The Suspect in the Cat Abuse Video has been ARRESTED! He was spotted by officers today in Upland. He ran from the officers but was quickly tackled and arrested. The injured cat is at a veterinarian hospital being looked after and is in good condition.
meatywood: Better to get him now for hurting a cat than to wait until he kills a neighbor or twelve.
connornishijima: Good! Let this rotten fuck do his time for Felony Animal Abuse now. Glad to hear the poor kitty is recovering.
roofied_elephant: Just saw this mentioned on TV, can anyone clue me in?
HitlersStankySnatch: I HOPE they throw his ass in jail. See if he lands on his feet.
type_E: Stupid youth identity protection whatever is going to hide his life details or backstory though.
snorgsniffer: Kill it now, and save society all kinds of future agony.
msbeau: Here’s a picture of the sweet kitten “Spot” in recovery:
I am pleased to note the cat is doing better and is in great care. 😁
— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) December 5, 2017
I’m so glad he’s still alive, I was reading heart breaking reports that kitty died from internal injuries the next day
dirtymoney: Well, that’s good news.
What happened to the kitten? I never watched the video (I dont want to see it).
Edit: I just saw the twitter update with the cat in recovery pic. Poor thing.
Pennstate_rapeteam: Anyone in Ontario want to give him a proper beat down?
h8speech: I bet he’ll get a warm welcome in juvie