The Jewish Eugenics Conspiracy
- “Eugenics is Nazi thing. But Zionists totally believe in it as a good science.”
- “Eugenics science” is Zionist strategy to fulfil the “Jewish Master Race”.
It started with discussions under “Israeli legal rights group is suing two New Zealanders for convincing the pop singer Lorde to cancel her performance in Israel.. The first lawsuit filed under a contentious Israeli anti-boycott law”
The legal treat by the Zionists regime was commented as “Childish”. I asked could it be the “childish behavior” is stemmed from some kind of mental disease, perhaps as a result of incest & inbreeding caused by closed knit tribalism?
I also asked if anyone know of (genetic) consequences as a result of inbreeding among Rothschilds?
One DavidPBrown rebutted that “… heavy irony relative to eugenics – Jews considering themselves well bred and all.”
The result of inbreeding. These two are non-Jews.
So, it’s about *Eugenics (Beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of a human population)!
And I responded by asking: ” I didn’t know restricting marriage within close family is a form of eugenics. I thought incest and inbreeding will cause genetic defects and produce retards …”
Israel’s Forced Eugenics Exposed
Abby Martin takes a look at the history of eugenics in the US, and Israel’s current practice of administering forced birth control on its Ethiopian population.
What’s wrong with Incest and Inbreeding?
- Scientifically, The great hazard of inbreeding is that it can result in the unmasking of deleterious recessives, to use the clinical language of geneticists. Each of us carries an unknown number of genes—an individual typically has between five and seven—capable of killing our children or grandchildren. These so-called lethal recessives are associated with diseases like cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell anemia.
- Most lethal genes never get expressed unless we inherit the recessive form of the gene from both our mother and father. But when both parents come from the same gene pool, their children are more likely to inherit two recessives.
That said, DavidPBrown then backpedaled and denied Eugenics is a good idea, and pointed me to the devastating genetic disease in Pakistan as a result consanguineous marriages: –
- the level of inbreeding among the nation’s Muslims is endangering the health of future generations.
- First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to ‘appalling’ disabilities among children
And further referred me to “Christopher Langan, allegedly the “smartest man in the world” (IQ 200), who is clever in the dull sense of IQ and that he believes in and preaches eugenics. He started off ok but towards the end, he goes full retard; I suspect Donald (Trump) suffers the same error, by association”.
I sensed something abnormal in his response. So, I took a quick look at Israel & Eugenics, my suspicion was immediately confirmed … The Zionists actually believe in Eugenics (see articles below).
Jewish Eugenics
The topic of Jewish eugenics has been systematically suppressed and is only now being timidly taken up by a handful of Israeli and American scholars.
According to John Glad, an early participant in the Holocaust Memorial Movement, both religious and secular Jewish culture have always been eugenic in thrust – beginning with Biblical times and continuing up to the present day. Citing a mountain of cross-indexed sources, he shows that Jews have been welcome members of the eugenics movement, often even its leaders.
According to,
Eugenics in Israel: Did Jews try to improve the human race too?
In the 1930s, Nazis used these same methods in the early stages of their plan to strengthen the Aryan race. Many Jewish psychiatrists subscribed to the German conception of Jews as a race. And Jewish psychiatrists in Israel held eugenics and the Nazis’ application of it to be useful. They actually studied the foundations of the theory in Germany before immigrating to Palestine.
In 1944, psychiatrist Kurt Levinstein gave a lecture at a Tel Aviv conference, where he advocated preventing people with various mental and neurological disorders – such as alcoholism, manic depression and epilepsy – from bringing children into the world. That means he proposed – prohibition of marriage, contraception, abortion and sterilization – were acceptable in Europe and the United States in the first decades of the 20th century, within the framework of eugenics: the science aimed at improving the human race. Levinstein was aware, of course, of the dubious political connotations implicit in his recommendations, but believed the solid and salutary principles of eugenics could be isolated from their use by the Nazis.
