kevin0611: I love the bus driver’s goodbye punch at the end.
“Oh, and one more thing…” BOOM!
PresidentGSO: He just unloaded about 20 years worth of hate towards shitty passengers.
Fistandantalus: NO TICKET!
roughnecknj: Don’t bring a slap to a fistfight.
I_WALK_AMONG_YOU_lol: AND ONE FOR THE ROAD! Have a nice day, thank you for choosing your local metro bus.
TimboCalrissian: Surprised that guy managed to stay conscious. Those blows looked powerful.
smoke1101: Driver tossing bombs! That had to hurt like a mofo
Everythingsthesame: I can feel the anger from years of shit passengers that built up. Fuck man, that hurt me watching it.
Starrion: “Hey Driver! Where’s this bus going?”
Wellington20222: I do hope the fucker that attacked the bus driver got some severe injuries. The fucking idiots nowadays.
Boerboelwrangler: Don’t fuck with dad strength.
davidbased: thats that grown man 3 hearty meals a day strength
bangochu: Ah so thats why you dont wear seatbelts
NikkolaiV: This is what happens when you pick a fight you shouldn’t pick…
StevenNotBurk: how the hell he’s still able to stand 🙁
Rationalbacon: they call him the bus driver because he took that kids ass to school!!!!!….also he is a bus driver
Willhardt_Foolhardy: I love how he just Keeps punching
soundofthelyre: Bah gawd, somebody stop the match!
ArthurDorkoff: Nah that’s the bus to pound town. I’ve only heard of but this guy found it. Not what I was expecting to happen on it though.
feelfool: Unless you’re one of those small guys that have mastered some martial art and you regularly beat up people twice your size, it’s generally a terrible idea to fight someone that much thicker than you
BuckSkinninFool: I love how at the end after he politely walked him down the stairs that he gave him “and one to grow on! ” lol
posporim: I’ve counted 14 punches. Goooood.
D-utch: I love the ‘and one more for good measure;’ once he’s off the bus.
yabacam: **BAM** and one for the road!
Redzombie6: LMAO that one at the end for good measure. BAM!
therealtito: He holds his arm and pulls him into that last punch! He lands so solidly. That kid is going to have some life long damage.
heyyouknowmeto: Play stupid games you win
coemo14: ###K.O.
VinnySmallsz: I don’t get off on violent shit, but this was awesome. The dude actually needed a good asswhipping to humble his weak self.
tofuonplate: He resist
Hit him mor
until he stop resist
ben-hur-hur: “Nice punches, kiddo… let me show you how real punches are thrown”
-Bus driver
IsotopesRule: All for this, but genuinely curious what happened to the attacker, can a human skull handle that kind of damage?
AMMO_101: I feel like all bus drivers should have that skill.
mylastnameisgunter: This was Dark Souls as fuck, the guy u nloaded like five punches and the driver’s reaction was just to start his attack animation
veregat: I love the last shot he gave him outside the bus “you know what, you didn’t get everything you deserved yet” whammm
Zap_Franka: never take a slap to a fist fight….
floatingwithobrien: What the fuck is wrong with this person?? Even if you were upset about something, you wouldn’t attack your waiter for bringing you the wrong meal. If he was denied fare or something, the bus driver is just doing his job.
MotherFuckinEeyore: Exact change only!
Colzamann: The kid hits like a 12 year old girl in her first “fight”.
LitleBeauregard: And one more just to make sure he got the point.
ssjoku83: These have got to be some of the heaviest hits I’ve seen. I felt that shit through my phone.
ArchwayLemonCookie: No multipass?
iamjacksleakyfaucet: “Now get the hell off my bus, you piece of shit.”
-the bus driver, probably
LaMy7: oh HELL yeah
dbbposse: Damn he took those 3 licks and stood up like a boss. ITS GO TIME.
logsdon36: This one doesn’t get old.
DrChill21: Did you just hit me, or did a fly land on my face?
Jordi_El_Nino_Polla: Im glad he use his size to his advantage, especially being cornered in that position. Gotta be aware that if you’re that size you can manhandle that underfed, scrawny crackhead easily even if he caughts off guard. ???
JUQ246: Love it
GoodOldSlippinJimmy: You ever been in a storm, Wally? I mean, a real storm? Not a thunderstorm, but a storm of fists raining down on your head. Blasting you in the face. Pummeling you in the stomach. Hitting you in the chest so hard you think your heart’s gonna stop. You ever been in a storm like that, Wally?
danielestrela: That last haymaker man…
penguin_or_panda: I picture this bus driver to be Mike from Breaking Bad. Just needs a day job to pass the time. At night, he’s a straight up badass.
REHTONA_YRT: Heavy Hands at the wheel
Dallas_Stars_Fan: That’s a nice f–king hook, well played bus driver. Teeing off on him
IrrationalLuna: One more for the road lol
BD1304: “And I will strike down upon the with great vengeance and furious anger and you will know my name is the bus driver”
Nickmell: Good busman
hfiti123: Annnnnd one more so you learn your fuckin lesson, awesome.
belladonnadiorama: Driver was not the one.
repsolcola: TOTALLY REKT
MrFlibblesVeryCross: Heres another great [bus driver justice vid]
Love the high five at the end.
DesignGhost: I fucking love seeing people defend themselves with their own two fists.
defjamblaster: mollywhopped
sausageslinger11: “Not today, Satan… not today”.
tuggernuts87: How was that guy able to walk out towards the end? I feel like he should have had brain damage amage amage
Shotekri: If I had a coin for every time I’d seen this gif posted on this website…
evesea: Child vs Adult. Live on pay per view.
IMALEMAN: That was so satisfying. I didn’t want the driver to stop
eastsidedreamin: r/oddlysatisfying
tri_fect_ta: What the hell is going on in society now??
JohnnyTT314: Hate crimes have no place here.
Whaddaya Say?