Wholly_Crap: Looks like a setup to me, but what do I know.
Bustin_Jeiber: The cigs in the ashtray are just broken in half. Not burned. Fake. Let’s get a triple post going.
WickedTriggered: this looks staged as fuck. Motorcyclist just chilling on sidewalk. Car parked right next to a trash can to increase the outrage factor when they dump it on the ground. He literally could have thrown that shit in the trash can jusr as easily. Perfectly placed retaliatory tool to be used.
hydrogen_wv: Beautiful.
nBob20: Fake or not, it’s fun.
#[Here’s the full version]
EthanD495: Thanks for editing in the circles, I really couldn’t tell what was happening until they took up half the screen
nonorden: This still firs to this subs stupid revenge fetish. Revenge isn’t nessecarily justice guys. I’m unsubscribing here, this place ain’t about justice.
AceChillman: Just to be clear both these people are pieces of sh*t.
LastDusk: My wife wants to know if this motorcycle rider has a Facebook page.
yesididreddit: Both are kinda of a**holes.
tknames: ?Don’t you know that you are my hero!?
?you are everything I wish that I could be!?
PixelFoxy: Throwing trash on trash on the street?
machines_speak_to_me: If youre that lazy you can use your lap for an ashtray.
BeardyMcBeardyBeard: I feel like that would count as (attempted) battery in some jurisdictions.
ZogJhones: Wish I had the balls to do this
Whaddaya Say?