xXVaatiXx: apparently bees are people now.
supified: I’ve read about this, how wasps and hornets can be too large for bees to damage, so they just smother them.
JelloDarkness: Bake him away, toys!
missingthemessage: I’ve seen this show/whatever with audio. From what I remember, the smaller beeeez get on that larger fellow and vibrate with intensity as to create friction and heat up. Them small boiz are able to withstand like 120 degree or so and that big boi only like 115 so they basically melt its insides.
jwaterworth: Do bees release some kind of chemical that calls for an attack? I dont think the bees were like ‘holy shit, did you just see that? lets get em boys!’
xShelbox: That’s honestly terrifying…
4aPurpose: To the unaware, it’s to do with the speed at which the bees buzz.
In other words they’re using vibration to kill the hornet.
*As far as I remember*
[Here’s a video on 30 Hornets Vs 30,000 bees.]
redditnkam: They’re going to bake it alive.
cynicaldotes: what are wasps or hornets even good for
Weremetalwolf: This is to show that no matter how big and scary something may look, we can take it down if we all work together.
ohmycheddar: this is oddly satisfying
perocchit: That is also what happens when you fight the police.
TalPistol: I fucking hate wasps and fucking love bees!
PitifulBean: TIFU by eating a bee.
hm4866: Who will avenge the apostrophe?
rootpl: Fun fact: Bees are too small to kill the hornet and they can’t hurt them in normal fight. What they are doing instead, they swarm him and they kill the hornet by “cooking” it with their body heat.
hgkaveman: Damn nature, you scary.
rainbowc8t: So does this ever work out for the wasp/hornet? Why would they ever attempt an invasion if it means certain death?
ExPatSTL: He got buzz-ted
Tarthbane: Does anyone else feel uncomfortable watching this? I hate wasps and I love watching them die, but this gives me some serious heebie-jeebies just thinking if I were some organism getting destroyed by bees. It’s super cool, yet super terrifying.
LinusDrugTrips: Why the fucking apostrophe??
I don’t mean not to be a grammar nazi, but for f’s sake.
That Wasp knew he done f—ed up
frankfontaino: *Bees
WingWalkerPro: Bee’s. Sigh. The elementary school has failed you.
LaZayna: The power of body heat
swedhitman: has been said before but still true, Damn nature, you scary.
RunFury: Bada**
PetiteBonaparte: I just love bees. Look theyre hugging their fellow flying friend… to death.
MadMetalMike: Thanos vs the Avengers.
Mudkipli: It’s like Skyrim when you accidentally kill one chicken
eleitl: No. They protect their hive. By cooking the intruder to death.
suxela1031: F— with one of us, you fuckin’ with all of us.
MyBigRed: That’ll sure teach him to bee nice.
Samwiseii: 10,000 bees and 1 hunter
hcnye: >Bee is avenge their friend
itsmiir: Bee is avenge their friend
Mogetfog: This is kind of terrifying.
guile486: *internal screaming*
StaticShockk: Damn nature you scary!
s00perguy: Bees, man. Nature’s response other Zerg species.
SureYouCanDG: they actually cooked him with body heat and friction, to my understanding
Brad_From_HR: Woah they were all on the same wave length thinking the same thing if only there was a word or phrase that described this kind of mentality.. like bee link or bee nest thinking
ocudr: Damn nature! You scary!
Scuzzm0nkey: This reminds me of the old thread on SomethingAwful about how many 5 year olds could you fight to the death and how…
Polarrac: When the people revolution comes.
CharitableMiser: #120db
redditnathaniel: “Never should have come here…”
the_man-the_moonman: I guess he really kicked a hornets nest trying to pull that off, cheeky cunt.
20ateteens: This gif made me feel wildly uncomfortable while I watched.
TomServoHere: SWARM! SWARM!
massivebrain: F
questxcomplete: You buzzed in the wrong neighborhood, mf.
krystalBaltimore: This is one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen
huhbz: Nature freaks me out.
massivebrain: those nasty f–kers think they are so smart, wait until a hornet has a gene that makes it resist that extra degree of heat, then evolution will make those buzzers sorry.
bluelobstah: Bees *will* cut a b*tch.
Brethus: You in the wrong neighborhive mutha fucka
Streichholzritter: Rest in Bees
metroidcaptain: Ya done f—ed up now boy
Infinityand1089: Watching this made me really, really uncomfortable.
Pr04merican: Is there a sub for stuff like this? Interesting animals
harry_obama: That escalated quickly.
Artiquecircle: That blanket must bees warm. (Bee swarm….get it?….)
stylesm11: Pheromones are a b*tch, apparently if one is attacked it sends them out alerting other ?ees
mcjon77: Friends don’t let friends fight alone.
stargrunt6: Wu-Tang approves.
I0I0I0I: Damn that’s like a mission gone wrong in L4D.
JazzGalaxy: “Ayy, is he eating Kevin?”
“Bro I think he is…”
MrMrRogers: Tag this insect justice
In_Care: Had those hornets nest on my balcony. They entered through the drain pipe and nested below the wooden floor. Had at least 2 of them in my bedroom every morning. Didn’t even need the alarm to wake me up.
Watching them die one by one from poison made me sooo happy.
Disgusting creatures
Nick_Broke_It: That hornet bee cookin
Gameofadages: It alway’s amaze’s me when hundred’s of bee’s act like zombie’s looking for good eat’s and attack a hornet’s defen’sele’s’s body!
Edit: added an apostrophe before any s in my comment.
thrifty_rascal: I’ve seen this video, the rest of the wasps completely wiped out the bee colony.
aMAEzingly: I’m never going outside again
Sylvester_Scott: *Gasp!* He ate Buddy! Come on girls!
UninebriatedSurgeon: That kids is called natural selection
pwnrzero: FOR BOB!
PLEASE_DONT_TEST_ME: How did you fuck up your title so bad OP
Mr-Soviet: NI??A you don’t mess with their ?’s
Cheyenneblows69: When you got shooters ?
Whaddaya Say?