USA Today bashes Trump as ‘not fit to clean the toilets’ in Obama’s presidential library
USA Today isn’t known for its blistering opinion pieces. Which makes the one the paper’s editorial board just published on President Donald Trump all the more savage.
Does anyone else notice that any post pointing out that Trump’s dozen or so rape allegations, gets immediately mass downvoted and infiltrated by some very non collegial and abrasive “users” who sh*t on the post? Much in the same way Pizzagate posts work. I think we found a good pressure point.
EDIT: Here comes the downvote fairies! Went from +20, to +7 in 4 minutes…keep protecting your little puppet and doing the bitch work shills?
EDIT: I was given gold by an angry anonymous user, who sent me this charming PM (below). He gave me gold, in an attempt to make me look “stupid”, by his own admission. I have never given gold, and didn’t want gold on this post. I’ve been skeptical of the way gold is used to add credibility and creedence to certain posts/comments, and it is money that goes towards Reddit. They are desperate now…
Keep posting about Trump and raising awareness for his sexual abuse allegations. For a sub that claims to be non partisan, we need to hold our own president accountable for the same crimes we pursue others for.
Obviously the MO of the social engineers is to protect his “anti establishment” image on conspiracy forums and make him look trustworthy to us so he can do corrupt shit without criticism. They created a cult essentially, and we need to burn that stupid mentality and naive pro government mentality to the ground here.
Keep sharing about his Epstein relationship and his sexual abuse allegations. If the posts don’t go anywhere (usually vote brigaded I assume), at least it proves the point that it’s being censored and covered up from being a popular topic here.
TheWebOfSlime: There just hasn’t been anything to them and the timing is super suspicious.
One accusation that came to mind is the Epstein accuser, who was able to describe Epstein’s “egg shaped” penis, while had no such details about Trump.
Additionally, you have the complete spectrum of Roy Moore allegations versus debunked allegations so nobody who isn’t partisan can really tell what is going on.
What used to be used as a means of forensic interruption is now trying to be swung the other way and it is so obvious, most people are just noping out of this conversation by default.
Worse yet, the goalposts of debate are still being dragged away from Pizzagate, because the majority of these accusations are about sexual harassment or painted as isolated incidents when *Pizzagate is about protected political pedophilia that has cult connections and connections to the intelligence community.*
Remember, Rose McGowan was part of the Children of God cult, rife with pedophilia… but this is what she is outraged about? It is contrived.
One thing is for sure… and this is the problem you partisans face… the news is lying to you almost 100% of the time. Once you realize that, the common agenda reveals itself.
The common agenda is to assert authoritarianism.
You, as people, can reject partisanship and embrace two issues, to stop these psychos.
1) Be engagingly anti-war.
2) Be engagingly pro-transparency.
Eschew drama and attempts to bait you into being emotional and the imposition of these two philosophies at a systemic level solves a tremendous number of problems.
Flytape: Merry Resistmas! And a happy newsmear!
PantsMcGillicuddy: Yup, definitely noticed it. I always try to ask for proof of the women being liars (which is the constant claim) and haven’t received anything.
It’s a cult. Pure and simple.
IthAConthpirathee: You are getting downvoted because your post is hyperbolic and inaccurate. While there are allegations against President Trump therre are not “dozens of rape allegations”. Most of the allegations are “he kissed me” or “he hugged me”. Maybe don’t post complete and utter fabricated bullshit.
Rocksolid1111: Did you notice the Correct the Record whistleblower predicted/implied a coordinated attack to call for Trump to resign over sexual allegations is coming and David Brock’s troll farm would push it?
>This month before christmas it was/is going to be “HE NEEDS TO RESIGN HE ADMITTED AND BRAGGED ABOUT BEING A SEX PREDATOR!”
>Remember that word folks, bragged. Where you see “bragged” you see a CTR shill.
thetydollars: Did you notice any time someone points out allegations that a previous president did the same thing and got away with it that the “what about trump” people come out like clockwork?
867530999999995858: I think they’re realizing his image is starting to slip and lose grip on the conspiracy culture. Most of us have woken up (some of us never fell for that shit in the first place). Agreed that he needs to be investigated and held accountable equally.
benjaminbunny99: It’s funny that people still believe the mainstream media and organizations funded by Soros with the soul purpose of defaming Trump. Ever consider why they are so scared of him? Why so much effort is being put into fabricating stories that to nowhere? If you’ve been paying attention it’s quite obvious what’s going on.
pby1000: Keyword here is “allegations”.
Putin_loves_cats: Meh, many of us are just sick and tired of seeing nonstop political bullshit being spammed on here.
Weirdbhamcall: This can be said for most posts or comments critical of Trump in any way. It usually just boils down to cat fights. I have to take my earrings out and everything.
ignoremsmedia: Does this mark the official end of “Trump is Putins puppet”?
Year one has been special I guess after this fizzles away there will be an alien collusion narrative to follow.
davetides: Shareblue working overtime on the sexual assault narrative huh? Pretty funny how obvious it is too.
Expect probably another month of “muh trump is a sexual predator” now that “muh nazi” “muh hitler” “muh antisemite” “muh jewish puppet” “muh racist” “muh sexist” “muh russian” “muh white supremacist” “muh homophobe” have all failed.
seanr9ne: *beep* *boop* downvoted this stupid sh*t *boop* *beep* 0010100011
And there are more …
Seriously, what was Donald Trump thinking?
Whaddaya Say?