Al Capone
ptusa: Pablo Escobar did the same kinda stuff. It’s not for charity, it’s simply for public relations.
friendlypelican: Some say soup kitchen others say recruiting centre
Kinglink: Public perception matters quite a bit to some gangsters. Al Capote was a notorious figure but definitely one who cared how the people on the street though of him.
AndrewLucks_Asshair: Poor people in The Depression look like super classy people.
BreadOfJustice: Really? Can I see some proof? That’s crazy if you’re serious
Thats_my_cornbread: For being poor and homeless those boys got some dank-ass threads.
Neon_Scrotum: He did do this, but it’s my understanding that there’s no evidence that his soup kitchen was in existence for any appreciable length of time; perhaps only long enough for some good photo ops.
Whaddaya Say?