Extesht: Holy sh*t. Scares away the guy on the bike, then goes back for more.
McGirthy: Giving him just the right amount of brain damage.
patoezequiel: This was here in Argentina, the guy was lucky that the second motherfucker on the bike missed the gun shots. Most of the time they don’t… Please, never come here and bring money, maybe the government will invest in security then.
OneByte: The guy on the bike is shooting at the other guy!
loki0203: Looks like the motorcycle rider fire multiple shots at the target as he’s punching him. Pretty scary.
davidbased: Christ, that was a brutality knock out
thewafflestompa: “Well, might as well go back to beating the hell out of this guy”
GenitalGesticulation: 2 guys on a bike in the city = trouble every time.
Lostvision: My favourite part is at the end when he’s like “Well that dude got away so I’m just gonna feed this man some more knuckle sandwiches”.
DarthRusty: Finish Him!
But he’s already down.
I said Finish Him!
Mnementh2230: I love that he just keeps punching. The dude is obviously out, but he doesn’t care, this is *therapy*, some kind soul donated his jaw and braincells to let this guy vent some frustration.
E404_User_Not_Found: LOL He goes back for more hits at the end.
ImmunosuppressedNod: Once again proves that if 2 dudes on a bike roll up on you nothing good is going to happen
0A0X: He a potato now.
go_faster1: That could have gone bad if the would-be thief struck first. Or had a bigger spine
SleepIsForChumps: Well… that guy is dead. Holy crap.
iRSupaman: I’d love to see a pic of his busted face
mattman1414: 14 punches and counting!
Alien484: *You’re just one bad day away from being me!* – Punisher
A lot of people are literally one bad day away from just snapping. Things aren’t going well at work. You think you’ll feel better at home, but even when you’re home.. you just wanna go home. You’re in this deep, dark void. This intense feeling of feeling empty. A lack of happiness. You feel sadness. Is that sadness? Maybe. Anger? Sure. Frustration? Yeah. Am I sad? Not really. I feel empty. Just empty. I CARE, and I want to care. I can smile in the moment and have a fleeting glimpse of happy, but it’s an illusion. It isn’t real. Just a mask. A paper, fragile mask.
Depression is a hell of a thing.
JeNeSaisPasToo: So I counted 11 punches before he stood up for the motorcyclist then he goes back for more it seems. He kneels down and raises his arm and the video stops. Why did the video stop at that point? Who did the editing? Was it easier to just loop the short video than one continuous beating? Is the defender still throwing punches today?
Nachito0822: The guy in the bike acrually shoots two times before fleeing
GodOfTheGoons: Why is nobody talking about the girl in the pink dress chasing the guy on the bike around?
VoiceofLou: Christ! Easy there Dominic Toretto.
shstron44: Did he died?
Wolfey1618: Unfortunately, that went from self defense to possibly a murder charge because he kept going. Wonder how the courts handled it…
If you ever end up having to defend yourself, do not do more damage than needed to stop the other person from harming you. If they can prove you kept attacking you can be sued or even jailed, especially if it results in death.
Electricute: Honest question. What does punching an unconicious guy accomplish? Would it not be better to break some ribs or some fingers so he has to deal with it when he wakes up?
Bemani247: Anybody else have a WWE referee in their head counting the punches?
Whaddaya Say?