I have a friend that swears it didn’t happen, but I just can’t see it. I was wondering if anyone here would be able to clear up some reasons and help me see where he’s coming from. Any response is much appreciated!
Why? Because
Zionists control America and by extension every one of us
Till this day …
Facebook Says it is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments
Artists build replica of Holocaust memorial outside the house of a far-right politician who derided it as a “memorial of shame”
Earthboun41: Not one of them, but some obvious points that probably led them to believe this:
– Its illegal to question the official story in most of europe
– The Ever changing # of Death’s
– The Rothschilds & Grandaddy bush Funded them
– Our History books are being manipulated
– Its used as a shield to protect Jews from any Criticism
– It lead to the Creation of Israel
– The Insane amount of money Corporate has made from it
birdman5000: the locations of the death camps (ie. in soviet terrain) and the timing of their disclosure is interesting. and Solzhenitsyn’s stuff is somewhat telling too.
wile_e_chicken: Which one? The Armenian Holocaust? Mao’s Great Leap Forward? The American Holocaust? The Bolshevik Revolution? WW2 terror bombings? Cambodia? Peru?
I mean that’s over 150 million murdered people right there. It’d sure be a shame if they weren’t taught in school or something. They might, like, disappear from history while some other group claims King Victim. Can you imagine the power that much victimhood brings?
Kendle_C: It’s not that it didn’t exist in some form but the harping, leveraging, shaming, brow beating, and virtue signaling by people generations afterwards results in Holocaust Fatigue.
Rather turn your faces to the current murders and mayhem. Your attention is needed there. What the fuck good is all the mewling lip service when were bombing and starving Yemen **NOW?**
How about the continued criminal 911Wars 16years and counting with 30 million dead or displaced, whole countries being used as pawns in oligarchic masturbation (Giorgi Schwartz)?
Take back your government, fire the batch of assholes in Washington, demand the Constitution be enforced and the foreign entanglements ended. We are not an empire. Start closing bases. Slash the military budget. Insane people are playing with an unfolding nuclear holocaust with their machinations and intrigue. Stop them if you *really* believe we should remember and never repeat such dehumanizing behavior.
bannanaflame: 6 million is too low if they wanted to exterminate the Jews. It’s too high for the labor prison infrastructure they actually had.
Some sick —s did some war crime sh–.
And the camps ran out of food and the guards deserted as allies approached.
And that gave Them all They needed to sell the lie.
YehudisNightmare: “It was real in my mind” https://youtu.be/9SQWB36uKkw
DonnaGail: I’ve heard people say that they think the numbers are exaggerated.
Non-equilibrium: No forensics. No archaeology.
False history:
photographs of those who died of illness being presented in school textbooks as victims of gassing.
Hiding of the fact all sides had concentration camps.
Use of statistics as ‘proof’.
Mysterious facts like: almost all the death camps were in what was Russian occupied Poland until Barbarossa and that Nazis waited until their invasion to start gassings. Resulting in an unrealistic time period to carry out the murders.
Dubious story that all the remains were buried then dug up and incinerated so no evidence left.
Ignoring the possible role of the Soviet Great Terror of the 1930s in missing population.
And I’m not saying I don’t believe in it, just not buying the current unconvincing approach to studying it.
nisaaru: The old jewish world almanac shows you the official population before and after WW2. Anybody can draw their own logical conclusions from this, q.e.d.
htok54yk: No evidence for the German Final Solution to exterminate 6 million Jews in gas chambers and cremate them in a Holocaust (burnt offering) for Israel. Even the [official numbers](http://www.nytimes.com/1992/06/17/world/poland-agrees-to-change-auschwitz-tablets.html) are revised.
auggee88: [This](http://inconvenienthistory.com/6/3/3331) and [this](https://youtu.be/uc_cRTc62MQ). The 2nd has been banned in a lot of Europe for awhile now
citruseater1000: I watched “The Greatest Story Never Told” and now I can’t believe that so many people actually believe it happened. But that’s just the way the world had been moulded by the people in power
Reddit_is_Astroturf: By looking into people who have had their lives ruined for simply questioning this particular historic event.
