**Submission Statement**
The time to look the other way is over. The time to allow the Zionist Narrative to predominate is over. The time to be silent or accepting of the Zionist Conspiracy is over. Brave people like Abby Martin who have visited Palestine to learn the truth for themselves, to talk to the oppressors and the victims, are to be listened to. They have earned the right to be listened to, and we owe them our attention.
d3rr: You’re killing it lately, keep it up.
TheFingerTron: Gotta love Abby. Good video.
coquinaa: I love Abby. She is a true patriot and a leader. She goes where few dare to go, and even fewer can film. She has amazing talks with Joe Rogan where she dives deep into the state of Israel and the Fascist state that it is. Always gonna upvote Abby.
And for those of you that think shes “hot” politely fuck off. She isn’t a piece of meat and is not known for her looks. She is known for her courage, lets keep the discussion there, and about Zionism.
This last one is just a 25 min clip of her talking about Zionism. Its worth the watch if you dont want to listen to all 2+ hours (even tho you shoullllld)
A_Privateer: Abby Martin is a useful idiot. Jimmy Dore is just an idiot.
BreakingMe: I think Abby is just awesome. She’s smart, articulate, and not at all fearful of asking difficult questions or taking an unpopular stance.
That said, she did not allow sufficient time on task to pass quality judgement. Her interview quotes were excessively one-sided, and included zero expression of anti-Israel sentiment by Palestinians. We know those voices exist. In abundance.
She diminishes her own effort with nonsense logic such as this: *“And they’ve just been given carte blanche by the Trump administration because you see bills being presented in the Kneset that just want to annex the entire West Bank.”* Sorry Abby, that does not reflect quality reasoning.
Then she equates the BDS movement, specifically in Texas, with the NRA. No, Abby. No.
This is not the best moment for Abby.
DarthMobius: Abby Martin went down and did a documentary recently that was very pro-Venezuelan government. She only talked to Maduro supporters and only filmed footage of grocery stores that were pre-stocked so Maduro could pump out some propaganda via the anti-semetic, pro-socialist filmmaker-reporter Martin. She has an agenda, and her claims are clearly slanted. Israel gained all of the Sinai peninsula even as far as the Suez Canal, and all current Israeli territory, post-Six Day War in 1967. They have offered the Palestinian people land time and again, but they refuse continuously. They ceded the Sinai Peninsula, they have ceded the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank Settlements, but it is still Israeli land. What is the problem with them trying to integrate themselves with the Palestinians? The Bedouins are friendly with the Israelis, the Kurds are friends with the Israelis, the only problem is the Palestinians who believe everything Hamas tells them. The Palestinians teach anti-semitism in their schools, in their media, in their conversations. If they hate Israel so much, they need to immigrate to Jordan or Egypt or Lebanon, any of the countries that attacked Israel in the first place so they can find commonality with their brothers in hate.
sinedup4thiscomment: We need more hot women breaking the Zionist conspiracy to the masses. The only way through man’s psychological defenses is through his penis!
Har har.
Don’t hate me I am a fellow man just like you.
Related: –
- Israel Demands $28,000 Compensation From Family Of Palestinian Whom Israeli Soldiers Shot In The Back & Drove Over With An Army Jeep, Then Conspired To Keep Him Under The Jeep For Three Hours Until He Died. The $28,000 Is For Damage The Murdered Man Caused To The Jeep Which Crushed Him To Death.
- In 2004 a 13yo girl was walking to school but was shot and wounded at a distance by IDF soldiers. As she cowered behind a rock an Israeli captain went up to her and emptied 17 bullets from his rifle into her at point blank range. The captain was exonerated and later promoted to a Major.
Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust
- Abby Martin’s shocking documentary on Palestinian “refugee camps” within their own country. This is the result of Israeli ethnic cleansing and Palestinians being driven from their homes just miles away, so that Israeli families could move in. Great reporting on disgusting human rights abuses.
- Israel’s racism, bigotry, and hypocrisy
- Zionists control America and by extension every one of us
- German court backs Auschwitz guard’s conviction – Justice for bigots/Racists?
- Jerusalem – The Only Way Forward
- Lorde ‘bullied’ after dropping Israel show
- French Prime Minister’s nephew is among three tourists repeatedly stabbed in Israeli seaside resort and left lying on promenade, “Mr Philippe and the French President refused to accept Jerusalem as the capital”
- “If opposing Israel is anti-semitism then what do you call supporting a state that has been conspiring in brutal ethnic cleansing for seven decades. What does that make you?” asks Miko Peled, an Israeli Jew, son of an Israeli general, former Israeli soldier and leading voice for Palestinian freedom.
- Yesterday, Israeli Border Police tried to drag into a jeep 3 Palestinian children (aged 7 to 8) who were playing near home
- The Holocaust that Hollywood will never make a movie about — The Palestinian Holocaust
- “Bro, my dad arranged a $20 billion deal and you can’t spot me 400 shekels?” — Yair Netanyahu caught on audio, asking for money to pay a stripper. Corruption is a family affair in the Netanyahu family
- “Jews copyrighted the letter ‘U’ and make all companies with ‘U’ in their logo pay them millions each year”
Whaddaya Say?