Uplifting News
78 year old man in Wuhan with pre-conditions is recovered and discharged on 1/29 People.com.cn
“78 year old severe case, hypertension and diabetes for 20 years, admitted in hospital on 1/9, and on 1/18 he is in critical condition. Improved 4 days later (1/22). Now he meets the conditions to be discharged.
Doctor’s comment: for severe cases, use small/mid dose of steroid-type medicine to help the patient pass the 2-3 week process. Then he will be improved as the body produces antibody.”
Best Wishes and as always,
A tribute to medical workers in Wuhan
Timeout For Troublemakers
Police Sealed Off Home Of Coronvirus Carrier Who Who Refused To Stay Indoor In Wuhan
Not idea what really happened.
It appears there are some troublemakers — Coronavirus carriers just refused to be quarantined by staying indoor.
Ended up, authorities in Wuhan gotta go the extra miles by taking extreme measures such as this case — Lock Them Up by welding their front door in order to stop the the disease carrier from roaming around the city.
What can we say?
Naughty kids deserve Timeout!
Keep safe — disinfect, mask up, etc…. Common sense stuffs.
Wuhan Jiayu 加油武汉
Meanwhile, naughty kids are all over America…
Authorities LIED
So is this…
Quebec (Canada) lets kids getting back from Wuhan into schools and daycares, without any quarantine. La Presse
Government says that since they don’t have any symptoms they don’t need to be quarantined. However, we know the incubation period can be asymptomatic and take up to 2 weeks.
Corona Punk
A Mcdonald’s delivery guy in Coronavirus-stricken China looking like a corporate soldier in his homemade NBC gear.
‘Sick and Heartless’
Wilbur Ross Says Deadly Coronavirus Could ‘Accelerate’ Return of Jobs to US Common Dream
“This is the kind of thing you say when you have no soul.”
First Coronavirus case in racist USA (2020)
What a shame. Stay classy like this gentleman…
Classy Man Left 500 Face Mask In A Police Station And Jogged Off. Police Officers Salute.
Time for Commies To Walk The Talk
Chief: It’s time for members of CCP to take over patient visitation from the doctors
Hospital boss tells Commies to “Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk. Actually, Walk the Talk.”
He announced at a press that CCP members must visit the patients from now on, since they have been preaching “People First!” all along.
It’s time to let the doctor rest, and let the party members take over the frontline.
Make sense and it’s the Politically Correct thing to do.
Stay Classy, Comrades.
Classy Chinese doctor dying from ALS works to save coronavirus patients in Wuhan
O7… O is the head and 7 is the salute
How fast is the Wuhan Virus spreading?
Today I Learned
Wuhan is bigger than London and New York
Coronavirus Is Gay!
Today I learned everyone who died from the Coronavirus is gay.
White House-approved pundit says coronavirus will “purge” gay people Metro Weekly
Men may be more prone to coronavirus than women, Chinese study of 99 patient in Wuhan finds SCMP
Bat Soup Ban
Report: Outbreak of idiocy spreading 10,000 times faster than Coronavirus The Beaverton
Coronavirus victim being wheeled across the street
Fake History Porn
CoronaVirus claims its first victim in Mexico
Expect to see this at Wuhan hospitals?
The Coronavirus Vigilantes
Desperate villagers in China arm themselves with spears and dig up roads to stop sick escaping quarantines
Concerned locals barricading themselves
- One village was filmed destroying its gateway and another blocking a road
- Weapon-holding guards were also seen protecting their villages at checkpoints
- Beijing has banned local officials from setting up barriers without authorisation
- Death toll of the life-threatening disease has soared to at least 170 in China
- There are now at least 6,168 people confirmed to have been infected globally
No Messing Around
One community putting a warning at its entrance urging people to report those who just returned from Wuhan. The banner, which is erected on a pile of mud, reads: ‘Inform and report immediately once [you] discover people returning from Wuhan’
Residents in Xikangzhuang, close to the border of Shanxi province, have built entire walls out of brick, reportedly to ‘stop outsiders coming to our village’
This would make a great HBO miniseries in a few years.
Breaking News: The CIA reveals Peppa Pig was behind the creation of Coronavirus
Blursed… Coronavirus
I don’t think so
Last but not least,
You Should Know
You can actively track the Coronavirus and its spread
Bill Gates said his biggest fear is a Spanish Flu, black pague type of virus happening again and ever since we heard him say it, it’s become our biggest fear!
Considering the media and all of the misleading that happens, these links make it insanely easy to track the virus without the extra unnecessary information popping up in front of you
Link: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
Second link from the community: https://thewuhanvirus.com/
THIS IS THE VIDEO OF BILL GATES THAT I REFERRED TO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AEMKudv5p0
Coronavirus is literally an “an extremely common cause of the common cold” this particular virus just happens to be a deadlier mutation.
So even with a vaccine, mutations still do happen. Additionally, vaccines for the flu are only effective about 50% of the time. CDC source
We want everyone to be safe and Aware, and Alert of the situation.
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