms for use of the CANNABIS PLANT
FelixTheRat11: A little known factoid about hemp is that when grown properly, rey kills luke it gets big.
Jeff Sessions and Trump Administration double down on the War on Weed, look to attack legal states like Colorado. Big pharma and private prisons benefit
Sorry Sessions, teen pot use actually dropped after Colorado legalization
YungTSJ: It’s a known fact use drops after legalization and decriminalization.
momosalemur: How would they even know that? They wouldn’t. If you sincerely think you can conduct an accurate study in two completely different environments like that you’re wrong.
If pot use on average went down, then maybe I could buy that. But I’m not being paid to read articles. If they’re stating pot use in terms of number of people went down due to legalization then… Wow, “hey jim I just heard they made pot legal!” “damnit! better stop now for some reason”
edit: also not seeing sample size here. If it’s literally states and you’re not testing the same people and not tracking their individual change in attitudes it’s meaningless.
The legal cannabis market predicted to triple in size by 2021 and see more revenue than the NFL. Job growth this year: 20%. High-ranking Google and Apple employees are leaving their jobs to launch cannabis-focused startups. “The evolution or rollback of prohibition is inevitable.”
boxmakingmachines: I am a full supporter of decriminalizing and legalizing cannabis.
That said, we are in for a shitshow. The rich will get richer, and plenty of good intentioned growers are going to get shat on by big corporate and out-of-industry rich guy investors won’t hesitate at the slightest to take advantage. This has happened in every state legalization has taken place in, and will get worse as more money becomes involved.
First off, the state will do everything they can to wedge themselves in every step of the production process and milk any and all tax dollars they can out of it. Then you have landlords, city and country ordinances, “business partners” (always a doozy in the cannabis industry) and plenty of bureaucratic red tape to deal with. Also, better pray to god your crops (when you finally are able to actually grow them) don’t get a mite. mold or mildew infestation, or else you can kiss that harvest goodbye.
All in all, legalization means you have to front some serious cash just to be a legal producer. Then once you spend all that money on permits, buildings, staff, genetics and equipment, you have to be prepared for a market crash: this has happened in every legal state so far, and has caused many entrepreneurs to go out of business.
EknobFelix: Oh, gee golly, I wonder if this had any effect on the DEA’s conclusions about [Fentanyl] (
NRA Silent as States, Feds Ban Gun Sales to Medical Marijuana Patients
bigbura: Okay, I’ll ask it: what other medical prescription prevents gun ownership at the federal level?
If the answer is none, then what the hell is going on here?
MKULTRAserialkillers: A while back I remember hearing Bill Cooper describe some of the reasons NRA is controlled opposition. Anyone have any info?
DrMantisTobogan9784: But have a beer or some whiskey at 4 am while you hunt deer, it’s fine
yellowsnow2: The fact is the police sent out a letter. There is no law in place to enforce their letter. If they try to enforce it they(the police) will be met witht many legal problems.
In other words it is not real. It is more of a test to see how people would react.
SkepticalFaceless: This will be less effective in states like WA where they’ve converged the Medical and recreational store fronts. Medical patients only really save sales tax (9%) instead of the recreational excise tax (47%). This means there isn’t much of an incentive to putting yourself on a list to buy partially discounted weed. Many medical patients are now simply “rec” patients – and only medical due to the motivation to purchase and not some legal reason.
GuyFieriismyuncle: F*** JEFF SESSIONS!
IAmThatIAm001: Alcohol fuels aggression. So leave the aggressive the ability to commit crime or murder on minor scale.
Smoking marijuana makes you think and be social. Thinking men with guns can be very dangerous. Especially in groups.
Makes sense.
padspa: but drink as much whisky as you like
BanMikePantsNow: Next, people on depression medicine will have to surrender their guns.
kamspy: I’ll stop my support of the NRA if this continues.
FogFan: Do they also ban gun sales for being on pain medication? Like Fentanyl?
xenjoi_lifex: I literally just bought a handgun last month in California and I’ve been a MMJ patient since February. The House of Representatives also just passed the National Concealed Carry vote and now it’s up to the Senate. This is a bunch of horseshit non-news, just like when “Obomber was coming for our guns”. They’ve got nukes and drones. If they wanted em, they’d take em.
Dynas_: How is this any different from getting in trouble for having a firearm while intoxicated? on cannabis and cancer treatment: “Cannabinoids kill tumor cells but do not affect their non-transformed counterparts and may even protect them from cell death” ” CBD in breast cancer cell lines induced programmed cell death” etc…
There’s a lot there, and some it’s repetitive, but here’s a compilation:
>A meta-analysis of 34 in vitro and in vivo studies of cannabinoids in glioma reported that all but one study confirmed that cannabinoids selectively kill tumor cells.
>A dose-related decrease in the incidence of hepatic adenoma tumors and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was observed.
>Decreased incidences of benign tumors in other organs.
>delta-9-THC, delta-8-THC, and cannabinol were found to inhibit the growth of Lewis lung adenocarcinoma cells
>other tumors have been shown to be sensitive to cannabinoid-induced growth inhibition.
induce regression of glioma tumors in mice and rats, while they protect normal glial cells of astroglial and oligodendroglial lineages from apoptosis mediated by the CB1 receptor.
>Cannabinoids were shown to trigger cell death through stimulation of an endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway that activates autophagy and promotes apoptosis.
>reduced the viability of HCC cells in vitro and demonstrated antitumor effects in HCC subcutaneous xenografts
>confirmed that CB1 and CB2 receptors may be potential targets in non-small cell lung carcinoma and breast cancer.
>CBD inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines, inducing apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner while having little effect on nontumorigenic mammary cells.
>antitumor effect of cannabinoids (i.e., CBD and THC) in preclinical models of breast cancer.
>CBD has also been demonstrated to exert a chemopreventive effect in a mouse model of colon cancer.
>CBD protected DNA from oxidative damage, increased endocannabinoid levels, and reduced cell proliferation.
>In lung cancer cell lines, CBD upregulated ICAM-1, leading to decreased cancer cell invasiveness.
>Tumor growth was inhibited by 60% in THC-treated mice compared with vehicle-treated control mice.
>coadministration of CBD with cytotoxic agents may increase drug uptake and potentiate cell death in human glioma cells.
>CBD together with THC may enhance the antitumor activity of classic chemotherapeutic drugs such as temozolomide in some mouse models of cancer.
CBD. breaks down into CERAMIDE, which is actually the thing doing all the worked.
“Sustained ceramide accumulation in tumor cells mediates cannabinoid-induced apoptosis”
Feds Won’t Get Marijuana Crackdown Help From Colorado, Governor Candidate Says, “I will push back on any federal effort to interfere with our laws and not share information if it’s not related to a criminal investigation under our own law or ordered by a court,”
chase32: Good on him. We can only hope that the genie is out of the bottle on mj legalization. Too much money to be made.
Whaddaya Say?