[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://twitter.com/kwilli1046/status/932238383379812352)
biffingzorp: She traded cattle futures based on news she read in the Wall Street Journal.
bannana: husband’s money not hers
JSiobhan: She inherited some of her money and assets from her parents. Her parents were highly educated, worked as executives, served on corporate boards, held high positions in government, and did consulting work. Her father taught economics at Cornel. Between Rice’s professional career, her parent’s inheritance and maybe her father’s acumen about finance, 50 million in assets seems reasonable.
wwwes32: Fun Fact: If you are suspicious of this and think asking for Trump’s tax returns is silly, you are a nitwit.
testiclelice: So? Were her parents or grandparents wealthy? I know ranchers and farmers “worth” 10 million on land alone. Now I’m not worth that much. My rental properties and personal home all go in the clear in 8 years. I’ll go from little real money to worth 2.1 million.
I’m not even in a pricey market. If I was you can double that.
Why the immediate accusations? Show some proof.
AdalineTheMaker: So now you’re suppose to explain why her wealth is shady. Just saying she’s wealthy is not much of a conspiracy.
__G_A_R_D_E_N_E_R__: Actionable Intelligence.
MaesterPraetor: Could you imagine a whole list of politicians who made more money than they should have while in office? It would be easier to name the ones that didn’t…
DueProcessPanda: Yeah, because her parents were rich. Don’t let facts bother you though. Lets imply she is a criminal with absolutely no evidence because we don’t like her political positions!
28dresses: She must have been working for 300 years then.
NoYamShazam: Is it going to really blow your minds that she is an investor in the Keystone pipeline?
Oh and her husband was a tv producer.
And it pales in comparison to former car thief Darrell Issa’s $430 Million wealth.
So stop with these cheesey political attacks.
javi404: > As the 2011 Libyan Civil War progressed, Rice made clear that the United States and the international community saw a clear choice for Gaddafi and his aides: step down from power or face significant consequences.
I wonder how much of his gold she took.
sheasie: begs the question: if she is such a good investor, why is she wasting her time in DC ?? 😉
bizmarxie: How does this reconcile?
Mixelplfft: Guilty AF
ganooosh: Diversify your bonds.
Ayzmo: Just sad how people believe this is somehow nefarious when how she inherited a fortune is well-known.
RocketSurgeon22: Forget Susan Rice. Look at Maxine Waters and John McCain. How did they get rich?
based_green: pfft what is that, 290 years worth of salary? big deal.
huntermoore: Lol look at Obama’s net worth
meatforthebeast: So many in congress are the same way. Pretty sure people like Pelosi and Feinstein aren’t supposed to be as rich as they are.
BandsomeHeast: Wow she must be a really good politician!
Long_Tetris_Piece: >lol idiots, her parents were wealthy and she invested money that’s why she still works in politics for chump change lol nothing to see here, duh you guys don’t know how stocks work do you? Lol what about Trump and Putin.
-People in this thread
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