Recent research by historian Rakefet Zalashik on the history of psychiatry in Palestine during the Mandate period and following the founding of the state shows that Levinstein was far from a lone voice. Indeed, she claims in her 2008 book, “Ad Nefesh: Refugees, Immigrants, Newcomers and the Israeli Psychiatric Establishment” (Hakibbutz Hameuchad; in Hebrew), that the eugenics-based concept of “social engineering” was part of the psychiatric mainstream here from the 1930s through the 1950s.
Many of the Jewish psychiatrists subscribed to their German colleagues’ conception of the Jews as a race, relying on the theory that was developed in Europe, says Zalashik. However, upon their arrival in Palestine, they encountered Jews of different types and began to distinguish between the race of European Jews, and that of the Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews (of Middle Eastern and North African origin).
“Primitive Jews”
Thus, for example, psychiatrist Avraham Rabinovich, who worked in the Ezrat Nashim facility in Jerusalem and later managed a mental institution in Bnei Brak, drew a distinction in his patient reports from 1921-1928 between the general population, and Jews of Bukharan, Georgian and Persian descent, whom he referred to as “primitive races.”
In explaining why the latter were less affected by mental illness, he wrote: “Their consciousness, with its meager content, does not place any special demands on life, and it slavishly submits to the outward conditions, and for this reason, does not enter into confrontation and so gives rise to a relatively very small percentage of functional illnesses in the nervous system and in terms of mental illness in particular.”
The views of these psychiatrists meshed with the goals of the Zionist movement, which at the time propounded a policy of selective immigration.
“Eugenics was a part of the national philosophy of most of [the local] psychiatrists,” says Zalashik. “The theory was that a healthy nation was needed in order to fulfill the Zionist vision in Israel. There was a powerful economic aspect to this view of things – the idea being to prevent people who were perceived as a burden on society from bringing children into the world. And homosexuals and frigid women also fell into this category.”
In her new book, Zalashik chronicles the history of the psychiatric community, which began to take shape in the 1930s with the arrival of dozens of Jewish psychiatrists from German-speaking countries following the Nazis’ rise to power. According to her research, at the end of 1933, there were only three psychiatrists working in this country; by the end of World War II, that number had grown to 70.
The German-Jewish psychiatrists were not unaware of the similarity between their recommendations and the Nazi policy that was implemented at the very same time. Kurt Levinstein even concluded a 1944 lecture with a quote from the German psychiatrist and geneticist Hans Luxenburger, who was involved in legislating eugenic methods in the Third Reich and sought to find scientific proof for the hereditary component of mental illness, in order to promote the government’s sterilization initiatives.
The attempts to strengthen the Jewish race by means of controlling births continued after the founding of the state and into the 1950s. In August 1952, a decision was passed by the World Congress of Jewish Physicians to establish a scientific institute dedicated to issues of eugenics in Israel.
- “Eugenics is Nazi thing; the Zionists totally believe in it as a good science.”
- If so, this must be one of the reasons why Zionists are racist.
Selective Immigration
From 1918-1919, local Zionist offices were opened in various countries to limit and exert control over Jewish immigration, and screened those seeking to move to Palestine. In 1921, an immigration department was founded with the purpose of handling candidates for immigration until their arrival in this country. In the mid-1920s, medical selection committees were established in the immigration offices; in addition, examinations were conducted at the country’s ports and in the quarantine facilities run by the Mandatory health authorities.
This selection continued after the Nazis came to power. In late November 1933, Henrietta Szold, then chairwoman of the Youth Aliya department of the Jewish Agency, wrote to Dr. George Landauer, director of the Agency’s German division, asking him to oversee the medical examinations of immigration candidates at the Berlin office – since some Jews who’d received certificates had subsequently ended up dependent on Palestine’s welfare services due to health problems. Reports about several such cases were circulated among the three organizations involved in emigration from Germany: the Jewish National Committee, the United Committee for the Settlement of German Jews in Palestine (founded in 1932) and the German section of the Jewish Agency.
