Live Footage From Wuhan
As It Happens, As It Unfolds…
True Medical Heroes
The medical staff at Wuhan Union Hospital have been risking their lives fighting the Coronavirus. Great news that 11 medical staff at the hospital who were infected have turned negative for the virus and symptoms were controlled after treatment. Bravo!
True heroes putting their lives at risk to save innocent people +AAA+ Social Score
R.I.P – Martyred To Save Mankind
Dr. Liang Wudong, a surgeon who was treating patients in Wuhan, become the first doctor to die from the new Coronavirus at Hubei Xinhua Hospital. A reminder that while everyone else is trying to avoid it, frontline medical staff are risking their lives to cure it and help others.
Our heartfelt condolences… Rest In Peace.
This beautiful man had retired in June, but came back to work to save lives and lost his own… This little detail makes his sacrifice even bigger. He didn’t have to do what he did, but he didn’t think twice.
He was a Good Doctor and a Real Hero… Respect!
Nothing is more respectable than those that put their own life at high risk to help others… Truly noble.
He didn’t die in vain… His life and courage will be inspiration to us all.
The Wuhan nurses and doctors pulling daily 18 hour shifts in inadequate masks, wearing adult diapers, not eating or changing and risking their own lives for the thankless task of treating a never ending stream of terrified people.
The doctors and nurses on the ground who are making a superhuman effort to hold the line. Hope the medical professionals toiling away in Wuhan will get proper recognition for the efforts they’ve made, they represent the greatest of china and humanity.
Best wishes for all the patients and doctors… The stethoscope wearing Angels.
“Keep it up, Wuhan!”
Premier Li Keqiang motivating medical warriors: “Wuhan, Jiayou (武汉加油)!”
What does “jiāyóu” 加油 mean in English?
Heartwarming to see Wuhan Residents chant “Wuhan, Jiayou (武汉加油)” for their city to hold on despite adversity
Here is another Hero…
Overworked Chinese doctor collapses from exhaustion
More Frontline Heroes are marching to the warzone to save humanity…
It’s Batman!
China detects large quantity of novel Coronavirus at Wuhan seafood market
- Best man? Batman
- Best car? Batmobile
- Best meat? Batmeat
Wuhan Warrior To The Rescue…
China bans wildlife trade nationwide due to coronavirus outbreak
The good thing is China is already in the process of cutting meat consumption by 50%, they are also rapidly adopting meat alternatives and investing heavily in lab grown meat (and see here), and they have cut consumption of shark fin soup by 80%.
*Looks like they are trying to cut the problem off at the source, hopefully these changes are permanent:
China bans wildlife trade nationwide due to coronavirus outbreak
Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China
Live Map Of The Virus
Source – Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering
Conspiracy Theory courtesy of The Donald — mouthpiece of Trump’s Trolls.
Soros owned biotech firm in Wuhan, China with 666 address
Warning: This Trump Gang is known to disseminate NOTHING BUT Fake News, Malicious Stories, and unsubstantiated Conspiracy Theories…
These tin-foiled trolls claim Several Chinese nationals were removed from Canada’s only level 4 viral lab last year for stealing pathogens and sending them to labs in Wuhan. One of them being an expert on the Coronavirus
A quick search shows Dr. Xiangguo Qiu is helping to develop treatment for Ebola. She was never charged for any crime.
Coincidentally, Trumps’s infamous son-in-law, Jared Kushner owns 666 5th Ave in Manhattan.
As a result,
Some Chinese in Wuhan Are Blaming Americans For Planting The Coronavirus In China
And this rather ridiculous story about bodies being cremated before they can be tallied to the death toll.
- Undiagnosed deaths exceed 100 per day
- Look at the people in the funeral home, they are there 24 hours a day
- Suspected deaths are directly cremated and do not go through the funeral process
- You mean I they don’t want to store it?
- Not stored
- Burn (cremate) straight.
- It went from illness to death to cremation in 24 hours.
- Oh God bless Wuhan
- 17-2-404 You got it too?
Video game company urges players to AVOID Plague Inc. game for information on Coronavirus CNN
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