Are Jews aliens from a faraway planet?
Judaism is not a religion per se, but it’s an astronomical science? Let’s find out …
‘Jews in Space’ Exhibit Traces Jewish Culture Across the Cosmos
A new exhibit at New York’s Center for Jewish History chronicles the ties between Jewish culture and exploration of the cosmos, and includes some incredible artifacts from the history of astronomy and space exploration.
“Jews In Space” officially debuted at the center on Monday, Feb. 26, in partnership with the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.
YIVO is all these things: a research institute, an institution of higher learning, an adult education organization, a cultural organization, and a world-renowned library and archives.
- Mission: To preserve, study, share, and perpetuate knowledge of the history and culture of East European Jewry worldwide.
- Founded in Berlin and Wilno, Poland in 1925 as the Yiddish Scientific Institute with the support of leading intellectuals and scholars, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud.
Wait a second … According to National Geographic, Albert Einstein is no genius, but plagiarists. So is Sigmund Freud.
“National Geographic aired a new show, “Genius” focusing on the life of Einstein, claiming he solved the mysteries of the universe despite being hated by Germans for being Jewish. In reality, Einstein was a plagiarist, communist, Zionist and a fraud. He is a constructed myth.”
This is an excerpt from episode 35 of Weekend Warrior… Judge for yourself,
Anyway, back to “Jews In Space” …
Walk through the exhibit halland you’ll find rare 18th and 19th century rabbinic tomes on astronomy in Hebrew, German and Yiddish, as well as a dreidel, a Torah pointer, a traveling menorah and other religious artifacts that traveled into space with the first Jewish American astronaut, Jeffrey Hoffman. The exhibit also features mementos from other Jewish space travelers, memorabilia from science fiction, and a detailed timeline of Jewish accomplishments in astronomy and spaceflight.
“Jews In Space” was a year and a half in the making. Curator Melanie Meyers’ husband originally suggested the center create an exhibit on Jewish people and science fiction. At the same time, the exhibitions curator of the YIVO Institute, Edward Portnoy, was working on a collection of rare rabbinical materials from the 16th to 19th centuries and found several astronomy texts, Portnoy told
The exhibit pays homage to its namesake with memorabilia from Brooks’ parody film, including a signed photo of the “Star Trek”-influenced Star of David-shaped spaceships featured in the movie. Although Meyers’ husband originally envisioned a science fiction exhibit, it seems that no one is disappointed that the project took a turn toward space history.
“Who wouldn’t want to celebrate astronomy and spaceflight? They’re compelling topics,” Portnoy said. “And also, perhaps, not quite the thing one expects from a Jewish historical institution.”
Question: Can You Keep Kosher or Halal in Space?
Astronauts on the International Space Station can’t follow strict kosher or halal laws — or stay totally kosher for Passover — but the scientists at NASA’s food lab have a few options for observant space fliers. talked with Vickie Kloeris, manager of NASA’s Space Food Systems Laboratory, about the space station crew’s options. The food lab is based at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, and its researchers are responsible for developing menus as well as producing and packaging the actual food that flies to the space station.
According to Kloeris, purely kosher meals (food prepared according to Jewish law) or halal (food prepared according to Islamic law) aren’t currently possible for the space station fliers.
Sorry, the answer is NOPE.
Humans Are Hybrids Of Anunnaki – German scientists
The Anunnaki are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians.
Until recently, the consensus view was that modern humans, Homo sapiens, had been around on Earth for 200,000 years. But now, new research suggests the modern brain could be as little as 35,000 years old.
Apparently Jews believe they are the direct descendants of the Annunaki.
“Chapter 6.1 – There is much discussion about creating a primitive worker slave race of beings. One of the kings sons states the “father of all beginning” has the sole power of creation. The other kings son that is promoting this endeavor is saying the being already exists and they would not be slaves, but helpers. Of course this sounds like a modern day fabrication of a lie. The other kings son says it is against the rules of planet to planet journeying. The others kings son states it was against the rules to even come to Earth. After much debate the king decreed the primitive slave be created.” … More here
Whether Jews are descendants of the Annunaki or not, we don’t know, we do have some news about Giants.
Here is the latest on “Giants”: –
1890 NY Times Article: Race Of Giants Discovered In New York
It’s not know if these giants have anything to do with Jews, but it’s a conspiratorial thing nonetheless.
An 1890 New York Times article has been unearthed which describes the stunning archaeological discovery of “a race of Indian giants.”
