Did You Know?
Wuhan 武汉 literally means “Kungfu Man” (in Chinese)
Stay Calm & Stay Classy,
Help Is On Its Way From All Over The World.
Wuhan, We’ve got your back. Together, We’ll Prevail 💪🏼💪🏼
This catastrophic event is getting more intense by the hour. Hence — UPDATING As It Happens, As it Unfolds: –
Military physician heading to the quarantined zone in Wuhan…
62 year old ENT Doctor Liang Wudong retired from the medical field last June but returned to help battle the growing coronavirus outbreak at the Hubei Xinhua hospital in Wuhan. He died after contracting the virus.
Wuhan doctor in tears announcing there are overwhelmingly too many cases of sick people
In the absence of context, here’s the rough gist: –
“The crying doctor seems to be on the phone with another hospital that is sending more patients to his hospital. It’s obvious all the hospitals are over-capacity at this point, so he wants them to stop sending more patient his way. The other side seems to suggest that they can send more doctors his way, but he replies he doesn’t want more doctors, there’s simply no room for patients.
They’re desperate and helpless as the nurse says they couldn’t really reach anyone higher up. They failed to get the head of the other hospital…”
Horrifying but do stay calm as Help Is On The Way… China is managing the crisis with military Precision eg.
Next Level Endeavor…
Unverified video from Wuhan allegedly showing patients being treated in streets
#Breaking: Unverified shocking video footage taken from inside the city of #Wuhan of medical personnel treating elderly people under blankets supposedly being infected by the #CoronaVirus, while fireworks is being shot in the air. #China #Disease pic.twitter.com/JkkwbGmoVP
— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) January 25, 2020
Wuhan hospital staff breaks down while others are completely burnt out due to long shift hours and overcrowding. It seems like the scale of the outbreak is worse than portrayed by Chinese state media
Wuhan, We Hear You.
Stay Clam & Rock Steady.
Hospital staff in Wuhan are wearing adult diapers because they don’t have time to pee while caring for an overwhelming number of coronavirus patients Business Insider
That’s Spirit.
When China says “Lockdown”, they mean every single letter of the word — That’s Classy:-
Emma on Twitter: “This photo was sent to me a few hours ago by someone I know of in #Wuhan. They’ve haven’t (yet!) got #coronavirus and they tried to leave the city to take their family to safety. Every road out was blocked.
Is Beijing suppressing the true scale of infections? Nurse treating coronavirus sufferers in China claims 90,000 people have already been infected
- New virus originated in China, where it has infected more than 1,970 and killed 56, and has spread worldwide
- Chinese government faces mounting accusations of censoring the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak
- Critics have said the Communist regime in Beijing is scrubbing critical videos from the internet
- China’s president Xi Jinping warns of ‘grave situation’ as killer coronavirus accelerates
- Cities across the US are on high alert as two coronavirus cases are confirmed in Chicago and Washington
- Sixty-three Americans are tested in 22 states and 1,000 US citizens told to evacuate Ground Zero in Wuhan
- Canadian authorities on Saturday confirmed the first case of coronavirus – a man in his 50s from Toronto
Full video
More Conspiracies?
First it was blamed on snakes, now they are blaming it on a seafood market. But it would defy logic that it could have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Link
The Chinese Corona Virus came from Canada? ‘I think the Chinese activities … are highly suspicious,’ one expert said, after it was revealed a Winnipeg lab sent samples of Ebola and henipavirus to China.’
Video of inside a hospital (English translation)
A message from a nurse working in a hospital in Wuhan (English translation)
A message from a government official after attending a work dinner/meeting (only Chinese for now)
20 year old Wuhan Doomer
Scandalous Parents Abandoned Sick Kids At Airport And Just Flew Away The Sun
Couple decided to dump their feverish children behind at Nanjing Lukou International Airport… Total Scandal.
Patient with fever removes mask on female nurse and spits on her face in Wuhan, saying ‘I don’t want to live anymore and you guys should not live too!’
Some patients infected with the new Corona virus, some of them started to fall and lose consciousness in the streets and sidewalks of the city of Wuhan as a result of extreme fatigue and their refusal to visit doctors.
Wuhan coronavirus patients being transported in sealed boxes from Airport
Fight over groceries now that Wuhan is under quarantine
It’s like watching all the scenes from Contagion (2011) in real time.
Video from inside a hospital in Wuhan
Video from inside a hospital in Wuhan#China #Wuhan #Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/K2HJNwudlw
— CNW (@ConflictsW) January 23, 2020
Hidden footage of Wuhan Hospital shows true severity
An AI Epidemiologist Sent the First Warnings of the Wuhan Virus Wired
A man diagnosed with Wuhan coronavirus near Seattle is being treated largely by a robot CNN
Batman Soup Lovers Will Stop Eating The Bat Sh*t
Panic over Wuhan Coronavirus Leads to Online Backlash against Consumption of Wild Animals in China – Amid the coronavirus outbreak panic, the majority of Chinese netizens say it’s time for wild game to be game over.
Wuhan Porn
Wuhan, China – A city 80x the size of Paris
Distribution of the Wuhan Virus outbreak
Last but not least, something Heart Warming…
A store in Japan lowers the price of masks and says “Cheer up, China”
ありがとうございました Arigatōgozaimashita
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