“Israel is a superpower in terms of pre-pregnancy tests and abortions,” she says. “Abortions are performed here on the slightest pretext, including [correctable] aesthetic flaws such as a cleft palate. The notion that there are some babies that shouldn’t be born is part of the eugenic philosophy.”
Dismissive attitude toward the effect of the Holocaust experience is evident in the case of one Romanian-born Jew, who was admitted in 1955 to Jerusalem’s Talbieh Psychiatric Hospital to see whether he was suffering from a psychiatric problem. He was described as “possessing borderline intelligence, very weak social understanding and an infantile personality,” and diagnosed as suffering from depression, anxiety, insecurity and aggression. “The therapists devoted three whole pages to the patient’s life history, from his childhood up to his hospitalization, but this was all they had to say about his wartime experience: ‘In 1941, during the war, the patient was taken to the labor camps and was separated from his family. In the camps he did not suffer from any illnesses. After his release from the concentration camps in 1945, he returned to Romania and learned that his entire family had been wiped out.'”
Selective Immigration confirmed Holocaust is just a bonus excuse for formation of Israel.
The Holocaust Scam – ‘Compensation Neurosis’
According to reparations agreement between Germany and Israel in 1952, survivors were entitled to seek compensation for damages caused them by the Nazi persecution. Israeli psychiatrists were asked to write professional opinions about the demands for compensation. Survivors who were not former citizens of Germany, or were not part of the German cultural milieu, were entitled to seek a disability pension.
Psychiatrist Kurt Blumenthal went so far as to claim that many survivors were just pretending to have mental problems, when he wrote in 1953 about “compensation neurosis” or “purposeful neurosis,” which was ostensibly characterized by an attempt to portray oneself as having suffered great damage in order to increase compensation one would receive… More
It looks like Zionists need to study Ethics more than Eugenics.
Jewish Eugenics And The Master Race
NO OTHER DOCUMENT IN WORLD HISTORY has done more in creating a political class with a distinct racial agenda than the Balfour Declaration.
Succumbing to Jewish pressure in the midst of WWI due to its need for funding from Jewish banks, Britain surrendered its autonomy and eventually its empire when a letter addressed to ‘Lord’ Walter Rothschild from British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, was made public:
“His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object…” View Balfour Declaration Here.
The key visible figure maneuvering the British government into this commitment was Jewish chemist, Chaim Weizmann, who rose to prominence in England for developing a method of producing acetone from maize which was needed for the production of artillery shells.
Weizmann, like many of his Jewish co-religionists, promoted the initiative to transfer all Arab residents out of Palestine in spite of contradicting the Balfour Declaration’s proviso insuring the “civil rights of existing non-Jewish communities.”
The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (and the ethnic perpetuation of Jewry) was now in place.
By 1930, specific plans for “the transfer of Palestinians” were refined by leaders such as Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, and Moshe Allon. Meeting for years on a biweekly basis in the “Red House” in Tel Aviv, these leaders agreed on the ‘necessity’ of carrying out the following steps:
• Killing Palestinian Leadership
• Assassinating Palestinian Political & Financial Supporters
• Damaging Palestinian Transportation
• Poisoning Palestinian Wells ( View Entire
Story Here, Here, Here, Here, & Here.)
With their plan fulfilled all that was left for International Jewry to embark upon was to ensure the maintenance and propagation of their ‘master race.’
Building on the foundation of Disraeli’s racial views, key Jewish figures during the makings of the Balfour Declaration and long before Hitler’s rise to power, proposed a “eugenics” program to ensure “racially healthy” reproduction among their own: “the best of people.”
Jews played an active role in early eugenics from 1916 thru 1947. Names such as Rabbi Max Reichler, Richard Goldschmidt, and Hermann Muller, were part of a movement that praisedthe Jews for being of “uniquely superior stock” and possessing a “native endowment of brains.”