The article states that about fifty skeletons of Indians were found at an Indian graveyard near Edgewater-avenue in Pleasantville, with many of them measuring 7 feet tall and one measuring 8 feet tall. reports: The first lot of skeletons unearthed was about one thousand yards from the city post office and embraced eight bodies, closely laid together in a deep chamber, snugly packed in with tortoise, oyster, and clam shells.
One of this number had bead and shells decorations, which together, which its extreme height, points to the fact that it must have been the powerful old chief Kieawaughs, whose descendants still own farms along the shore.
Prof. C. H. Farrel of Baltimore, Charles K. Simpson of New York, John H. Cooley, Jr., of New Haven, Conn., and several gentlemen from the University of Pennsylvania immediately went to the scene.
Messars, Risley and Farr, the owners of the land, gave to the anthropological association of the University of Pennsylvania the right to search for relics on their land.
These researchers have been watched by thousands of people with great interest. Besides weapons of war savage ornamental war decorations and numerous valuable shells, stones & c., over fifty skeletons have been exhumed.
Dr. Charles R. Abbot, curator of the association, is continuing the search, and the skeletons are to be shipped to the University at once.
They run in size from a small child to several of seen feet in height, and one, supposed to be an old medicine man, Wauneck, must have been at least eight feet in height.
About fifty students were on the ground this morning and continued their search until stopped by rain.
The citizens gaze in silent wonder on these relics of a race that at one time ruled the land. For seven miles along the shore can be seen large mounds of clam and oyster shells left here by indians who used to congregate by hundreds to open oysters for Winter food, and it is near those shell mounds that the great number of skeletons have been taken up. In some instances weapons of war made of stone and flint have been found lying close beside some exceedingly large skeletons. The relics will be put on exhibition at the museum of the university of Philidelphia.
By the way,
Top Scientist Claims NASA Is Covering Up Evidence Of Alien Life On Mars
A top scientist has accused NASA of covering up evidence of alien life on Mars, and has offered proof to back up his claims.
Dr Barry DiGregorio says satellite images by the space agency’s Curiosity rover this year show clear evidence of “soft bodied creatures” on the Red Planet. reports: NASA said it believes the figures may be crystals, and is considering “multiple possibilities” on the space snaps.
But Dr DiGregorio has accused the organisation of a cover-up, and believes it may be withholding the truth in order to boost its plan to send humans to Mars in the 2030s.
He told Daily Star Online: “Put it this way, these images, these figures, have not been seen on Mars to date.
“One of the things that grabbed me immediately was the expediency that NASA left the area of such a mission.
“So when I started looking, it wasn’t just the objects that were attached the outside, what they are calling sticks.
“If you look at the images more closely, the sticks merge into the host rock, this actually has features in it that are reminiscent of trace fossils.
“NASA has turned its back on trying to get the data on this.
“The order came down from NASA HQ that they should move the rover on to the next point.
“They didn’t feel it was important enough to look at, I thought that was very odd, despite the fact a gale crater was host to probably a series of lakes for billions and billions of years.
“Crystals don’t add up. Crystals don’t branch or twist. We’re talking about something that might have been equivalent to the Ordovician period on Earth.”
To pursue his case further, Dr DiGregorio has teamed up with two other experts to examine the findings.
The Express reports: He says the trace fossils represent signs of “soft bodies creatures” which once roamed the Red Planet.
Dr DiGregorio has now accused NASA of a cover up and said the space agency could be witholding information due to its plans to send humans to Mars in the 2030s.
He says he will rock NASA with a report that will argue for the findings showing signs of alien life.
Dr DiGregorio has long held the opinion that Mars hosted alien life around one billion years ago in a giant lake.
And he believes the latest findings will strengthen his case further.
He told us: “At this time I’m working with two other experts, and we’re going to prepare a paper, I’m not the only one looking at these things.
“Well we’re going to look at it, and basically a good scientist presents a case.
“If you have been in this as long as I have, to have seen all the things I have seen, with NASA, I would actually say that they are avoiding looking for life.
“Honestly, there are a number of speculations about this.
“And that is, if they know that there is life there, and I very truly believe that NASA knows that there is living microbes in the soil of Mars.
“If they announced that, once that has been satisfied to the general public, people who pay their taxes to send the $2.5billion probe to Mars, they are going to say okay well we discovered life, we don’t need to go there anymore.”
Dr DiGregorio now lives in New York, US, and was a research associate for the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, UK, between 1999 and 2010.
Aliens are real, Martians do exist?
Last but not least, Are Jews Space Aliens, Hybrids of Anunnaki, or the Giants discovered in New York?
If not, why do Jews (at least some of them) still think the rest of mankind are lesser beings?
Whaddaya Say?