By now, everyone has seen the eye-popping NY Times article and the video that came with it. Why? Why now? Why is the Pentagon all of a sudden admitting it is spending money on UFO research? Why are there multiple spottings of cigar shaped inter-stellar objects that could be an alien spaceship, suddenly being reported on? Why is Tom DeLonge all of a sudden being approached by former Pentagon officials to disclose UFOs? Why is the military purposely flying squads of airplane at night in formations that can easily be mistaken as gigantic UFOs?
Why you ask?
Because they need to come up with an explanation for trillions of missing dollars.
Let’s think rationally for a moment. The UFO phenomenon has been filmed since the 1940’s when Foo Fighters were first spotted. Over the decades there have been countless testimonies and sightings by credible sources (like military/commercial pilots) let alone hundreds and hundreds of hours of footage. Ask anyone in the world if they know what a UFO is and they will answer yes. Are we to believe that the strongest, the most advanced military in the world does not know everything there is to know about UFOs in 2010’s? Are we to believe that the research into the topic only began on 2007 as according to the NYT? Absurd! How naïve do you have to be to believe such utter non-sense?
Enter the threat of the first-ever audit of the Pentagon and the DoD. As the saying goes, they’re up the creek without a paddle. Yes, they are missing AT LEAST $21 trillion by some estimates and as much as $29 trillion by more “sensationalistic” media outlets.
Where did all this money go? Well, I’d imagine some went to legit above top secret weapons research. Now, most of these experiments probably failed, wasting trillions. The military has every motivation to hide failed experiments while publicizing the crap out of successful ones. Why? Because repeated reports of failures will drive the public and Congress to doubt about funding future projects. So they hide the unsuccessful results as much as possible. They simply don’t want their revenue stream reduced.
Next? Probably a significant amount went in to illegal operations and sensitive surveillance. After all, you can’t actually put into accounting ledgers that we were spying on our closest allies or that we were responsible for certain insurrections in the Middle East, or that we’re actually protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan, right? Or that we’re even spending vast resources monitoring our own population unconstitutionally. No, no, all those things have to be off-the-books.
Finally, I suspect that large sums of money were embezzled or diverted to enrich the Military Industrial Complex. All those extravagant perks don’t come cheap you know. Who cares if the military pays $200k for an LCD monitor that costs $50 to make. It’s all free money. Well, to them that is, because it’s our money.
So, what to do? How are the Pentagon and the DoD going to account for over $20 trillion in missing funds? Well, you figure they’ll point to covert programs and secret development for up to $10 trillion or so. But there’s just no way they’re going to come up with an acceptable explanation for all $20+ trillion.
That’s where the UFO patsy comes in. Yes. They are going to reveal that trillions that were actually squandered (or outright stolen) were justifiably spent on the following:
1. To research and validate the existence of UFOs.
2. To devise and construct early warning systems (such as a satellite network) that can detect UFOs encroaching on our space.
3. To come up with feasible ways to defend ourselves against an unlikely but possible alien invasion.
4. Labs and research centers dedicated to understanding how the UFOs function should they turn out to be real.
5. Etc. etc. bla bla bla…
You see where they’re going with this? When the entire planet is at stake, $10+ trillion in defense suddenly doesn’t seem so bad. Of course, no evidence of actual development or proof of systems will ever be disclosed. You know, national security and all. But all this hinges on the majority of the population believing that UFO are real and that a credible threat is a possibility. This is why more and more information will be released from the Pentagon in the coming months. They want you to believe!
If you need proof of my argument, just look at the NY Times article.
In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find.
The very first line of the article specifically states the amount spent on this program. Why does it make such an emphasis in this insignificant amount of $22 million? Simple. They are trying to program us in to accepting that it is normal to spend money on UFO research. Need more proof? Look further down the article.
“Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue?” Mr. Elizondo wrote in a resignation letter to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.
Do you see the psychological manipulation? Do you see how the article is trying to make us believe that funding for UFO research is not only justified but absolutely necessary?
Don’t fall for this crap. While I’m a firm believer in UFOs, I also know damn well that the DoD, CIA, NSA and just about every powerful agency in the country knows the full truth of UFOs. They’ve known for decades! They’re just trying to convince you that all that money that’s missing? Well, that it was well spent. They’re gonna claim they’re saving your ass from greys and reptilians so just be thankful.
