Advanced Targeting Pod Forward Looking Infrared Pod Flight Test Demo on F-16 and F-15 Aircraft
The existence of UFOs had been “proved beyond reasonable doubt,” according the head of the secret Pentagon program that analyzed the mysterious aircrafts.
In an interview with British broadsheet The Telegraph published on Saturday, Luis Elizondo told the newspaper of the sightings, “In my opinion, if this was a court of law, we have reached the point of ‘beyond reasonable doubt.’”
“I hate to use the term UFO but that’s what we’re looking at,” he added. “I think it’s pretty clear this is not us, and it’s not anyone else, so no one has to ask questions where they’re from.”
Question_History: UFOs and extraterrestrials are different.
UFOs are a common phenomena
fuufnfr: They have enough data on enough incidents to conclude there are unknown craft flying without any discernible means for lift or propulsion and are flying faster and out maneuvering our fighter jets.
That’s crazy.
Pretty sure those things aren’t diesel powered either.
Averagepunpun: By definition any “unidentifiable” aircraft can be called a UFO. Including supposed military tech that the world has never seen before.
jamasha: UFOs =/= Aliens
conanclone: This programmed narrative is getting more and more obvious throughout the years. I don’t find it surprising that more and more people are “waking” up, but bread crumbs are given by all agendas and some lead to just getting even more lost in the woods and worse into the bear trap of further control while not even realizing it.
These last few years of conditioning is more in the face of the people than ever before. UFO’s and aliens in the mainstream news, but not much in the ways of our partnership with Saudi Arabia under the control “friendship” between Israel with their militaristic plans for Iran/Lebanon, further implementation for control hidden in an already dangerous concept of the net neutrality debacle, and nothing of the further proof of “Fast and Furious” directly aiding Isis in supplying weapons to them…UFO’s and Aliens though? Full Coverage of what looks like an excerpt from a “History” channel aliens are here episode (From none other than John Podesta and Tom Delonge don’t forget).
Buckle your seat belts and put on your “skepticals”. 2018 here we come.
theantidilluvian: Here’s another link with more detail…
Kewkewmore: Then declassify this proof, along with all the documents regarding the government’s concealment of this very proof.
canering: I want to be excited but I don’t believe this is being announced in good faith in the spirit of transparency.
no1113: It’s a real shame that more and more top level people keep coming out and letting it be known that ETs *are* in fact real and *do* in fact exist, and yet so many on this planet are still so entirely oblivious to what’s really happening and what’s really out there.
> The existence of UFOs had been “proved beyond reasonable doubt,”
This is a thoroughly accurate statement on this Pentagon former head’s part.
toxic_banana: Anyone ever listened to Bill Coopers ideas on what alien disclosure will actually be?
RagingSatyr: Damn this thread has sure gone differently than before. Have all the Blue Beam people gone already?
DrJayWill: Well of course.
ADPNova: What the deep government and black ops don’t want you to comprehend is that there are interdimensional astral entities demonic in nature that many in power actively worship. Are also behind orchestrating all the chaos and suffering in this realm we find ourselves in. These entities also feed off our negative energies and able manipulate through an individual’s thoughts essentially being a mind parasite. That is why I find it very comical when I see a clip of pedosta talking about how he is an advocate of alien ufo disclosure when essentially he actively is involved in demonic satanic rituals as the rest are. Just a psyop to deflect from the true nature of this reality that is occuring beyond what meets the eye
kennedyaz123: Lack of government pursuit means either a) at some level we know exactly what it is; b) it’s actually our technology we are keeping under wraps; c) it’s determined not a threat. Likely all the above.
Maneuvering a craft without apparent flight surfaces isn’t all that impressive lots of ways to accomplish that. And it’s fair to assume any tech we actually know about is 10 or 20 years old.
You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to make the connection that there seems to be a coordinated, concerted international effort to ease us into believing something that governments have denied for decades: the existence of UFOs in our airspace and other intelligent life in the universe.
sydneybluestreet: Project Bluebeam, baby!
