Just drove by Besta Pizza in D.C. Doesn’t look much different to me.
Pizzagate conspiracy theory
“Pizzagate” redirects here. For the pizza-throwing incident at a 2004 association football match, see Battle of the Buffet.
“Pizzagate” connected Comet Ping Pong xxx(pictured) to a fictitious child-sexring.
Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that emerged and went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. In the fall of 2016, the personal email account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, was hacked in a spear-phishing attack and his emails were made public by WikiLeaks. Proponents of the Pizzagate theory falsely claimed that the emails contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with an alleged child-sex ring.[5][6] The theory has been extensively discredited by a wide array of organizations, including the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.
Lyra_Fairview: Strange. Perhaps they only changed it on their website. Also saving this picture because I’ve seen people claim Besta never had this logo in the picture. Also, wtf…why would they change the logo on the website, and not the actual sign… Thanks for posting.
Picture of changed website logo for reference http://mybestapizza.com/
BorisKafka: If you go to the one in Bethesda and look at the building from behind, from the public parking lot, you will see the sign has not been changed from the original logo design. I’ll go take a picture tomorrow if anyone cares.
nothingduploading: They only changed their web site logo.
WindCriesnnary: Im sure i’ll get downvoted by the shills for this,
They cannot change the logo on the actual pizza place, or it would *really* make them seem like they had something to hide.
They changed the logo on their website AFTER we pointed it out last year, and they also deleted bad reviews of their pizza place (as did comet ping pong).
They just have to leave this up, and grit their teeth, hoping nobody starts peeking into their business again.
“Ooops! I swear we had no idea our logo was an exact match for an FBI recognized pedophile symbol for “boy love”
**Here’s the document for those that want to confirm it for their own eyes.**
Now we patiently wait for the astroturfing campaign to show up and shit on this thread.
It’s likely that comet ping pong and the other businesses in the plaza are used as “meet up hubs” for “clientele”.
You stop in, scan the “inventory” or discuss prices/distribution of your product, and how you plan to pay for it.
Looks like JA may occasionally have some foreign wealthy clientele as well.
**Viagra, Xanax, and foreign money** ^^
trashy_kitty: The only conspiracy here is why do people order pizza from Besta? I know this location is in a very fancy part of town, but man they are expensive. Not even that good food imho.
TheCIASellsDrugs: I just want to confirm, is this a picture that you actually took and are vouching for? Because this is big.
The-White-Dot: That’s the pedo symbol? Looks like a rip off of Gladiators or the Gracie jiu-jitsu logo
CMDR_Lightbender: Only the website was changed, because they foolishly thought that would stop the Pizzagaters from calling them non-stop. Unfortunately, it was the Streissand Effect, and Pizzagaters said, “See? They changed the logo because we figured out what they were really doing and now they’re SCARED!”
SoupGFX: Wow… Still promoting their pedophilia. Sickening.
CaptainApollyon: Hmmmmm
L4destroyer: Can’t besta the podesta.
ThaFresh: I guess they wanted to stop the online harassment while still advertising their special menu
MrXplorer: It’s back to business as usual for them….. It’s all blown over now
imLC: Great find!
Diaryofannefrankpt2: I can only imagine the stuff that goes on in that basement. Scary stuff. Good find
Needles_Eye: They changed it back a while ago.
Alasbabylon103: Saved image thank you!
haazebay: George Webb walked by it the other week and it’s on video
dfu3568ete6: Hmmm another pizzagate flare up. Is it because Kushner’s Duetsche Bank records were subpoenaed and the vice chair of the Intel Committee wants Kushner and Trump Jr to come testify before the committee again? Or something bigger?
ComicGamer: The website wont let you order from the D.C front. Odd.
Sammy-G0321: Looks more like a vulknut
TheRadChad: Skulls and bones? Free Mansons have their shit everywhere? Their handshakes
FR3DF3NST3R: Is there any none wikileaks related evidence that these are paedo symbols.
Spider_Goat7: They gotta keep the symbol to attract pedophile clients.
teefymcteephteeth: They did change it, but maybe they have changed it back now that nobody believes in pizzagate anymore
Kid-friendly pizza joint
Spider_Goat7: You should post the video of that singer saying “we all have our preferences” when someone asked him about liking little boys
defhermit: soo.. is there any evidence that the pictures on the right are related to the event flyer on the left?
JeffBurk: The flyer and the pictures seem from two different events. The OP is being disingenuous and trying to link two different events to outrage people.
To all the people confused by what “all ages” means – it’s an extremely common phrase in the music scene that means under 21 are allowed at the show. It’s doesn’t mean “little kids” and most all ages shows still serve alcohol if you’re 21 or over with an ID. I’ve been to “all ages” shows that served alcohol to people with IDs showing they were over 21 in Pennsylvania, Maryland, D.C., New Jersey, Texas, Oregon, and California. Maybe there are some states that don’t allow it but I’ve never been to one.
I’m honestly shocked at how many people here seem to be very sheltered from art, entertainment, and events.
TheHoboExpress: All ages does not mean kid friendly. It just means under 21 allowed.
Political_moof: Ahh, good ol’ conspiracy.
Come to read about the new revelations of a DoD program related to UFO tech and a released video of a UFO, the largest gift to the elite donor class in US history, or perhaps come to read up on their thoughts about the current sex scandal revelations.
Stay because you’re totally bemused about the fact they they still are talking about fucking *pizzagate*.
Lmfao. Never change. Unreal.
IndigoGosRule: At the VERY least this has to be some kind of health code violation.
YoshiTakimatsui: Kid friendly pizza place for kids that attracts kids with kids doing reviews of the pizza on YouTube to get other kids to come down.
Cupcakemonger: This post is dishonest. I believe the pizzagate conspiracy but I can never try to convince my friends about it because of all the bs posts like this. The Pujol poster has nothing to do with the right side image. I’m not defending the picture on the right, but this post is clearly trying to make it seem as though it was an all ages event.
pizzagate_researcher: * What’s wrong with the first picture? How is connected to the second and third?
* Any evidence the 3rd picture was taken at Comet Ping Pong?
dirkdeagler: As an aside, that looks to be a stylized image of a renal [nephron](https://biologydictionary.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Blood-Flow-in-the-Nephron.jpg) on the poster. Anyone have any idea what the symbolic significance is in this context?
FreaksAtNight: I’m sure there were lots of children at the 10pm show. I really think a lot of this Pizzagate shit is just homophobia. Get a grip, people are into weird shit, but not all weird shit is pedophilia.
They are attempting to bury and stifle any discussion or post of ?Gate and Pedogate. Please, don’t take the comments and votes at face value. Instead, watch this MSM video by Ben Swann and decide for yourself. One of the greatest and bravest acts of journalism of all time.
Whaddaya Say?