In the coming months (and even years), the government will release more and more info on UFOs. Do not fall for it. It’s old news. It’s stuff the govt has known for a long time, carefully packaged to make you think… “hmm, maybe we DO need to spend more money on UFO research and defense.” It’s all a ruse. It’s all a scam. They’re just trying to cover their ass for the missing $29 trillion.
This is the real “Project Blue Beam”. It is to obfuscate and justify the trillions that have been illegally used by our own military.
P.S. Upon re-reading my post, I seem to be saying that UFOs definitely exists and the govt has been hiding it. I am not. I am saying the govt fully knows for sure whether they exist or not. I do not know what they know. All I’m saying is that they are using psyop to get people to question “MAYBE UFOs exists”. When enough people start questioning the existence of UFOs, their secret unaccounted $10+ trillion spent on supposed projects to verify UFOs will seem justified. It will all be BS because they already know whether they exist or not and have known for decades.
beansprout10282016: I agree that the UFO/Aliens posts and reports are distractions…and your assumptions are good. I also think that we will see more and more of these reports coming out as the noose tightens around the elites as they are afraid of exposure of their crimes against humanity (withheld medical cures, advanced technologies, funding regional/national wars etc…).
thebabyseagull: Yep.
I want to believe its aliens.
I like to read about project bluebeam and the Illuminati plot to install a NWO religion and world government.
But in reality its just going to be a giant tax scam.
Great post OP.
hamgina: I’ll throw my comment in since no one will likely read it anyhow.
The other day, someone came in here and pretty much point blank said he worked for the Navy and admitted with great detail that he worked in the Naval weather group and admitted they have been doing aerosol spraying since the mid 90’s because of global warming.
Not sure if that dude was being a LARP or not but his story sure did make sense and it got me thinking that it could be part of a much larger campaign where shills are being put forth as pawns in a much larger conspiracy to get ahead of the missing trillions story by showing some cards on some low hanging conspiracies.
I’ve always said that the chemtrails are likely weather modification because the government knows something scary about our environment and instead of panicking the public, they spend billions on deflecting sunlight to help cool the earth. It’s possible a good chunk of the $$ is going in for something to be helpful and not really devious.
Just a thought and since it matched a bit of this UFO narrative, I thought I would chime in with my opinion about how the guvvy is going to stay ahead of this….
Pologrounds: Great post. I’m just thinking out loud here about the weekend…..
– NASA uses Google AI to discover an additional planet in a neighboring solar system (Kepler 90I, like Earth, is the 3rd planet from that solar system’s main star, or sun).
– On December 16, 2017 (Saturday), the Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’ article comes out via The New York Times (
– Foo Fighters were the musical guest on Saturday Night Live on December 16th. Playing off of OP’s mention about how ‘foo fighter’ was the term used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific theaters of operations, I remember noticing the first of the 2 songs they played on Saturday. Firstly, it struck me as odd that they were the musical guest because, well, it’s been awhile since they were on. Secondly, their first song was a song titled, ‘The Sky Is A Neighborhood’. Red flag immediately for me. I looked up the lyrics while I was listening to it. Just taking the first couple of lyrics was telling:
The sky is a neighborhood, So keep it down;
The heart is a storybook, A star burned out
Who was the host of SNL on Saturday? Kevin Hart. He just had to admit he cheated on his wife ( Those lyrics make A LOT of sense, considering.
– All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts…
EDIT: Grammar, and a mental conclusion that this reality is fully scripted. We might as well be in The Truman Show.
TyCamden: Operation Solar Warden is something I read about recently. If it’s real, it would absorb a lot of funding.
stein63: Pentagon is getting [audited]( and this is the only “documentation” they can come up with to cover their asses.
SpikedGIraffe: Setting up up for the next “Foreign” Enemy,
First it was the Soviets…then the USSR Fell.
A few year later at the Beginning of the New American Century…Terrorists.
Now that ISIS is on the run and by and far it seems people are not buying the Narrative anymore about Terrorism and Islam anymore, they need a new threat to scare people.
So bring in the Aliens. I can not recall how long ago or where, but this was going to be the 3rd Threat to keep people under control after the Terrorism thing died down.
Need something bigger and badder to keep peoples attention away from where they do not want it. Time to pull out the last Big Scary Card…Aliens.
Natural Human Fear of the Other.
Would be perfect cover to sweep in and take control right after a Devastating Attack by Aliens, those who come to save people and clean up the mess will seen as heroes and be given the power to set up the New World Government.