According to the National Library in Jerusalem, between 1920 and 1950, some two hundred Parents’ Manuals for Jewish couples were published in Palestine. These publications contained a Zionist worldview of which eugenics formed an integral part, subjecting Jewish mothers to an unremitting program of education, indoctrination and regulation.
One of the most prominent Jewish eugenicists of this period was Dr Joseph Meir, for whom the hospital in Kfar Sava is named, exhorted his co-religionists in 1934 to embrace the idea of racial engineering:
“For us, eugenics as a whole, and the prevention of the transmission of hereditary disorders in particular, is of even greater value than for all other nations!” View Entire Story Here, Here & Here.
When Israel declared itself an official State in 1948, Jewry no longer saw itself primarily as a “religious group” but also as a “political-racial” entity.
Thus the state of Israel defines itself as a “Jewish state” — not religiously, but racially. Any Jew who can prove his birth from a Jewish mother regardless of whether he goes to synagogue or not can instantly become a citizen of Israel.
Every state wants to expand its power for political reasons.
But for Israel, (in its quest for a Greater Israel), with Palestine being the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa — as its strategic center for world control — is doing what no other state throughout history has ever done before… More
This pretty much summed up “Eugenics science” is Zionist strategy to fulfil the “Jewish Master Race”.
The next question of interest to many is what happens to the inbred Rothschild family?
Why did the Rothschild practice inbreeding?
They didn’t know about Eugenics back then? Do they still do it till today?
The Rothschild Inbreeding
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the world super banking dynasty, arranged his affairs so that cousin marriages among his descendants were inevitable … Rothschild brides bound the family together. Four of Mayer’s granddaughters married grandsons, and one married her uncle.
In Paris in 1876 a 31-year-old banker named Albert took an 18-year-old named Bettina as his wife. Both were Rothschilds, and they were cousins. According to conventional notions about inbreeding, their marriage ought to have been a prescription for infertility and enfeeblement.
Rothschild Family Tree (click to enlarge)
This picture gallery portrays members of five generations of the legendary Rothschild banking family, beginning with founder Mayer Amschel and his wife, Gutle. In an effort to build the fortune he had created, Mayer wrote a will that made intermarriage lucrative for his offspring. They took his point and frequently inbred: Cousins began marrying cousins, and in one case, a niece wed her uncle. Albert considered marrying only two women, both cousins. He chose Bettina, with whom he had seven children. Subsequent generations began to outbreed more frequently.
In our lore, cousin marriages are unnatural, the province of hillbillies and swamp rats, not Rothschilds. In the United States they are deemed such a threat to mental health that 31 states have outlawed first-cousin marriages. The fear was that cousin marriages would cause us to breed our way back to frontier savagery—or worse. “You can’t marry your first cousin,” a character declares in the 1982 play Brighton Beach Memoirs. “You get babies with nine heads.”
Can you marry a cousin?
Laws governing the marriage of first cousins vary widely. In 24 states (pink), such marriages are illegal. In 19 states (green), first cousins are permitted to wed. Seven states (peach) allow first-cousin marriage but with conditions. Maine, for instance, requires genetic counseling; some states say yes only if one partner is sterile. North Carolina prohibits marriage only for double first cousins.
Source: and Cuddle International.
Israeli Nazi Eugenic Experiments on Jewish children
1 100,000 Jewish immigrant children were experimented on with high lethal doses of radiation in 1951 overseen by Shimon Peres and sponsored by the USA.
Related: –
A London High Court judge banned a man with a low IQ of 48 from having sex who admitted the case raised questions about “civil liberties and personal autonomy”.
Court bans man with low IQ from having sex
As reported by The Telegraph and The Daily Mail, a 41 year-old man, known only as Alan, had been in a relationship with a man he lived with and told officials he wanted it to continue. But his local council decided his “vigorous sex drive” was inappropriate and that with an IQ of 48 and a “moderate” learning disability, he did not understand what he was doing.
