beaver_shots: I think its interesting that MSM is doing another round of pizzagate is fake news. I just heard a fairly long segment on NPR a few days ago about pizzagate. The thing that bothers me is how they don’t really address any of the more compelling stuff. They stick to the “no basement” line and thats about it. What was disturbing about the NPR piece was they had reporters try to track down people who posted about it on facebook first. it was creepy
dankweeddoe: Why is PizzaGate popping up everywhere again? Even showed up in a [Cards Against Humanity ad](
newdaynewme1: Happy to see this. Whenever the cabal are doing a disinfo campaign it’s generally preemptive. Because, well, information needs time to sink in to have an effect. The implication being that there are some coming revelations ahead, revelations that will potentially be less damaging with fluff like this surfacing slightly before they happen. So in the end probably means more pedos going down.
chasingstatues: Okay, so I’m only mildly familiar with pizzagate—I probably know more than the average person, but not by much.
Can anyone link me to a solid summary about it? The more comprehensive and the more sources included, the better. I just want to be fully informed and I honestly don’t know where to begin.
CaptainApollyon: Post Malone is woke as f**k
javi404: wow. Why even bother publishing anything?
This just confirms there is something to hide.
It is the equivalent of “keep moving along folks, nothing to see here”
YoshiTakimatsui: It’s insane that after a year mainstream journalist are still writing about pizzagate.
pby1000: Lol. If it is fake news, why would they need to convince people?
pokejerk: Edit: Alright, what’s up with the downvotes, guys? Why is that when I bring up the possibility that PG is a disinfo conspiracy, I get so many downvotes (particularly in the first few minutes of posting)? I know that a lot of people sort by “New” in order to try to shape the narrative. So why and who’s trying to suppress any kind of discussion involving this conspiracy?
Original comment:
I mean, it’s about time they figured this out. A lot of the points they touch on, I pointed out almost a year ago:
The fact that such a retarded theory is *still* being pushed by pizzagaters makes me wonder what they’re trying to distract from. I think anyone who’s been paying attention would arrive at a similar conclusion that it’s clearly [disinformation.](
Here’s my original text (some things have change/been updated, but the gist remains the same):
In June 2015, [Adrian Chen](, a freelance journalist, wrote an excellent article about paid Russian “trolls” titled, [The Agency]( It goes into great detail into the “what, when, who” of the subject of paid “trolls”. The TL;DR is that the Russian government pays people to go online and post pro-Russian propaganda, disinformation, rumors, etc. There are [other articles/evidence]( of Putin’s widespread use of paid “trolls”. You can search for “Russian troll farms” or “Russian troll factories” and find plenty more articles and even document leaks detailing these people/organizations. Much more evidence than you’ll ever find that paid Clinton “shills” were *covertly* posting on social media accounts (yes, CTR is real, but they AFAIK they never posted covertly) . However, I’m going to focus on Adrian Chen.
But before I continue (sorry for interrupting myself), I’d like to point out that my sources are actual professionals who have reputations, careers, etc on the line. You’ll notice that “pizzagate” proponents are almost entirely anonymous or unsubstantiated sources. Claims about the “code” being known to the FBI are completely unsourced, for example. Which is one of the concerns people are bringing up in this thread.
Additionally, I’d like to point out the irony of “pizzagate” proponents posting on, a safe haven for /r/jailbait exiles, after /r/pizzagate was banned. You’d think if these people were actually concerned about pedophilia, they’d start looking under their nose. This brings me back to Adrian Chen, who doxxed [“violentacrez”](, a moderator for /r/jailbait and /r/beatingwomen, among other subreddits. I bring this up because, whether you agree with Chen’s decision to dox or not, there is no doubt that he has journalistic/investigative integrity. And it’s a good example of someone doing a proper investigation into the subject at hand.