Ernst Zundel and David cole. Two great men who had their lives ruined for calling a lie a lie
RagingSatyr: I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s made up but I’d say it’s exaggerated and over-emphasized in history. Winners write the stories and all that sh–.
squirtlekid: I dont think its an outright lie, I just think the news was heavily manipulated. I think WW2 was created by the Zionist powers that be so that there could be a sympathetic world view towards the Jewish population, ultimately leading to Israel and the cushy position they are in right now getting fat off of everyone else’s funding. The thing that throws a wrench in the narrative to me is the red cross records from the concentration camps. 6 million dead Jews is a bullsh– number, from there try to figure out the “why”
boomchongo: The Sun published [this article](https://imgur.com/gallery/oj3Si) 18 years before Hitler came to power.
BanMikePantsNow: What I can’t believe is that the Holocaust only happened once.
hello-jello: Realizing just how many lies we’ve been taught at school about our so called “history.” That and photos of Hitler enjoying life in the 80’s.
The_runnerup913: I don’t know how anyone can think it’s fake, the base logic of the argument of what many deniers have told me just doesn’t make sense and is riddled with double think.
Let me sum this up.
Holocaust deniers claim: the camps were not used for extermination, the numbers were exaggerated, and there was no intent.
So by their logic, I’m being told this
That the Nazis, who said a variety of nasty things about Jews. Things like: they betrayed us in WW1! We hate them! If we go to war, we will destroy them! They are evil and low! They are coming for our women and children!
That these Nazis who said so many vitriolic things about Jews, put them into nice camps where no extermination ever happened. Not only did they put them in nice camps, they spent extra resources to care for them with doctors and such. In a war against countries with 3-4x the manufacturing capability and many times the population. And no one died in these camps until the evil Allies disrupted their operations and supply lines.
All this effort to care for a people they disgust and loathe. I mean it reads to me like Nazi propaganda.
So why? Why expend all the extra resources to care for a people they hate when it costs so much less resources to systematically kill/work them to death. Not to mention it makes even less sense to continually move undesirables throughout the war as they could ill afford to waste the resources. But they did cause they wanted to kill them. No denier has been able to give me a straightforward answer to this that wasn’t a deflection or lie to this double think logic of deniers. And this isn’t even getting into the actual documented evidence that it happened.
Focus on actual theories that makes sense, that the government knew about 9/11, that the CIA helped kill JFK. Those have logical reasons and conclusions. At the very base, Holocaust denial does not.
edit: not one denier can explain this obvious logic hole yet.
edit2: keep the downvotes coming Nazi scum. It won’t stop people from realizing how stupid the logic of Denier arguments are.
starry7833378333: I’d like to know what the theory is too. It just doesn’t make sense to me. We’ve all seen pictures. There were too many stories of the horrors shared. I can maybe buy into the “Rothchild wanted the war” bit, but it seems to me that a lot of innocent folks suffered an unfathomable fate.
antiliberalsociety: I will start talking about the holocaust & point out little facts that don’t jive, like the 6 Million math that doesn’t work. They always run away, and never counter it.
OhBlindOne: How would you explain the flaws in the 6 million number to someone?
Alpha_Voat_Protecter: For starters, point out the absurd amount of math needed in order to burn all the bodies (Auschwitz had a grand total of 3 cremation ovens that were old and likely in disrepair even at that time, while even modern cremation ovens take almost a full 2.0 – 2.5 hours to burn a single body) even if you gave them a full 10 years and assume that they had staff keeping the ovens perfectly burning around the clock.
Next, point out how the showers that they often claim were “converted to a gas chamber” were cheap wooden rooms that had cheap wooden doors (which would be terrible at venting out the deadly toxins if you were trying to make the process go fast), and how the amount of time, thought, and material needed to convert the camp’s showers both to and from a “secret poison gas death chamber” just couldn’t afford to be spared by the end of the war (when Germany as a whole was regularly having oil shortages, and many German officials were abandoning the camps and leaving the prisoners to starve, rather than die in the Allied bombing runs or be captured by the Allied front lines).
