Ron Paul: Iran Protests Have CIA’s Dirty Fingerprints All Over Them
What a coincidence that just when news leaks out of a coordinated US, Saudi, and Israeli plan to undermine the Iranian government we see the largest protests in Iran since 2009!
We are told that thousands of people carefully coordinated protests in multiple cities throughout the country over a hike in the price of eggs and that there were absolutely no foreign fingerprints on the unrest.
Posting Statement:
We must come to realize that terms such as “democracy”,”freedom” and “rights” have unfortunately been used by the US mercantilist system to position itself for global hegemony and exploitation of resources. “Democracy” isn’t meant for every country at all times.
teamguy89: North Korea is just a distraction story. Iran is the real target.
RagingSatyr: If Iran just got rid of the Guardian Council and Supreme Leader they would be in so much better shape.
kamspy: No no no. Syria and Libya were hope and changed. We will make Iran great again.
comradeTJH: Uhm, they already changed it in 1979. This is now one of the symptoms.
Issyquah: If that means the Ayatollah, Hamas, and Hezbollah, then hell yes. Let’s bomb those asshats back into the stone age.
Analyst says CIA, Mossad have orchestrated recent violent riots in Iran
The recent protests in Iran were partly orchestrated by American and Israeli intelligence agencies, with clear signs of Western interference in the ensuing violent riots, says a political analyst and author in Chicago.
“Everyone should be suspicious when something like this happens, especially when the western media and western officials, especially [US President Donald] Trump jump all over these things, and bash Iran, blame Iran for mistreating its people and so on and so forth,” Stephen Lendman told Press TV on Wednesday.
“I believe what is happening is the protests were orchestrated by the CIA, I believe complicit with Israel’s Mossad,” Lendman said.
The violence is “a clear tip-off that foreign interference is behind what’s happening,” he added.
Since Thursday, groups of Iranian protesters have staged demonstrations in several cities over rising prices and economic hardships, which are partly the result of years-long illegal US-led economic sanctions against the country.
The peaceful protests turned violent when groups of participants, some of them armed, vandalized public property and launched attacks on police stations and government buildings.
Over a dozen people have been killed in the ensuing violence, according to state media reports.
In a series of tweets on Wednesday, Trump again expressed his support for rioters in Iran, saying they are finally taking action against the country’s government.
“Such respect for the people of Iran as they try to take back their corrupt government. You will see great support from the United States at the appropriate time!” the full Twitter post reads.
In a tweet on Tuesday, Trump called the Iranian government “brutal and corrupt” and said that the United States is “watching” its actions, shortly after the Leader of the Islamic Revolution announced that Iran’s enemies were encouraging violence in the country.
Iranian officials say Trump’s support for rioters in Iran shows Washington’s scheme to hatch a new act of sedition against the Islamic Republic.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday that Iran’s enemies have been using various tools to harm the Islamic establishment.
Ayatollah Khamenei, however, described “the spirit of courage, sacrifice and faith” in the Iranian nation as an obstacle in the way of the enemy.
bpooqd: And I should believe that to be the case cause? because “” such a [reliable source of information] LOL!
> The violence is “a clear tip-off that foreign interference is behind what’s happening,” he added.
Violence at a protest? How could we even ask for better evidence for foreign interference!
> Since Thursday, groups of Iranian protesters have staged demonstrations in several cities over rising prices and economic hardships, which are partly the result of years-long illegal US-led economic sanctions against the country.
At least they seem impartial.
msgrmdma: I am in constant contact with someone who is actually in Iran right now.
These protests against the regime are organic.
xnexusxpolarisx: Do you need an analyst to tell you that? Nowadays there are no spontaneous, organic revolutions. Not in Middle East anyway…
normanbatesmotel: Submission Statement: The recent protests in Iran were partly orchestrated by American and Israeli intelligence agencies, with clear signs of Western interference in the ensuing violent riots, says Stephen Lendman, political analyst and author in Chicago.
Ron Paul calls out the CIA over Iran protests: “What a coincidence that just when news leaks out of a coordinated US, Saudi, and Israeli plan to undermine the Iranian government we see the largest protests in Iran since 2009!”
[In this video]( Ron Paul explains the naivety of buying the MSM narrative that there are *no* foreign fingerprints on the latest protests in Iran. The MSM would have us believe they are totally organic, and now we see the same neo-cons cheerleading for the Iranian people, when only a few years ago they were calling for them to be bombed.
Whaddaya Say?