LiquidMotion: I bought an Xbox on Craigslist once and the dad was selling it to punish his kid. I felt so bad, I was packing it up in the kids room while his dad was standing there going “see this is what happens when you lie and steal”
transistorfn: I hope Dad understands a subscription billing model, or he’s not gonna have anything to smash next time!
“Don’t you fucking lie to me, where is the other xbox!? There has to be another one!”
upinthemountains42: Thats cool and all but why not sell it? Get some of that cash back.
AdmObir: Next up, kid steals credit card again and buys new xbox.
JasonsBoredAgain: And the XBox 1 “Slim” is born.
MushroomCloudMoFo: This is one of those moments when I feel old. Not that long ago, I would have thought *”man that guy is a dick.”* Now I look at it and think *”3rd time?! The kid had it coming.”*
… now that I type it out, they’re probably both accurate.
Cartman1234321: Not that it’s bad to show your kid there are consequences to your actions but to post it on Facebook is childish and trashy. Seems like real winners…
Fred_Evil: > should of
Specopcleric: A bit dramatic for my tastes, but I agree with the sentiment. Stealing is bullsh*t.
SprAwsmMan: Justice served would’ve been this kid working to pay back the money he stole from his parents.
roque72: *should have
Fk_th_system: I wouldn’t consider it justice served. I hate the “shame the kids online” fad.
fapmaster2003: “Dad smashes his own xbox like angry 12 year old because he is angry at his 12 year old, because the only way he learned how to parent was from watching his dad get drunk and break things.”
woodsbre: Then in a months time when the dad almost certainly buys another xbox, the dad might also learn a lesson. Its better to not lose your temper and disable purchases on the xbox (takes about 5 minutes). You not only save the money of buying a new xbox but you teach your kid that destroying property even if it yours is not the right way to do things.
Fitzpleazurer: I sold my Xbox to a guy who bought it for his son. I let them take over my old gamertag as it had a few games associated with it the kid would want. One day I started getting emails on my Microsoft account for GTA V purchases. $500 worth. It seemed kind of odd since the guy didn’t seem that well off so I figured I would send him an email and let him know. Later that day he sent me a picture of the destroyed Xbox with a thank you for letting him know. This must be pretty common.
Gigglepops1: Am I the only one who thinks this is an over reactions and kind of insane?
imsuperbogus: Seems like a shitty dad and husband. Destroying things as a solution? Then posting it publicly? And taking a jab at his wife while he’s at it? You could spend 5 seconds and find a better solution.
yousonuva: I’d say the kid’s behavior is reflected from this vengeance-hungry father. This is a pretty childish act. Also he needs to learn there’s no such thing as “should of.” For that I say we smash his hammer with another hammer.
assburgers98: This seems like a pretty immature way to discipline your kid. By doing this he teaches his kid that it’s appropriate to destroy property when somebody has wronged you. Also who initially paid for the Xbox, if it was the kid the dad could force him to sell it and pay back the money stolen two fold or he could confiscate it until the money is paid back plus some punitive damages. Also it’s worth noting that when Xbox live expires Microsoft will auto renew charging whatever debt/credit card they have on file for the account. There’s not enough info here to determine if that’s what happened but it’s worth considering.
colton_z: Maybe the kid had the auto renew on. I kind of feel bad for him.
ThorOfTheAsgard: Yes, teach your kids to overreact and break things. Good parenting.
PigsAndCats: 3rd time? I would’ve caught such an ass beating the first time that I never would’ve never done it again. I never even considered taking money from my parents, especially my father. He wasn’t a crazy tyrant or anything but he was old school and would’ve smacked me without hesitation.
alexisftw: How is this justice served, the dad most likely bought that xbox, and that’s him throwing his own money away, he could have sold it which would have gotten him some money and same outcome for the kid.
logallama: Stupid waste of an xbox though. Donate it to some needy family or something
ThreeEyedHawk: Agreed, stealing your parents money deserves concequences.
cory8092: Oh… He must have bought Battlefront 2.
keetbob: Just confiscate it or something like a normal person, what a total d**khead
defdrago: Only lesson this kid learned is that his dad is a nut and he should run as quickly as possible.
TintinTooner: I feel like that household might be an uncomfortable place to live. Don’t know why.
A2Rhombus: “Haha, I’m destroying something I bought myself! That’ll teach em!”
Cascadianranger: Parents who smash their kids shit are bad parents, plain amf simple. This guy is a total moron if he thinks his kids will learn from this. Instead hes just gonna think his dads an asshole and a destructive person.
Guungames: Man…this sub has really gone downhill. This is “justice”?
frustrated_ape: I mean, I would have taken it…
al_pettit11: that’s not justice, that’s a waste of a good Xbox that could have gone to a good child that would have been happy to have it.
overthe_edge: Idiot should have sold it to recoup the live charges.
xGaryxBuseyxTeethx: Congrats!
You just wasted $$$ you could have received after selling it online.
MARSPW: What a great father. I’m sure his kid loves him now.
legendkiller643: I feel like someone that would do this has some serious issues. Seems like a f**king psychopath to me
Whaddaya Say?