Finally, point out that, despite this apparently being Hitler’s (undocumented) “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Problem” (which he himself was a part of, thanks to his Jewish grandmother), the same Ashkenazi sect of Judaism that was supposedly affected the most by the Holocaust (yes, you read that right, the ancient sect of Judaism that was supposedly targeted by the German National Socialist Worker’s Party…actually had Nazi in their official name) grew in population size from the beginning of Hitler’s reign in the 1930s to its total destruction in the mid-1940s (despite only officially having 3 million Ashkenazi Jews in all of Europe at the time of the Holocaust for Hitler to even kill).
TheTrigger: “There weren’t even that many Jews in Europe, at the time. look it up, if you don’t believe me.”
Works for me; no one has anything to say, when you bring that up.
Gorillion: The 6 million number is something that was kicking around even before WW2. Jews have an obsession with that number.
Tallest_Skil: Have them (THEM, not you. It forces them to be engaged.) call up a local crematorium (or look it up online) and ask how long it takes a cremation to occur. They’ll be told 2 to 2.5 hours. That’s with modern, computer-regulated furnace equipment. And then you simply run the math for them. The number of Jews said to have been cremated by Nazis after having been gassed in homicidal gas chambers is implausible given time constraints. Round one, the daily total:
I’ll focus on Auschwitz, but you can do these calculations yourselves from the stats at Wikipedia articles for the other death camps. 1.1 million is the current estimate for how many were murdered at Auschwitz (it was originally 4 million, but even they don’t claim that anymore). By the spring of 1944, 8,000 people were being gassed every day at Auschwitz. (1) According to a specialist site, “Cremating at the optimum temperature (16-1800º), the average weighted remains takes 2 to 2.5 hours. (2) Let’s say 2 hours for the sake of calculation. They had 52 crematoria at Auschwitz into which one body at a time could be placed. (3) To cremate 8,000 bodies with 52 crematoria at your service burning non-stop would require 12.8 days. Yet this was supposedly done every day.
Round two, the entire total: All these gassed bodies, 8,000 a day by the climax, were burnt, according to the orders of Höss in September 1942. 800,000 is the lowest estimate I could find among court historians for the number of Jews killed at Auschwitz. (4) The Wikipedia holocaust article also says, “From spring 1942 until the fall of 1944, transport trains delivered Jews to the camp’s gas chambers from all over Nazi-occupied Europe.” So that’s 33 months–990 days. Let’s say 1,000 days, just because. Let’s divide the 800,000 bodies to burn, which makes 800 bodies a day. 52 ovens at 2 hours a body means 624 bodies a day, assuming a non-stop burn rate. That’s below the 800 bodies which would have needed to be burnt, and also assumes extra days to burn, remember. Note all of the favorable roundings, giving it the lowest number of bodies (lower than the legally acceptable number in Europe) and the greatest amount of time possible, likely making these numbers lower than most court historians would claim.
The Final Solution, Gerald Reitlinger, painter and potter (yes, an artist, not a historian)
Former CIA officer, Philip Giraldi: “I do think that there are some individuals in the Trump administration who are more-or-less being directed by a foreign government and its intelligence service and that government would be Israel.”
Leakyradio: That’s an interesting thought. That all of this Russia collusion is a distraction from the Zionist take over of the White House.
Non-equilibrium: Jewish gangsters support Israel. And Trump knows a fair few of those.
IAMAExpertInBirdLaw: If you can’t see Trump for the Zionist he is by now I don’t know what it will take to convince your blind self.
Tunderbar1: Now that I believe.
surfzz318: He meant I think every cabinet has been directed in some part by Israel. I mean why else would we just give them money.
minimum_8peat: Why? Because the politicians get pittance political donation eg. Trump got $20m to line his personal pocket, Americans are made to pay $39 Billions instead. Plus, give Jerusalem away with mountainful of backlash from the Muslims forever.
astros1337: How does it feel to have voted for a russian puppet, you uneducated TrumpF voters? ????
Brendancs0: Zionist’s have infiltrated awhile ago, I just think Trumps team is more in your face with it. It will be his down fall
Michael Jackson – The History Books Are Not True, It’s a Lie
“The history books are lying, you need to know that. You must know that.”
Whaddaya Say?