The New World Government will be established as a force to combat the new threat from space. Aliens are the one threat that could unite all people of Earth towards one single goal.
IMO i think there will be an attack in the coming years. It will be an asteroid/meteor/[Rod of God]( kind of attack at first.
It will be passed off at first as just a random event that was missed. We already know we can not watch the entire sky for them.
Or perhaps they already know there will be a collision in the near future and there is nothing we can do to stop it at this point. But not ones to let any crisis go to waste…they will use it and claim attack to put their plans into action.
cm18: Possibly. But my guess is that those behind the military that support Trump want people to go into space, so they want to acclimatize people into the idea that aliens have been here (in our solar system) for thousands of years.
Also, it could also be both. Often times a move has multiple objectives, just like moves on a chess board.
bigfoush: Good ole Kansas City Shuffle
FootballJedi: This is an absolutely fantastic post. Its one of those posts that I start sending to everyone I know and annoying them.
Raxraxraxrax: “We spent it on UFOs and stuff don’t worry about it.”
jamasha: These three links should be helpful…
[16-F-0263 FY2015 DARPA Funding Spreadsheet PDF](
[Master Government List of Federally Funded R&D Centers](
StJudasE: its pretty expensive to seed clouds on a wide scale… just sayin
legalize-drugs: It’s a really interesting speculative subject, and you may be right, OP. But this phrase “believe in UFO’s” is silly. You mean, “believe that some UFO’s are alien crafts,” right? I spent some serious time on this subject, and the evidence is overwhelming that some of the instances have involved alien crafts and alien intelligence. You can also encounter non-human higher intelligence through the use of DMT, which I’ve done. We are not alone here as humans. I really recommend reading Richard Dolan, Jacque Vallee, and Terence McKenna, and also smoking DMT yourself.
Addicted2Craic: Tom DeLonge from Blink 182 and Angels & Airwaves?
AntiSocialBlogger: Good post op. Here is my 2 cents. Maybe tptb have been building a space fleet or interstellar craft? That would have cost trillions to build. Maybe all the science fiction from the last 25 years or so is somewhat true?
I’m thinking along the lines of the Stargate TV show.
I find it interesting that for years tptb had people convinced ufo’s were fantasy and when people started to consider that they might in fact be real we are at a point that most here would consider it a false flag aka project bluebeam.
In effect if tptb were trying to keep the existence of alien life a secret they have succeeded. If the aliens showed themselves tomorrow people wouldn’t believe it.
Glag82: Dave Chappelle said it best. “Mars bitches!” Every single time a budget concern pops up, wham distraction (tips beer Truman Show indeed).
RagingSatyr: Here’s the issue with your post: no one gives a fuck about the $21T with or without justification from the government. Realize that the government doesn’t need to justify that loss to us because normal people don’t care. You’re thinking that everyone has the “conspiratorial mind” but most people will just glance at that stat, momentarily think “that’s fucked up” and go on with their day.
To think that the government would go as far as reveal the existence of UFOs after decades to justify unaccounted money to conspiracy theorists is absurd.
I think the most likely reason for disclosure would be the upcoming civilian expansion into space. Previously it was the domain of governments and militaries but once civilians go up there it might be harder to deny.
Edit: Another possibility is the development of the EmDrive providing an unprecedented breakthrough in reverse engineering UFOs.
apeinthecity: I’ve spent a lot of time pondering where the money goes. I think there is more than one answer here. UFOs are almost certainly a real phenomena that have happened and scared them (maybe it never scared level 3, maybe only level 2). Massive corruption and hush money is another part. They use the corruption to further the agenda of the secret government.
They also maintain at least a 30 year time shift in aerospace tech. Meaning you can point out a tech they are allegedly developing now in aerospace and know with some certainty they perfected it almost 30 years ago. They do that for a number of reasons.
I think they also built lots of underground facilities all over the world for apocalyptic situations. Those would cost a lot.
Maybe they even built bases on the moon. I have no idea.
I don’t understand all of what they do but it’s obvious something is rotten in Denmark.
GonadusTwistus: that ufo is totally a lockheed multiple kill vehicle
HoundDogs: 21 TRILLION.
Do you have any idea how much goddamn money that is?
WalMart, the largest company (in terms of assets)on the planet earth, is worth 290 Billion dollars. 21 Trillion dollars is over 72 Walmart’s added together.
steve_doom: What’s it going to take for humanity to realise that we are constantly being lied to with literally everything?