As per the judge’s order, the man was subjected to “close supervision” by the local authority that provides his accommodation, in order to ensure he does not break the highly unusual order.
Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, its judges have the power to make life or death decisions for people deemed to lack the intelligence to make them for themselves – such as ordering that they undergo surgery, have forced abortions, have life-support switched off or be forced to use contraception.
The judge concluded: “I therefore make a declaration that at the present time Alan does not have the capacity to consent to and engage in sexual relations.
“In such circumstances it is agreed that the present régime for Alan’s supervision and for the prevention of future sexual activity is in his best interests.”
But exactly how low an IQ is 48, in practical terms? Well, technically it falls in the “moderate mental retardation” (MR) range of the Wechsler classification, which organizes IQ scores into various categories. For example, people with IQ scores between 90 and 110 are considered “normal,” while those with scores between 20 and 40 are rated as having “severe MR.” People that score 25 and below have “profound MR.”
The lowest IQ score is hard to pinpoint because people with mental deficiencies can get very low scores because they lack the ability to comprehend the test and therefore cannot properly answer its questions. While it’s theoretically possible to get a score close to zero on an IQ test, any person who would score that low wouldn’t have to take an IQ test in the first place, as there are other tests designed specifically to gauge the intelligence of people with severe mental handicaps.
In Alan’s case, the judge explained that sex requires an understanding and awareness of the “mechanics of the act”, “that there are health risks involved” and that sex between a man and a woman may lead to pregnancy. He said that the psychiatrist thought Alan “believed that babies were delivered by a stork or found under a bush”, and that “sex could give you spots or measles”.
On that basis, he ruled that Alan did not have the capacity to consent to sex, but also ordered that the council should provide him with sex education “in the hope that he thereby gains that capacity”. Incidentally, a psychiatrist involved in the case was against this on the grounds that it would leave him confused.
Well … It’s Social Eugenics, Stupid.
Just curious whether any Jews exist in the world who don’t have beaks for noses (?)
Gerald Goldberg
The official unabridged Soncino Edition of the Talmud published in 1935 was “Translated into English with Notes, Glossary and Indices” by such eminent Talmudic scholars as Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein, Rabbi Dr. Samuel Daiches, Rabbi Dr. Israel W. Slotki, M.A., Litt.D., The Reverend Dr. A. Cohen, M.A.’, Ph.D., Maurice Simon, M.A., and the Very Reverend The Chief Rabbi Dr. J.H. Hertz wrote the “Foreword” for the Soncino Edition of the Talmud. The Very Reverend Rabbi Hertz was at the time the Chief Rabbi of England.
The world’s leading authorities on the Talmud confirm that the official unabridged Soncino Edition of the Talmud translated into English follows the original texts with great exactness. It is almost a word-for-word translation of the original texts. In his famous classic “The History of the Talmud,” Michael Rodkinson, the leading authority on the Talmud, in collaboration with the celebrated Reverend Dr. Isaac M. Wise states:
“THE TALMUD IS ONE OF THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. During the twenty centuries of its existence…IT SURVIVED IN ITS ENTIRETY, and not only has the power of its foes FAILED TO DESTROY EVEN A SINGLE LINE, but it has not even been able materially to weaken its influence for any length of time.
SANHEDRIN, 55b-55a: “What is meant by this? – Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that (2) What is the basis of their dispute? – Rab maintains that only he who is able to engage in sexual intercourse, may, as the passive subject of pederasty throw guilt (upon the actual offender); whilst he who is unable to engage in sexual intercourse cannot be a passive subject of pederasty (in that respect) (3). But Samuel maintains: Scriptures writes, (And thou shalt not lie with mankind) as with the lyings of a woman (4). It has been taught in accordance with Rab: Pederasty at the age of nine years and a day; (55a) (he) who commits bestiality, whether naturally or unnaturally: or a woman who causes herself to be bestiality abused, whether naturally or unnaturally, is liable to punishment (5).”