Ok, so back to Adrian Chen. In December of 2015, he appeared on a [*Longform* podcast]( He mainly talks about his work. It’s an interesting listen IMO, but what I found relevant was at about 35 minutes in. He states:
>A very interesting thing happened, I created this list of Russian trolls when I was researching. And I check on it once in a while, still. And a lot of them have turned into conservative accounts, like fake conservatives. I don’t know what’s going on, but they’re all tweeting about Donald Trump and stuff…
When the host asked him who was paying for it, he responded:
>I don’t know. I feel like it’s some kind of really opaque strategy of electing Donald Trump to undermine the US or something. Like false-flag kind of thing. You know, that’s how I started thinking about all this stuff after being in Russia.
I include this quote to show you that he is not pushing some kind of agenda. In other words, there’s no reason to think he is making this stuff up in order to protect Clinton or something like that. The interview was also long before the Wikileaks DNC email leaks.
Now, he may not have know *why* Russia would back Trump and he would probably not want to implicate motives, either. This brings me to [this article]( written by [John R. Schindler](, “a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer”. It goes into great detail into why he believes Julian Assange/Wikileaks is essentially a Russian counter-intelligence “cutout”. It’s not directly tied to Pizzagate, but it’s what helped me look at the subject with a more well-rounded perspective (one that’s pretty unpopular in this sub). If you read his [other articles](, however, you will note that he is anything but a Clinton supporter. Again, I bring this up to show you that he is not pushing some kind of pro-Clinton agenda. He criticizes her and believes that what’s in the Wikileaks emails is real. He just understands that *both* Clinton corruptness *and* Russian involvement are possible.
I’d also like to note that [this study]) (warning: pdf) by Oxford University’s Project on Computational Propaganda, estimated that pro-Trump bots out-produced pro-Hillary bots by about 7-to-1 on Twitter.
What’s above is basically to give you some background. I believe this helps us understand Russia’s online propaganda landscape. The reason I believe Russia is involved in “pizzagate”, specifically, is due to a couple things. Firstly, Russia has used “fake news” sites to spread conspiracy theories in the past. [Here’s]( an article from early 2015 detailing a growth in pro-Russian websites in the Czech Republic.
Not only that, but according to [this article]( in the Washington Post:
> An oddly disproportionate share of the tweets about Pizzagate appear to have come from, of all places, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Vietnam, said Jonathan Albright, an assistant professor of media analytics at Elon University in North Carolina
According to [this article]( from 2014:
>Russia is not universally reviled. It has an astounding 75 percent approval rating in Vietnam, which may be in large part due to Russia’s long-standing support for the Vietnamese communist government against the country’s historical enemy, China. Russian support for Vietnam as a balance against China has been rising in recent years as well. China and Greece also report mostly favorable views toward Russia (66 and 61 percent), perhaps because they see Moscow as challenging the West, which is viewed with deep distrust in both countries.
And if you look into [Russia-Cyprus relations](, you’ll also note Russian intelligence influence through [Foreign Intelligence Service](
Now, I can’t be 100% certain of this, but, basically, my line of reasoning is as follows:
* Russia stands to gain from US domestic discord. The more focus and distrust we have in our government, journalists, each other etc, the more Russia can do on the international front. This is compounded by the fact that Trump has expressed a foreign policy agenda that would benefit Russia
* Russia has a long history of disinformation, or [“dezinformatsiya”](, a word that didn’t even appear in English dictionaries until the 1980’s as a translation of the Russian word “дезинформация”.
* Wikileaks, which has never released anything damaging on Russia (wonder why?), is the primary “source” of the “pizzagate” theory.
* The strategy of using “fake news” sites has already been employed by Russia in the Ukraine
* Pro-Trump twitter bots out-tweet pro-Clinton bots.
* “pizzagate” bots are disproportionally from a country that has had pro-Russian propaganda websites, another country that has 75% approval rating of Russia, and another country that has known ties to Russian intelligence.
The question of why Russia wouldn’t care to hide where the fake news is coming from is rather simple: disinformation is about creating skepticism/mistrust. Pointing out that Russia is behind these cyber-attacks is seen as deflection or propaganda from “the powers that be”.
