huygens2: Its almost like people who are in power were put there by generations before them
damn_this_is_hard: It’s all a big club, and you ain’t in it.
sexrobot_sexrobot: How did anyone ever think that was a nice covering for a couch?
Also Justin Trudeau’s mom(?) is a fox.
clouddevourer: I’m just impressed how polished that table is.
solzhen: Pretty harsh flash from the photographer. Could have used a diffuser or bounced it.
Buck-Nasty: Liam Neeson looks like Castro, Trudeau looks nothing like Castro, you guys need glasses.
ResQ_: Comments in this thread make me think: Is this the alt right’s newest sham? Spreading fake news that Trudeau is Castro’s son?
wapakalypsek: Is that Justin Trudeau in the white blouse?
mlauzon: Just tweeted the image & link about this to my Prime Minister, maybe he’ll look at it, maybe he won’t as you never know with him…!
DarkAlleyDan: Not shown – pat Nixon dropping JT on his head.
Which would explain so much about his current abilities.
Lizardbreathe3: The baby in the table reflection looks different….
Bakedstreet: How many times did she drop him?
BergenCountyJC: Where’s Fidel Castro? No family photo?
kayakfatty: Where is his father Castro?
wapakalypsek: Also, it’s kind of gross how much of a friends club the political system is. Why even vote ? Ask yourselves that!
Desmocratic: I never gave the Castro claim much credence but now I see these pics at different ages and I wonder:
plasmaflux: He’s still a little baby with a fat head.
theanomaly904: Where is Castro?
SemperShitpost: Ronald Regan’s wife helped him put in his first tampon, too.
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