>…we might assume the age of disbelief is coming to an end. Have the powers-that-be seen the light and know that they can’t keep us in the dark any longer? Or are they preparing us for something really extraordinary — something like a big reveal?
Is it possible to hide anything these days?
ElsaHate: “If aliens exist and come to Earth, they’ll likely be “less friendly and less interested in our well-being,” retired U.S. Army major Paul H. Smith said.
There is no way in f–king hell anyone would know either way if they are going to be hostile. He has zero evidence to suggest that conclusion and it scares the hell out of me that this guy was serving in our military. He should be embarrassed to be such an idiot.
americansherlock201: Let’s say governments know that ufos and alien life are real and have costed earth.
Now let’s look at the population of earth and how easily they freak out and panic. (Ex. The spaceX launch the other night had people thinking war was starting. Ex.2: the war of the worlds radio broadcast; people rioted.)
So when we take both of these things together, if governments know we are being visited, they would have to work to slowly have us accept this. There would be global panic if aliens just showed up one day. The people need to be slowly brought up to speed on this issue as to avoid complete panic. (Remember that half the population believes in a religion that says earth is super special and hand made by god. Alien life ends that pretty quickly)
So if aliens are real(which I believe they are, see the Drake equation) then this would be the one time I’d like that government goes slow with information coming out. I don’t trust the average citizen not to panic.
MKULTRAserialkillers: If you really look into the “alien disclosure” movements key players and backers, you’ll find all kinds of [Rockefeller’s]( and Podesta’s.
I do not trust.
Kylebeast420: I kind of think no one will care, I mean unless they start blowing things up.
_BITCHES_LOVE_ME_: The only claim I can come up with that has any credibility is the NASA person saying that the ISS seems coated in some kind of foreign bacteria.
What else are some of these “UFO:s might be real”-stories of late that the author is referring too? Is there any truth to the statement that we could be being eased into believing they’re real?
itslino: Just cause you don’t know what it is doesn’t mean it’s an alien though. We barely know anything about space we learn new things all the time regarding all forms of science. The assumption it’s an alien is just very unlikely but not impossible I’d just say that we’d need better proof than its a unidentified Ariel phenomena.
I’m sure other life exists but probably not in a form similar to earth. But have we forgotten about the scientific method your goal is to disprove it until you have evidence which no one seems to do. Also just look how gullible humans are SpaceX rocket in the air everyone thinks aliens instantly that basically shows where people are at mentally.
Even Rand Paul is skeptical of “alien disclosure.” I see Harry is also getting desperate
Ballsdeepinreality: That’s the first time Rand Paul has ever made me lol.
Fauglheim: He doesn’t seem very skeptical at all. Just indignant that Harry never told him.
orionquest2016: I’d like to think a Paul, Gabbard, Kasinich, McKinney, and Ventura tag team would make America Great again.
WindCriesnnary: The only politician (other than his dad) I would ever trust.
Smokedcheesefigurine: I’m pretty sure they know what it is and everyone wants to play dumb. They can investigate that “ufo” if they wanted to.
zenmasterzen3: UFO != aliens
UFO = Nazi Foo Fighters.
The Nazis didn’t lose ww2, they just moved.
“but wait the holocaust surely the Jews would tell us if the nazis had bases in Antarctica with advanced technology”
guess what, the holocaust was fake news. Nazis were jews and jews are nazis. Seriously, 150,000 Jews served in Hitler’s army.
Major UFO Sighting Over Belarus….The Government Can’t Stop These Chariots!
jtmoney219: Drones?
no1113: Okay that one was actually a pretty cool sighting/recording. Those were *not* flares.
jdubb198: 100% Drones
Gibbbbb: St elmos fire?
DanKnites: For chariots o’ the Lord they sure were awfully quiet and blinky. I couldn’t hear any horses neighing in the distance, so I’m going with cloud jetskies of Jehova, one of many signs of the nearing Ragnarok.
TonyRWard: I am not discounting this out as aliens, but I have seen the Blue Angle and Thunderbird pilots do some crazy shit.
dshalock: Sort of looks like laser pointers being shined on an overcast sky.
Whaddaya Say?