We massively outnumber the elite, it wouldn’t take much for everyone to just come together and remove the ‘world leaders’.
Anyway, regarding OP, I believe we are not alone in the vastness of space, it just seems to be distraction tactics by the 1% – usually these sort of stories crop up during times of uncertainty, and I’m sure that if/when aliens do visit earth to say hello or wipe us out that they wouldn’t just go to the superpowers of earth.
My two pence.
HeyEatMyShit420: Its all fake
Namesoog: Fricken aliens are now robbing the Pentagon? WoW, it’s a true conspiracy.
DukeOvNukem: on the campaign trail i remember hillary mentioning something about offering to open up ufo files
caseyanthem: “You use to read me stories, as if my dreams are boring. We all know conspiracies are dumb.”
~Tom Delonge
Motleysun: Imo there getting ready for the false flag alien attack.
They’ll say we need weapons in space.
oneamungus: We have space scientists that stare at the sky with high-powered telescopes for a living and none of them have reported seeing UFOs.
boneshambler: What does Bigalow Aerospace have do with this?
themeanbeaver: Saw that bullshit too. John Pedoesta was linking that shitty NYT article. Although, the pentagon has lost trillions before, I doubt the deplorables would give a shit.
oneamungus: $21 trillion over how much time? I wonder how much was spent on so called entitlements during that same time period? Money for entitlements is not the problem theft by our government officials and corporate entities is the problem. Get your understanding of what’s happening in this country straight people most of you sound like idiots.
[deleted]: Great. So what are you doing about it beside posting here to more people that will do nothing about it? What’s the point in a conspiracy if you’re too weak to make it be seen as truth? Lot of people around here patting themselves on the back for simply crying behind a keyboard. Smh.
Scholars find $21 TRILLION in unauthorized government spending from 1998 to 2015 – $65,000 stolen from each US citizen over 17 years. This is how the “establishment” filled their pockets to control the MSM today.
Space_Pecs: 21 trillion over 17 years?
That’s the entire US Federal Budget over that time period.
I don’t get it.
RagingSatyr: >Spends $21T on black project making UFOs
>Spends $22MM investigating UFOs without knowing about their origins
TFW this is how the government of the most powerful country works
upever: We paying these public servants to rule us like we are worse than sheeps.
DonQuixote122334: Some say it was due to bad rounding. Or bad accounting.
noknow99: They don’t control the MSM. They are the MSM.
Thameus: What a crock.
It’s hilarious now seeing the typical non-believers jump on the alien train, when the NYT posted some Tom Delong shit
Am I the only one concerned about the possible UFO invasion false flag, and how it will actually play out?
I guess what I mean, is yeah, we might all be expecting it, and we all may be ready to call bullshit…but here’s the thing…
I’m worried about what will come with it. Obviously they can’t just project holograms into the sky, use a frequency that penetrates our hearing/mind and speak to us. It would have to be much more than that, and I’m positive it WILL be much more than that.
Besides directed energy weapons, we aren’t completely aware of every type of weaponry that has grown out of the technology they harnessed back in the 40s. I mean yeah, we know Tesla had a death beam, could generate earthquakes with a small box using resonant frequencies, and several other things…but with 60+ years since Roswell under the military’s belt, you have to know they’ve got some crazy shit cooked up just going off the fact that they’ve definitely refined the former mentioned technologies.
I guess what worries me, is how the fuck could we point out it’s all a ruse, when they obliterate an entire city? We will be the ones looking like complete idiots even if we point to all the evidence. I mean, if they scrambled fighters and tried to shoot the holograms, and the missiles just went straight thru the UFOs, or they can’t get a heat signature lock, they can just say their using some alien tech, and nobody would believe it’s a hologram at that point.
I guess my point is we are all fucked no matter what, and it worries me, because even pointing out it’s completely bullshit, and having the best evidence ever witnessed to mankind, it’s going to get us nowhere.
If you thought you looked bad pointing out 9/11 was a hoax/false flag, just wait until an entire city gets vaporized for real with technology nobody outside of this sub ever knew existed.