This “divine truth” which “a whole people venerate” of which “not a single letter of it is missing” and today “is flourishing to such a degree as cannot be found in its history” is illustrated by the additional verbatim quotations which follow:
SANHEDRIN, 69b “Our rabbis taught: If a woman sported lewdly with her young son (a minor), and he committed the first stage of cohabitation with her, -Beth Shammai says, he thereby renders her unfit for the priesthood (1). Beth Hillel declares her fit…All agree that the connection of a boy nine years and a day is a real connection; whilst that of one less than eight years is not (2); their dispute refers only to one who is eight years old.
KETHUBOTH, 11a-11b. “Rabba said, It means (5) this: When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this (6), it is as if one puts the finger in the eye (7), but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown up woman, he makes her as `a girl who is injured by a piece of wood’ “.
(footnotes) “(5). Lit., `says’. (6) Lit., `here’, that is, less than three years old. (7) Tears come to the eyes again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.”
KETHUBOTH, 11a-11b. “Rab Judah said that Rab said: A small boy who has intercourse with a grown up woman makes her (as though she were ) injured by a piece of wood (1). Although the intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as a sexual act, nevertheless the woman is injured by it as by a piece of wood(a dildo).”
(footnotes) “(1) Although the intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as a sexual act, nevertheless the woman is injured by it as by a piece of wood.”
ABODAH ZARAH, 36b-37a. “R. Naham b. Isaac said: They decreed in connection with a heathen child that it would cause defilement by seminal emission (2) so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to commit pederasty with it…From what age does a heathen child cause defilement by seminal emission? From the age of nine years and one day. (37a) for inasmuch as he is then capable of the sexual act he likewise defiles by emission. Rabina said: It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl (communicates defilement) from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux.
SOTAH, 26b. “R. Papa said: It excludes an animal, because there is not adultery in connection with an animal (4). Raba of Parazika (5) asked R. Ashi, Whence is the statement which the Rabbis made that there is no adultery in connection with an animal? Because it is written, Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot or the wages of a dog etc.; (6) and it has been taught: The hire of a dog (7) and the wages of a harlot (8) are permissible, as it is said, Even both of these (9) – the two (specified texts are abominations) but not four (10)…As lying with mankind. (12) But, said Raba, it excludes the case where he warned her against contact of the bodies (13). Abaye said to him, That is merely an obscene act (and not adultery), and did the All-Merciful prohibit (a wife to her husband) for an obscene act?”
SANHEDRIN, 55b: “A maiden three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. The penalty of adultery may be incurred through her; (if a niddah) she defiles him who has connection with her, so that he in turn defiles that upon which he lies, as a garment which has lain upon (a person afflicted with gonorrhea).”
(footnotes) “(2) His wife derives no pleasure from this, and hence there is no cleaving. (3) A variant reading of this passage is: Is there anything permitted to a Jew which is forbidden to a heathen. Unnatural connection is permitted to a Jew. (4) By taking the two in conjunction, the latter as illustrating the former, we learn that the guilt of violating the injunction `to his wife but not to his neighbor’s wife’ is incurred only for natural but not for unnatural intercourse.”
Of the “sacred” Talmudic teachings of the “Sages,” preserved since 500 A.D. and taught more widely today than ever before in Talmud-Torah schools in the U.S.A., perhaps nothing better illustrates “fools” with “reprobate minds” than the teaching in the Talmud book of Yebamoth that spittle on the top of the bed curtain proves that a wife has been guilty of adultery, as only lying down face upwards could she have spit up on it. Spitting several feet straight up!
The Talmud states:
“When a peddler leaves a house and the woman within is fastening her sinnar [breech-cloth] … . If spittle is found on the upper part of the curtained bed she must, said Rabbi, go.”
Footnote: “Even if there were no witnesses that misconduct took place.”
Further footnote: “Only the woman lying face upwards could have spat on the spot. Intercourse may, therefore, be suspected.”