Anyway, this is pretty much why this whole “pizzagate” thing seems to me it could be a disinfo campaign, likely perpetuated and/or originated by Russian intelligence.
Frontrowbass: Right next to ol’ North Korea Elon.
LyingBloodyLiar: Sometimes I feel like these comment threads are just bots/PR guys/shills talking to other bots/ PR guys/ shills
Especially after that front page post from 3 years ago
Apersonofinterest666: Operation Mockingbird
Othlan: The term “fake news” only became a thing once “pizzagate” started gaining momentum.
It really was quite something to witness. The term “fake news” became a thing so quickly, it was literally over night.
Torx: post malone has a podcast where they discussed elsagate, he really just sat back and was like wtf the whole time, but the guy explaining did a good job. I can see how the media will start to attack him now.
mffunmaker: This is how I️ know there is something real going on. If it were all bogus shit, why would it be so important to persuade the public its fake on the cover of ROLLING f**king STONE?!
Johnny_Oldschool: Regardless of whether Alefantis is a pedophile or not, his instagram had a picture of a baby, someone commented “hotard”, and it wasn’t instantly deleted by him.
So, yeah.
Industrialists_Coup: For anyone who works for Rolling Stone:
Suck my dick, you servile bootlicking pieces of shit.
gbc-ocd: Well, if there’s anything that can convince me it has something to it, it’s the MSM telling me not to worry about it.
Kasarii: Heck of a coincidence but YouTube is losing major advertisers for having ads play before child abuse videos. Then there’s the creepy Biden stuff being spread around lately.
Is this their way of trying to convince people it’s fake in response by bringing up “We’ve debunked Pizzagate”?
ENDLESSBLOCKADEZ: I know! Can’t believe they did my man posty like that
TheHighBlatman: Would love to see their article to point out how selective reporting works. Or in the case of WaPo, just making shit up.
worktheshoot: Good because it’s not pizzagate. It’s PEDOgate
mitchellb3: But do people even read magazines anymore?
This is also fake news?
MarketMasta: Why am I not surprised Elliot Musk is involved.
EFTPlayer1: can i get downvoted for no reason at all
cO-necaremus: > the e-mails Russian operatives had hacked from the Democratic National Committee and Podesta, her campaign manager.
get your fcking facts straight, rolling stones. we all know those e-mails were not hacked.
tatertatertatertot: The disinformation campaign is trying to push “pizzagate” as a real thing, to distract from actual pedophile ring scandals. It’s a clever move to make a horrific totality into something wholly partisan and easily falsifiable. But at this point it’s clear that they’ve won that battle, I guess. You get people feeling like the groups they’ve always hated are the new dragons to slay, they’ll keep trying to slay them forever even if the dragons are fake.
We need a comprehensive list of every article/piece of media claiming Pizzagate fake as well as the authors. The amount of time and resources being called upon to protect Alefantis is beyond impressive and the authors of these articles are identifying themselves for what they really are.
TheDarwish: If you guys don’t see disturbing images involving children being taped to a table as a reason to investigate, than that’s your cup of tea. If you don’t care about the shirt saying “I love little boys” or don’t believe that there’s coded language in some of these mails, then I also respect that.
If you really think a regular Pizza guy can naturally become one of the most influential people in DC and visit the White House on multiple occasions with a pingpong table and some children, then I might think you are dumb as a rock, but I would still give you the benefit of the doubt.
But if you just want to skip that one Podesta email in which a lady is inviting people to come over and have fun in the pool with her 3 little kids (no code language, no nothing), then I refuse to argue with you. You are either a shill or a pedophile yourself if you can just forget about that.
AnalUnguent: Why don’t we start by proving one piece of pizzagate is true.
It would be embarrassing if all the media stories saying it was bullsh*t were correct.
It should be easy to prove Alefantis has abused a child, please show us this evidence so we can start building a list of fake media!
universalslab: Go ahead and name names, and provide your own name so you can be destroyed for libel.
Or are you just a puke face coward?
mconeone: ITT: slimes defending pedophilia.
Whaddaya Say?