MesaDixon: *”The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in* **1974,** *they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had “killer satellites”. We were told that they were coming to get us and control us — that they were* **”Commies.”**
*Then* **terrorists** *would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism.*
*Then we were going to identify* **third-world country “crazies.”** *We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.*
*The next enemy was* **asteroids.** *Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids-against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.*
*And the funniest one of all was what he called* **aliens, extraterrestrials.** *That would be the* **final scare**.- Dr. Carol Rosin
Reality_is_a_scam: perhaps, most of us have made peace w/t prospect of impending doom
aheadyriser: I hear you man… I’ve been trying to call out this Delonge stuff for awhile now. I’m extremely interested in where the MSM is going to take this Pentagon UFO story… Even Steven Greer took to twitter saying that this is the beginning of a fake partial disclosure. I guess all we can do is wait and hope for the best.
D4N73PRO: Yea try and take a deep breath, im there w u and its hectic. Also omg ive read several tesla books and hes a hero to me, but i totally forgot about the resonance earthquake device…..very scary to think of the refined tech
OffOfCommission182: There was some prophecy or profit that said in 2018 or something there would be a staged alien invasion … who’s got links on that?
spiff531: There is observational truth and man made false hoods.
Even if they employ deception, what will follow will only be based on that deception and empty as all ways.
A religion of fear of Extra Terrestrials or advanced technology will be as easy to dispute as current idea-ologies for evil spirits or terrorist actions.
The only thing was have to fear is: fear itself
mcmacsonstein: I’m concerned, I see the plan being the idea that we have to develop technology to fight them, justifying a giant program to develop space based weapons.
Don’t fall for it. We don’t need weapons to fight an enemy that could choose to wipe us out but chooses not to.
Question_History: It’s going to be a distraction from Pedogate arrests and disclosure
Dummy_Detector: The government for the most part is a bunch of incompetent goons, i dont think they are capable of fooling the majority of the world in such a grandiose (and ridiculous) deception. If they even attempted this nobody would ever have faith or for that matter believe a word any government had to say ever again .
too_original: I think if there is a false flag it will be closer to the 2020 election time. Probably late 2019 at the earliest.
Fluxcapaciti: I don’t understand how this article/video aren’t all that anyone here is talking about
brock_lee: Do you have a timeline on the UFO invasion false flag?
KevinWCollarBone: I posted this in another thread but it works here to. 10 plus years of an increase of movies where cites are destroyed. Two more coming out this year in rampage and avengers. Gov has alien tech. I’m guessing it’s a prep. A city is going down.
santaist: Open the skies over me, I am waiting patiently. I’ll wait for a sign as conspiracy unwinds. Will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized?
When the Zetas fill the skies, will our leaders tell us why? Fully loaded satellites will conquer nothing but our minds.
I’m waiting patiently, and I’ll wait for the sign. Carried through the centuries, secrets locked up are loaded on my back, and it weighs me down.
When the Zetas fill the skies, it’s just our leaders in disguise. Fully loaded satellites will conquer nothing but our minds.
I’m waiting patiently, and I’ll wait for the sign. I’m waiting patiently, and I’ll wait for the sign.
-Muse, Exo-Politics
alpha_sion: Did anyone else notice on the side of the HUD video it literally reads “ufo setup”?
perfect_pickles: obviously the only one.
everybody else is more concerned about HRC and Trump and Mueller and Palestine/Israel. jobs money economy.
aliens and UFO are so 70s, its laughable how some dinosaur in the CIA (or a marketeering org) thinks aliens and UFOs are going to capture the minds of the xbox generation, nobody gives a damn.
madiannee: First of all, UFO’s are more apart of our earth than we thing. Do you know how fuckin’ high tech they are if they’re here?! Which they are, don’t get me wrong, they are here. They have watched us evolve and become the human beings we know and love today. They will dominate if given the chance. If I were society as a whole I would chill tf out. What would they even do with us? The fact that they have the technology alone to find earth is astonishing. We are stupid and of no laborious use to them. They are beyond genius.
We have the choice to compete or comply.
COMPLY DAMMIT! Competing is legitimately setting yourself up for failure. Therefore why not comply offering peace and pray for it in return. You never know, they may end up saving us in return.
I believe in this so hard that I cry softly when thinking about it. It’s a miraculous thing to me.
KMckok: Operation Blue-beam
astuary_king8o: My question for you is, how do you know it will be fake? I think extra terrestrial life is most likely possible, and that it probably has made contact with humans. But I certainly don’t know it for a fact.
Why would you assume that project blue beam is real before it even happens? What if the aliens are real?
whenipeeithurts: Jesus Christ is God who died for our sins. Space is fake. There are no aliens, only devils (demons). Get right by repenting and believing the Gospel. Then you can enjoy the show while working for the winning team filled with the Holy Spirit.
Whaddaya Say?