MagnificentCat: I like how the sheep takes its time to prepare the ram
Kangar: “You’re done your ride? Good.
Now I have a special ride for you, Senor.”
The_ginger_cow: That felt good to watch
Copacetic_Subversive: Full ahead, ramming speed!
AdvocateF0rTheDevil: He wasn’t sitting on the sheep – it wouldn’t have been able to stand up under him. Harassment maybe, but how is this abuse?
Knotty–Girl: How is that abuse, he never puts his weight on it, his hand stops before it touches the sheep. Am I abusing my cat every time i pick it up or pet him. At best he’s just annoying it which is part of the benefits of having a pet.
putinmyhero: Hit him again
lunchboxthebeast: Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!
Greg-2012: That Sheep understands F=MA.
DickMcCheese: Cram!
Smacky_Da_Frog: I bet he feels sheepish now. I wonder why he was on the lamb in the first place. Surely he wasn’t just doing it for mutton.
jrey28: Hey, hold my cerveza!
Whaddaya Say?