Following the infamous “Tim Cook Vows To Ban All Conspiracy Theorists From The Internet”, whereby the banishment is seen by many as an act to stifle free speech, rather than to make Internet “safer” as claimed. Here is yet another scandalous episode involving the the “almighty” Apple: – Tumblr Latest Site To Crack Down On
Tim Cook Vows To Ban All Conspiracy Theorists From The Internet
Tim Cook says conspiracy theorists must be banished from the internet Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks Hebrew in address at anti-Semitism conference “‘Lo ta’amod al dam re’eikha.’ Do not be indifferent to the bloodshed of your fellow man,” Cook said after receiving the ADL’s Courage Against Hate Award. Sounds like even the world’s powerful self-professed
George H.W. Bush Left Behind A Slew Of Serious Conspiracy Theories
Former President George H.W. Bush Is Dead At 94 He represented a moderate wing of the Republican establishment that in many ways has passed from the political scene. George H.W. Bush, who in one term as president reasserted the U.S. as the world’s lone superpower, rallying an international coalition against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in the
Trump, Deutsche Bank, and Breakaway Civilization Conspiracy
Panama Papers lead to coordinated raid on Deutsche Bank Is this a conspiracy to nail Trump? Rumor: Deutsche Bank Raid Is Conspiracy Against Trump Rumor from a don who has about 30 years of dealing with the subject matter – Russia was bankrolling and bailing him out of bankruptcy through Deutsche Bank, that Russia has
California Wildfires Are A Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Conspiracy?
The recent California Wildfire occurred with some very distinct anomalies that would raise a lot of questions to those who are fully aware of existing exotic ultrahigh energy-based technologies that where invented more than a hundred years ago. Example of questionable Anomaly Interior of Tree Burning defies the laws of physics for an open air fire.