A brief history of Presidential MLK day activities
Durbin calls on White House to release tapes of Trump’s remarks about African countries (usatoday.com)
When virtue signaling goes wrong
- LeBron James rips President Trump as he praises America and legacy of MLK (washingtonpost.com)
- After telling Americans to go do community service for MLK, Trump spends day at his resort (shareblue.com)
- Here are the nine current GOP members of Congress who voted against MLK Day (shareblue.com)
MAGA Quotes
“Supporting A Racist Is Racist You Stupid Racists”
[MLK Jr’s Niece] “She’s getting paid in Trump Dollars. It’s just an IOU with a brown lipstick imprint of his shithole on it.“
“If MLK Jr. was alive today, the right would denounce him”
“Did bullies lock him into a porta-potty and tip it over? Was he raped by a PE teacher? Something happened to this guy to turn him into such a vicious fascist.”
“I think you guys are wasting your time on him honestly. He will golf every time rather than choosing work, he is quite lazy and hates his job. It should not surprise anyone when this occurs.”
About Pence: “No, actually… he’s always been an insane ultra-religious sexist and bigot”
“I’m from the UK and America looks like a shithole to me, not gonna lie.”
“People in a cult usually don’t realize it. “
“A better plan is a 100% tax on any income in excess of $200,000”
“Healthcare is the new slave trade”
- Conservatives Who Spent Past Year Attacking BLM & Kaepernick, Now Shamelessly Exploit MLK Jr. Quotes of Tolerance (huffingtonpost.com)
- Pastor Condemns Donald Trump’s “Shithole” Rant with Mike Pence Sitting in the Congregation (gq.com)
- Hundreds converge on Times Square to protest racism, Trump (washingtonpost.com)
- Constituents laugh out loud at GOP Senator Joni Ernst’s defense of Trump (shareblue.com)
Don’t you miss the good ol days
- Pastor denounces President Trump’s ‘s–thole’ comments with Vice President Pence in pews(nydailynews.com)
Real talk
- Graham on s—hole remarks: ‘It’s pretty embarrassing’ when children can’t listen to the news.(thehill.com)
- Reporters shouting ‘are you a racist’ becomes C-SPAN’s most-viewed video of President Trump(washingtonexaminer.com)
- ‘I am not a racist’ sounds a lot like the new ‘I’m not a crook’ (coloradoindependent.com)
Patton Oswalt is a National treasure.
Y’all got any of those bootstraps?
While Trump voters are not the majority, they are certainly living up to the silent part of their favorite self-titled label
Being a Redcap must be tricky these days.
Health Care Debate
Old political cartoon that remains relevant
The yelp reviews on Trump properties are tremendous. The best reviews. Believe me.
- U.S. Warned Jared Kushner About Wendi Deng Murdoch (wsj.com)
- Devin Nunes is under mounting pressure to release the transcript of a House Intel interview with Fusion GPS (businessinsider.com)
- The Senate’s push to overrule the FCC on net neutrality now has 50 votes, Democrats say(washingtonpost.com)
- Trump: ‘How could there be obstruction on firing Comey?’ (msnbc.com)
- Arpaio Learns on TV that Accepting Trump’s Pardon was Legal Confession (lawandcrime.com)
- Ahead of 2018 election, Gov. Scott Walker attacked for spending more on corrections than colleges(politifact.com)
- U.S. Navy veteran’s mom denied visa to attend son’s funeral in Arkansas (cbsnews.com)
- Sarah Sanders blasted for using official White House account to attack Amazon (shareblue.com)
- Marijuana legalization causing violent crime to fall in US states, study finds (independent.co.uk)
- Fifth Dem announces plan to boycott Trump’s State of the Union (thehill.com)
- Jeff Flake isn’t just comparing Trump to Stalin. He’s comparing Republicans to Stalin’s enablers.(washingtonpost.com)
- Paul Ryan challenger Randy Bryce reports raising $1.2 million at the end of 2017 (jsonline.com)
- Tax Filing Reveals Thousands Eric Trump’s Foundation Paid To Trump Org (talkingpointsmemo.com)
Whaddaya Say?